July-August 2009
The July BBC pelagic trip scored 19 Audubon's Shearwaters, a new high count for the state. A White-faced Storm-Petrel was photographed from a fishing vessel 15 miles off Nantucket on August 28. A White-tailed Tropicbird, found in Carlisle on August 23, was a victim of Hurricane Bill. The same day a Gull-billed Tern was seen flying past First Encounter Beach, Eastham. On August 29 the next hurricane, Danny, brought all-time high counts of Cory's, Sooty, and Manx shearwaters past Andrew's Point and a Sabine's Gull to First Encounter Beach. A Great White Heron was present in Fairhaven from July 9–August 26. A White-winged Dove visited a feeder in Manomet in August. Continuing passerine rarities included the Henslow's Sparrow in Montague, which stayed through July 8. A Northern Wheatear was found at Crane Beach, Ipswich, on August 26. A young male Yellow-headed Blackbird was present at Great Meadows, August 9–14.
Best sighting: a Black-capped Petrel, 77 miles south of Martha's Vineyard, July 18. This was the third record for the state, the first photographed and the first seen on a BBC pelagic.