At a Glance: June 2020 Wayne R. Petersen June 1, 2020 1 MIN READ At a Glance DAVID CLAPP Can you identify the birds in this photograph? Identification will be discussed in next issue’s AT A GLANCE. Related Articles At a Glance: April 2020 Revealed Because this image is only viewable in black-and-white, readers are forced to use features other than color as identification clues. Characteristics to notice on the ... Front Cover: June 2020 Yellow-throated Vireo The Yellow-throated Vireo (Vireo flavifrons) is a beautiful bird but its biology is not well known, probably because it is uncommon through much ... Hot Birds: June 2020 Evan Dalton, staff member for Manomet Inc., was conducting a regular survey of their property when he encountered a MacGillivray’s Warbler. While the species ... Bird Sightings: January–February 2020 Both January and February were warmer than normal with near average rainfall. Only 3.6 inches of snow fell in Boston compared to 13.7 inches ... Searching for Gold: Where to Find Vermivora Warblers in Northern Vermont It is best to visit these places between the latter half of May and June, when winged-warblers are easiest found. The warblers arrive in ... Vermont's Golden-winged Warblers: Half of the Vermivora Story To better understand the habitat of Golden-winged Warblers, we completed a series of GIS analyses for Audubon Vermont from 2016 to 2019 that located ... Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.