Seth Kellogg, Marjorie W. Rines, and Robert H. Stymeist
The weather lowlight of the period was the continuing drought, which started to have a major impact on our water supply, vegetation, and wildlife. Most of the state was considered to be under severe drought except Cape Cod, a small portion of southeast Massachusetts, and most of the Berkshires. In July, rainfall in Boston was just .87 of an inch, nearly three inches below average, and in August, 1.72 inches of rain was recorded, 1.63 inches below normal.

Common Loons by Sandy Selesky
It was also very hot. July had 12 days in which the temperature reached 90˚ with a high of 98˚ in Boston on July 22, although many communities west and north of Boston saw the mercury exceed 100˚. It was the hottest August ever recorded in Boston. There were seven days with temperatures in the 90s with a high of 98˚ on August 12. A rare night-time tornado with winds of up to 100 miles an hour occurred on August 22 causing severe damage in the MetroWest area. Sections of Concord and Marlboro were especially hard hit.
R. Stymeist