Seth Kellogg, Marjorie W. Rines, and Robert H. Stymeist
July temperatures were average, but precipitation was below average. The first 90˚ reading occurred unusually late on July 19, and the high of 92˚ was reached on July 20 and again on July 29. The low was 59˚ on July 16, and the high that day was just 68˚, 14˚ below average. Rainfall totaled 2.09 inches in Boston, 1.34 inches below normal, the most falling on July 9–10 with 1.27 inches.

Northern Gannet by Sandy Selesky
August was mild with temperatures reaching into the nineties on six days. Boston recorded an official heat wave August 15–17 (three days or more with temperatures reaching 90˚ or more). Precipitation was just 2.19 inches, 1.16 inches below average, and the most rain in any one day was only 0.83 inch on August 11.
R. Stymeist