
June 2018

Vol. 46, No. 3

Hot Birds: June 2018

A Tundra Swan spent just over two weeks in the middle of March slumming with the Mute Swans and Canada geese on the Atwood Reservoir in Carver. Dan Prima took the photo above.

The Mew Gull influx into the state that began in January became almost ridiculous in April, with birds of three different subspecies (European, Asian, and western United States) being reported, and at least seven separate individuals, two of which were banded. The subspecies from the western United States occurs the least frequently of the three in Massachusetts. Sean Williams took the photo above.

The immature Fork­-tailed Flycatcher that William Newstead found in Sandwich on April 13 was a one­-day wonder, but several birders heard about the bird’s presence and arrived to see it before the end of the day. Sue Finnegan took the photo above.

At least two and possibly three White-­faced Ibis spent nearly a month circulating around wetlands in Essex, Newbury, and Ipswich with flocks of Glossy Ibis. Phil Brown first noticed one of them on April 18 near the Essex/Ipswich town line. Dan Prima took the photo above.

A stunning adult male Bullock’s Oriole appeared at Vi Patek’s feeders in Nahant on April 20. It reappeared there the next day, to the pleasure of a crowd of birders, before leaving. Sean Williams took the photo above.

A Swainson’s Warbler on Cape Cod, found by Peter Crosson on May 6, was the fifth documented record for the state. It was another one­-day wonder, but several birders arrived in time to see it. Astonishingly, another one was well described from Amherst a few days earlier, but seen by only the birder who reported it, and not photographed. Neil Hayward took the photo above.

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