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Better Birding
New England Shorebird Guide
New England eBird Notables
eBird Notables in the field
Connecticut eBird Notables
Maine eBird Notables
Massachusetts eBird Notables
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Rhode Island eBird Notables
Vermont eBird Notables
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New England Birding List Digests
High Tide Tables for Birders
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The Murmuration: Massachusetts eBird Hotspots
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All About Birds
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology at Cornell University presents an online guide to birds and birdwatching.
Identify birds of North America with a few clicks.
Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan.
Patuxent Bird Identification Info Center
Photographs, songs, videos, identification tips, maps, and life history information for North American birds provided by the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
Wild about wild birds!
Discover Life
Online field guide.
Macaulay Library
The world's largest archive of wildlife sounds and videos by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Dedicated to sharing bird sounds from all over the world.
Bird Calls and Songs
Recordings and sonagrams of the bird sounds of eastern North America and beyond.
Mangoverde World Bird Guide
An all volunteer project to create a freely accessible multimedia field guide to all of the world's bird species.
The songs and calls of 602 species of North American birds.
Nature Songs
North American bird sounds - not just bird calls or bird songs, but all the sounds birds make, such as wing sounds and bill rattles.
Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics
Find the sound of your favorite bird, mammal, amphibian or insect in the BLB, one of the largest animal sound archives in the world.
Bird Songs
Songs and calls of some New York State birds.
Wisconsin BBA
Includes many Mass. species.
Minnesota Birding Trail
Includes many Mass. species.
General Info
Sibley updates and corrections
Updates and corrections for any of their books or guides.
AOS publications
Includes AOS
Checklist of North and Middle American Birds
(7th Edition and Supplements).
ABA Checklist
PDF / XLS printable checklists.
The Great Backyard Bird Count
Bird watchers of all ages count birds to create a real-time snapshot of where birds are.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
A world leader in the study, appreciation, and conservation of birds.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
The Center develops and manages national inventory and monitoring programs and is responsible for the North American Bird Banding Program.
American Bird Conservancy (ABC)
ABC is the Western Hemisphere's bird conservation specialist — the only organization with a single and steadfast commitment to achieving conservation results for birds and their habitats throughout the Americas.
Birdability… because birding is for everybody!
Birdability focuses on removing barriers to access for birders with mobility challenges, blindness or low vision, intellectual or developmental disabilities (including autism), mental illness, being Deaf or Hard of Hearing and other health concerns.
BLM Strategic Plan for Migratory Bird Conservation
Direct link to pdf, published 4/16/2013 by the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior.
eBird provides rich data sources for basic information on bird abundance and distribution at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.
Birding Hotspots
Discover tips, descriptions, maps, and images for thousands of eBird hotspots.
Results by Count
Results by Species
Audubon Christmas Bird Count results. Also of interest:
Dec. 2015 116th CBC Circles
Avian Knowledge Network (AKN)
AKN partners act to improve awareness, purpose, access to, and use of data and tools at scales ranging from individual locations to administrative regions (e.g., management areas, states, countries) and species ranges.
North American Breeding Bird Survey
Estimates of trend (interval-specific estimates of population change), annual indices of abundance, and maps of abundance and population change for the more than 400 species of North American birds.
Count data and site profiles for over 275 North American Hawkwatch sites.
Literature Search
Searchable Ornithological Research Archive
is the world's first and largest open access ornithological publications archive.
An online repository of information about the science of ornithology, and about issues of interest to ornithologists.
Google Scholar
From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other websites.
MD/DC Records Committee
Index of articles on species identification (pdf)
Radar Technology - A Tool for Understanding Migratory “Aerofauna”
USGS, Fort Collins Science Center
Bird Migration Forecasts in real time.
Tom Auer's Blog
Thoughts on the Migration, Distribution, and Phenology of North American Birds.
Badbirdz Reloaded
From March to May and from August to October you will find daily posts regarding bird migration over Florida.
Nest Cams
Du Bois Library Falcons
UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA
New Balance Falcon Cam
New Balance, Lawrence, MA
Meet the River Hawks
UMass Lowell, Lowell, MA
Felix Neck Owl Cam
Felix Neck, Martha's Vineyard.
Woods Hole Osprey Cam
Quissett Campus of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Allyn Cox Reservation in Essex, MA.
Ravens at Wellesley
Wellesley’s Science Center, Wellesley, MA.
A Random Collection
Banding Codes
"Real birders use four-letter words."
Gull Banding Key
Gull Banding Institutions
From Bird Observer
Vol. 44, No. 5
Bird Dictionary
Dictionary of birdwatching terminology.
IOC World Bird List
An up-to-date classification of world birds and set of recommended English names.
The History of North American Bird Names
In the American Ornithologists' Union Checklists 1886 - 2000.
The Feather Atlas
Promotes feather identificaton, research, and appreciation by providing high-resolution scans of the flight feathers of North American birds.
The Rule of Twelfths
The tide cycle, simplified.
General Nature
Google Scholar
From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
The nation’s first laboratory dedicated to wildlife research.
The site's core content of wildlife information about almost 6,000 individual species is the same data set used to create the printed Audubon Field Guides.
Discover Life
On-line tools to identify species, teach and study nature's wonders, report findings, build maps, process images, and contribute to and learn from a growing, interactive encyclopedia of life with 1,000,000+ species pages.
NatureServe Explorer
An authoritative source for information on more than 70,000 plants, animals, and ecosystems of the United States and Canada.
Animal Diversity Web
An online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
USGS Ecosystems
U.S. Geological Survey
Mammals of New England
Photos and information.
Smithsonian Institution
North American mammals.
Direct link to
Pocket Guide to MA Animal Tracks
Mammals in Massachusetts
The present list recognizes 104 species.
Museum of Comparative Zoology
Ichthyology Department at Harvard Univeristy.
Amphibians & Reptiles
Mass. Dept. of Fish & Game
State Reptiles & Amphibians List.
Provides information on amphibian declines, natural history, conservation, and taxonomy.
Animal Diversity Web
Frog calls.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
North American Amphibian Monitoring Program.
The Vernal Pool Association
An independent group of individuals attempting to educate others about vernal pool ecology, the local environment, bio-diversity, and the protection of our resources.
UMass Amherst
Snakes of Massachusetts
Moths & Butterflies
Ed Lam's web site.
Butterflies of Massachusetts
List of species accounts.
Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas
Mass Audubon.
Damselflies & Dragonflies
Dragonflies & Damselflies of southern New England
Ode News (Blair Nikula).
Ed Lam's web site.
A Selection of Massachusetts Dragonflies and Damselflies
Photography by Glenn Corbiere.
Odonata Fauna of Connecticut
Scans of the 148 species of odonates and information on identification, distribution, flight activity, habitats, behavior, and conservation status of this fauna.
Other Insects
Identification, images, & information for insects, spiders & their kin for the United States & Canada.
Singing Insects of North America
To help users identify all species of crickets and katydids from America north of Mexico and the common species of Florida cicadas.
Guide to identification.
Audubon native plants database.
National Wildlife Federation native plant finder.
That’s A Plenty Farm
Toadshade Wildflower Farm
Discover thousands of New England plants.
Native Plant Trust
The nation’s oldest plant conservation organization and a recognized leader in native plant conservation, horticulture, and education.
Discover Life
Keys to identifying wildflowers.
Wildflowers from the trails of western Pennsylvania and beyond.
Wildflowers of the Westborough Reservoir
Includes a calendar of blooming time.
Connecticut Botanical Society
A group of amateur and professional botanists who share an interest in the plants and habitats of Connecticut and the surrounding region.
What Tree is That?
The Arbor Day Foundation.
Massachusetts Nature
Animal Tracks Den
Information on animals and their tracks.
© Copyright 2025 Bird Observer, Inc. and Eric Swanzey.
Website code/design/development by
Swanzey Internet Group LLC
Supporting photography by
Just Your Nature
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