
October 2024

Vol. 52, No. 5

Bird Sightings: May-June 2024

Jason Forbes and Robert H. Stymeist


May weather in New England is generally pleasant and favorable for all outdoor activities, especially for birders during the height of spring migration. The high temperature for the month in Boston was 89 degrees on May 22, with inland areas reaching into the low 90s. Rain fell on 15 days during the month with 4.82 inches recorded in Boston. Historically, the city averages 3.25 inches of rain for May. The highest rainfall occurred on May 30, with 1.49 inches recorded. The first week of May was cool with high temperatures only in the low to mid 50s, and migration was slow after a surge of migrants in late April. A warm southerly wind on the night of May 6 brought in the first significant wave of the month on May 7. Another surge of new arrivals occurred on May 13–14. A cool period from May 16 through May 20 seemed to slow migration before warm southwest winds on May 21 brought a surge of late migrants.

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Geese through Ibis

Raptors through Dickcissel

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