November–December 1979
Plum Island hosted a Western Grebe from November 22, which allowed some observers to approach within 15 feet. A moribund Fulvous Whistling-Duck, found on Nantucket on November 28, was the first record for the island. A pair was seen in Uxbridge, December 8–10. An Ash-throated Flycatcher was in the Cambridge–Belmont area for the first nine days of December. An adult no-tailed Green-tailed Towhee continued in South Peabody until November 4 and another one (this one with a tail) was found in East Orleans on December 16. A Brewer's Blackbird was found at Corn Hill, Truro on November 4 and one or two were on Martha's Vineyard at the end of December. A female Western Tanager was found at Duxbury on November 18.
Best event: an unprecedented warm patch between November 23–28 with temperatures 17 degrees above normal and sustained south to southwest winds produced two state and New England firsts. An immature female Black-chinned Hummingbird visited a Cohasset greenhouse from November 25–December 10. Its demise allowed for positive postmortem identification and represented the second record for the northeast after a bird near Antigonish, Nova Scotia, May 30, 1964. A Lucy's Warbler was found at Clark's Pond on Great Neck, Ipswich on December 1. At the time, the only record "east" of their southwest breeding range, was in Louisiana, December 30, 1959.