William E. Davis, Jr.
Bird Observer entered its second 25 years in 1998 and approached the twenty-first century with Matt Pelikan as the editor in chief and Marj Rines as the associate editor. Marj Rines was also the president, Glenn d’Entremont was the treasurer, and Patty O’Neill was the clerk (secretary). The years 1998 and 1999 saw changes in Bird Observer for the better. In 1998, there was no artwork filling the blank spaces at the end of articles, and photographs were few and far between, but in 1999, artwork once again began to grace the pages.
In the June 1998 issue, an important announcement read, “BIRD OBSERVER GOES ONLINE.” The site featured information on how to submit articles and bird sightings electronically, provided links of interest to birders, and included the table of contents for the preceding four years of Bird Observer as well as the At a Glance photograph of the month.
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subscribe. Bird Observer publishes original articles on birding locations, on avian populations and natural history, on regional rarities, field notes, field records, photographs, and art work.