May–June 2014
A Eurasian Collared-Dove was found on Nantucket during the Mass Audubon Bird-a-thon, May 16-17, and a White-winged Dove was on Crane Beach, Ipswich on June 27. A Yellow-nosed Albatross was spotted by the naturalist aboard the Seven Seas whalewatch boat, just seven miles off Gloucester. At the end of June a pelagic trip to Hydrographer Canyon reported eight Audubon's Shearwaters, two White-faced Storm-Petrels, and a South Polar Skua. Rare shorebirds included Wilson's Plover, which was recorded in three locations in May, a Black-necked Stilt at Plum Island and in the Rowley area between May 28–June 4, an American Avocet at Plum Island and Ipswich for most of June, and a Ruff at Plum Island, May 20–22. A Franklin's Gull was photographed at Plymouth Beach on June 10, and a Little Egret was on Nantucket on May 17 and nearby Tuckernuck Island on May 19. A Swainson's Hawk was photographed migrating north over Plum Island on May 3. The following day a Swallow-tailed Kite was seen flying over Cohasset. The best of the passerine rarities was a Fork-tailed Flycatcher at Mount Auburn Cemetery, May 13–14.
Best sighting: Fea's Petrel, Stellwagen Bank, June 25. This bird, photographed on a whalewatch cruise, was a first record for Massachusetts.