Seth Kellogg, Marjorie W. Rines, and Robert H. Stymeist
March started with a continuation of the snows of February. On March 1 Boston received nearly four more inches of snow, the South Shore and Cape Cod got six more inches, and parts of Bristol County reported eight inches. This was a heavy snow causing multiple roof collapses throughout the region. On March 15 2.9 inches of snow fell in Boston and with that we set the record for the snowiest winter with 108.6 inches, one inch more than the previous record set in 1995-96.The deep freeze continued in March, causing many harbors to become clogged with ice. In Plymouth Harbor the ice was six to eight inches thick and even the Coast Guard cutter Pendant got stuck in Boston Harbor while breaking ice.

Baltimore Oriole building a nest by Sandy Selesky
April had no snow and the temperature averaged 48˚ in Boston, which is normal for the month. The high was 69˚ on April 13 and the low was 30˚ on the first. Rainfall totaled 2.28 inches in Boston, 1.46 inches below normal. Most of this fell on Patriot’s Day, which is also the day of the Boston Marathon, and was undoubtedly appreciated by the runners.
R. Stymeist