
December 2022

Vol. 50, No. 6

Hot Birds: December 2022

Vermilion Flycatcher by Mary Jo Foti
The Vermilion Flycatcher that Mark Faherty found in Brewster on October 21 was not in full breeding plumage, but it had more than enough red in its feathers to be one of the most colorful vagrant birds in Massachusetts this autumn. Mary Jo Foti took this photograph.

Gray Kingbird by Erik Nielsen
Mary Jo Foti was the only birder lucky enough to see a Gray Kingbird at Gay Head on Martha’s Vineyard on November 3. Fortunately for many other birders, it or another appeared eight days later just across Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay, where Jeff Offerman found it. Erik Neilsen took this photograph the following day; the bird remained in the area for a few more days.

Cassins Kingbird by Richard Veit
Almost a month passed between this fall’s two reports of a Cassin’s Kingbird in Massachusetts at locations roughly 10 miles apart. The first appeared on Tuckernuck Island on October 7; the second showed up on November 3 just east of Nantucket’s Hummock Pond. Richard Veit took this photograph at the bird’s first appearance.

Hammonds Flycatcher by Gonzalo Giribet
Lost flycatchers stole the show in Massachusetts this fall, with a Hammond’s Flycatcher joining the Cassin’s and Gray kingbirds and the Vermilion Flycatcher. Greg Hirth encountered the Hammond’s in Falmouth on November 5 and quickly spread the word. Gonzalo Giribet (@ggiribet on Instagram) took this photograph.

Townsends Solitaire by Laura Markley
Anthony Laquidara came across a Townsend’s Solitaire along the Rose Kennedy Greenway on October 28. It was refound the following day roughly five miles away at Belle Isle Marsh. Observers in both locations noted the solitaire being harassed by a mockingbird; there is no word on whether the same mockingbird was responsible. Most birders saw the solitaire at Belle Island Marsh, including Laura Markley, who took this photograph.

Townsends Warbler by Cameron Johnson
In November 2012, Cherry Hill Reservoir hosted a Cassin’s Kingbird. Almost a decade later, when another Cassin’s was lurking around Nantucket, a Townsend’s Warbler showed up at Cherry Hill. Rick Heil found the warbler on November 8; Cameron Johnson took this photograph the next day. The warbler stayed for at least a week.

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