Fig. 1. Red Knot. Winter (basic) plumage. Bolivar Peninsula, TX. 13 April 2017.
Fig. 5. Red Knots. Flock of juveniles, one adult with worn summer (alternate) plumage. Plymouth Beach, Plymouth, MA. 28 August 2014.
Fig. 13. Comparison of Black-bellied Plovers, Short-billed Dowitchers and Red Knot. Molting adult Red Knot stands out due to gray back and pale belly suffused with cinnamon color. South Beach, Chatham, MA. 14 August 2023.
Fig. 4. Red Knot. Spring (alternate) plumage. Note complex back (mantle) feather patterns. Bolivar Peninsula, TX. 11 May 2015.
Fig. 7. Red Knots. Left: juvenile in fresh plumage. Right: Worn summer (alternate) plumage. Plymouth Beach, Plymouth, MA. 28 August 2014.
Fig. 9. Red Knot. Juvenile. Note uniquely patterned back (mantle) feathers (inset). Nahant Beach, Nahant, MA. 22 August 2014.
Fig. 6. Red Knot. Summer (alternate) plumage with worn back (mantle) and faded cinnamon belly feathers. Plymouth Beach, Plymouth, MA. 28 August 2014.
Fig. 2. Red Knots in early spring. Left bird in winter (basic) plumage. Right bird mid-molt to spring (alternate) plumage. Bolivar Peninsula, TX. 13 April 2017.
Fig. 8. Red Knot. Summer (alternate) molting to winter (basic) plumage. Plymouth Beach, Plymouth, MA. 28 August 2014.
Fig. 11. Comparison of Dunlin, Red Knot and Sanderlings. Note distinctive subterminal dark lines on Red Knot back (mantle) feathers. Winthrop Beach, Winthrop, MA. 1 October 2016.
Fig. 12. Comparison of Red Knots and Sanderlings in flight. Note mostly pale, lightly barred tail, pale stripe on gray wings of Red Knots. Parker River NWR, Newburyport, MA. 6 September 2020.
Fig. 3. Red Knots in early spring. Upper bird in winter (basic) plumage. Lower bird mid-molt to spring (alternate) plumage. Bolivar Peninsula, TX. 6 May 2019.
Fig. 10. Comparison of Red Knot juvenile and Sanderlings. Note size and leg-color differences. Plymouth Beach, Plymouth. 13 August 2019.
Fig. 1. Red Knot. Winter (basic) plumage. Bolivar Peninsula, TX. 13 April 2017.
Fig. 5. Red Knots. Flock of juveniles, one adult with worn summer (alternate) plumage. Plymouth Beach, Plymouth, MA. 28 August 2014.
Fig. 13. Comparison of Black-bellied Plovers, Short-billed Dowitchers and Red Knot. Molting adult Red Knot stands out due to gray back and pale belly suffused with cinnamon color. South Beach, Chatham, MA. 14 August 2023.
Fig. 4. Red Knot. Spring (alternate) plumage. Note complex back (mantle) feather patterns. Bolivar Peninsula, TX. 11 May 2015.
Fig. 7. Red Knots. Left: juvenile in fresh plumage. Right: Worn summer (alternate) plumage. Plymouth Beach, Plymouth, MA. 28 August 2014.
Fig. 9. Red Knot. Juvenile. Note uniquely patterned back (mantle) feathers (inset). Nahant Beach, Nahant, MA. 22 August 2014.
Fig. 6. Red Knot. Summer (alternate) plumage with worn back (mantle) and faded cinnamon belly feathers. Plymouth Beach, Plymouth, MA. 28 August 2014.
Fig. 2. Red Knots in early spring. Left bird in winter (basic) plumage. Right bird mid-molt to spring (alternate) plumage. Bolivar Peninsula, TX. 13 April 2017.
Fig. 8. Red Knot. Summer (alternate) molting to winter (basic) plumage. Plymouth Beach, Plymouth, MA. 28 August 2014.
Fig. 11. Comparison of Dunlin, Red Knot and Sanderlings. Note distinctive subterminal dark lines on Red Knot back (mantle) feathers. Winthrop Beach, Winthrop, MA. 1 October 2016.
Fig. 12. Comparison of Red Knots and Sanderlings in flight. Note mostly pale, lightly barred tail, pale stripe on gray wings of Red Knots. Parker River NWR, Newburyport, MA. 6 September 2020.
Fig. 3. Red Knots in early spring. Upper bird in winter (basic) plumage. Lower bird mid-molt to spring (alternate) plumage. Bolivar Peninsula, TX. 6 May 2019.
Fig. 10. Comparison of Red Knot juvenile and Sanderlings. Note size and leg-color differences. Plymouth Beach, Plymouth. 13 August 2019.