Two birders from New Mexico visited Mount Auburn in mid-June and encountered the Yellow-rumped Warbler subspecies that they would normally expect back home, an Audubon’s! They submitted photos to eBird, and several local birders were fortunate to find the bird still present the following day. Bob Stymeist took the photo above.

On the heels of the Tundra Swan that appeared in Carver for many happy Massachusetts birders in March, a Trumpeter Swan showed up in May at Orlando’s Farm in Charlton. Originally photographed and submitted to eBird on May 26 by David Lusignan, it continued in the same area for nearly a full month. Most opinions suggested that the bird had originated from the recently reintroduced Great Lakes population. Justin Lawson took the photo above.

Sean Williams and Maili Waters spent May 30 surveying shorebirds at Monomoy, using a canoe borrowed from Blair Nikula. They were rewarded with the discovery of a Reeve (female Ruff) roosting and feeding with a large flock of Semipalmated Sandpipers. Sean Williams took the photo on the right.

A couple of hours of late May hawkwatching from Bearberry Hill near Truro rewarded Sean Williams and Blair Nikula with a Mississippi Kite sighting. They saw a second one at almost exactly the same time on the following day. The species was also spotted from Provincetown on the same two days, but although the sighting on May 25 took place later and was presumed to be the same bird, the May 26 sighting happened a few hours *earlier* than the one near Truro, so was likely a different individual. A report came in from the Pilgrim Heights hawkwatch near Truro on May 26 as well. Sean Williams took the photo on the right.