Warbling Vireo

Warbling Vireo
Hop Brook WMA, Lee, MA

Lawrence's Warbler

Lawrence's Warbler
Ordway Reservation, West Newbury, MA

Blackburnian Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler
Crane Hill, Ipswich, MA


Ipswich River WS, Topsfield, MA

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl
Crane Beach, Ipswich, MA

Canada Warbler

Canada Warbler
Langford Pond, Rockport, MA


Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Northern Wheatear

Northern Wheatear
Wachusett Reservoir, Sterling, MA


Cedar Pond WS, Hamilton, MA

Piping Plover

Piping Plover
Crane Beach, Ipswich, MA

Purple Sandpiper

Purple Sandpiper
Halibut Point Reservation, Rockport, MA

Red-eyed Vireo

Red-eyed Vireo
Atherton Connector, West Newbury, MA

White-faced Storm-Petrel

White-faced Storm-Petrel
Georges Bank

Brown Thrasher

Brown Thrasher
Halibut Point State Park, Rockport, MA

Ruddy Turnstone

Ruddy Turnstone
Sandy Point State Reservation, Plum Island, MA

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

American Golden Plover

American Golden Plover
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Black Tern

Black Tern
Sengekontacket Pond, Martha's Vineyard, MA

Brown Creeper

Brown Creeper
Umbagog NWR, Errol, NH

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing
Washburn Family Forest, Clarksville, NH

Common Loon

Common Loon
Grafton Pond, Grafton, NH

Least Tern

Least Tern
Sandy Point State Reservation, Plum Island, MA

MacGillivray's Warbler

MacGillivray's Warbler
Lexington Community Farm, Lexington, MA

Red Knot

Red Knot
Sandy Point State Reservation, Plum Island, MA


Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Sharp-shinned Hawk

Sharp-shinned Hawk
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

White-throated Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow
Smith Pond, Enfield, NH

Northern Waterthrush

Northern Waterthrush
Gull Pond, Wenham, MA

Common Merganser

Common Merganser
Deer Island, Newburyport, MA


Oxbow NWR, Harvard, MA

Wilson's Snipe

Wilson's Snipe
Indian Stream Road, Pittsburg, NH

American Bittern

American Bittern
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Golden-crowned Kinglet
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Pine Warbler

Pine Warbler
Hamlin Reservation, Ipswich, MA

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler
Chubb Creek, Beverly Farms, MA

Brown Creeper

Brown Creeper
Grafton Pond, Grafton, NH

Marbled Godwit

Marbled Godwit
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Virginia Rail

Virginia Rail
Ipswich River WS, Topsfield, MA

American Pipit

American Pipit
Wachusett Reservoir, Sterling, MA

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole
Coy Pond, Wenham, MA


Sandy Point State Reservation, Plum Island, MA

Barred Owl

Barred Owl
Great Bay NWR, Portsmouth, NH

Long-billed Dowitcher

Long-billed Dowitcher
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed Grouse
Nulhegan Basin, Silvio O. Conte NWR, Bloomfield, VT

Lark Sparrow

Lark Sparrow
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler
Homestead Trail 45, Essex, MA

Blue-winged Warbler

Blue-winged Warbler
Martin H. Burnes WMA, Newbury, MA


West Beach, Beverly Farms, MA

American Avocet

American Avocet
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Bonaparte's Gull

Bonaparte's Gull
Sandy Point State Reservation, Plum Island, MA

Great Crested Flycatcher

Great Crested Flycatcher
Delmater Sanctuary, Rockport, MA

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush
Halibut Point State Park, Rockport, MA

Horned Lark

Horned Lark
Sandy Point State Reservation, Plum Island, MA

Eurasian Wigeon

Eurasian Wigeon
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Grasshopper Sparrow

Grasshopper Sparrow
Pease Grasslands, Portsmouth, NH

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Saltmarsh Sparrow

Saltmarsh Sparrow
Nelson's Island, Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Ipswich River WS, Topsfield, MA

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler
Halibut Point State Park, Rockport, MA

Eastern Phoebe

Eastern Phoebe
Ipswich River WS, Topsfield, MA

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting
Martin H. Burnes WMA, Newbury, MA

Red-breasted Merganser

Red-breasted Merganser
Deer Island, Newburyport, MA

House Finch

House Finch
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager
Willowdale State Forest, Ipswich, MA

Green Heron

Green Heron
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Wood Thrush

Wood Thrush
Ipswich River WS, Topsfield, MA

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Savannah Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow
Crane Beach, Ipswich, MA

Lapland Longspur

Lapland Longspur
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Palm Warbler

Palm Warbler
Ipswich River WS, Topsfield, MA

Barred Owl

Barred Owl
Julia Bird Reservation, Ipswich, MA

Black-and-white Warbler

Black-and-white Warbler
Jordan Ridge, Acadia NP, Mt Desert Island, ME

Bay-breasted Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Marsh Wren

Marsh Wren
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Eastern Towhee

Eastern Towhee
Old Town Hill, Newbury, MA

Evening Grosbeak

Evening Grosbeak
Appleton Farms, Ipswich, MA

Northern Waterthrush

Northern Waterthrush
Coy Pond, Wenham, MA

Ring-necked Pheasant

Ring-necked Pheasant
Pikes Bridge, West Newbury, MA

House Finch

House Finch
Sandy Point State Reservation, Plum Island, MA

Wilson's Storm-Petrel

Wilson's Storm-Petrel
Georges Bank

Harlequin Duck

Harlequin Duck
Halibut Point Reservation, Rockport, MA

Wilson's Warbler

Wilson's Warbler
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Solitary Sandpiper

Solitary Sandpiper
Little River, Newbury, MA

Swamp Sparrow

Swamp Sparrow
Round Pond, Hamilton, MA

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Parker River NWR, Plum Island, MA

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin
Chubb Creek, Beverly Farms, MA

Common Grackle

Common Grackle
Ipswich River WS, Topsfield, MA

Spotted Sandpiper

Spotted Sandpiper
Hop Brook WMA, Lee, MA

KEY : links to Bird Observer online edition links to Bird Observer pdf edition (registered users only)

The Complete Birder, A Guide to Better Birding
Vol. 16 (3), p. 149, June 1988
author(s): Jack Connor
reviewer: Brian E. Cassie
review type: View

The Complete Birds of the World: Every Species Illustrated
Vol. 50 (5), p. 354-355, October 2022
author(s): Norman Arlott and Ber van Perlo
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Complete Outfitting and Source Book for Bird Watching
Vol. 8 (5), p. 197-198, October 1980
author(s): Michael Schofield
reviewer: Robert H. Stymeist
review type: Review

The Consolation of Nature: Spring in the Time of Coronavirus
Vol. 49 (3), p.216-221, June 2021
author(s): Michael McCarthy, Jeremy Mynott, and Peter Marren
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Crossley ID Guide
Vol. 39 (4), p. 212-214, August 2011
author(s): Richard Crossley
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Crossley ID Guide: Raptors
Vol. 41 (4), p. 236-238, August 2013
author(s): Richard Crossley, Jerry Liguori, and Brian Sullivan
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Curious Mister Catesby
Vol. 43 (6), p. 398-401, December 2015
author(s): E. Charles Nelson and David J. Elliott
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Curse of the Labrador Duck: My Obsessive Quest to the Edge of Extinction
Vol. 37 (6), p. 363-366, December 2009
author(s): Glen Chilton
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Diversity of Animal Sounds (CD)
Vol. 30 (2), p. 121-122, April 2002
author(s): Bradbury and Budbey, Producers
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: CD review

The Ecology of Migrant Birds: A Neotropical Perspective
Vol. 25 (4), p. 210-212, August 1997
author(s): John H. Rappole
reviewer: John Kricher
review type: Review

The Encyclopedia of Birds
Vol. 14 (2), p. 75, April 1986
author(s): Christopher M. Perrins and Alex L. A. Middleton, eds.
reviewer: Brian E. Cassie
review type: View

The Essential Gilbert White of Selborne
Vol. 14 (2), p. 76, April 1986
author(s): H. J. Massingham, ed.
reviewer: Brian E. Cassie
review type: View

The Feather Quest
Vol. 20 (5), p. 251-252, October 1992
author(s): Pete Dunne
reviewer: John Kricher
review type: Review

The Flight of the Red Knot
Vol. 24 (5), p. 256-258, October 1996
author(s): Brian Harrington with Charles Flowers
reviewer: Wayne R. Petersen
review type: Review

The Future of Life
Vol. 30 (2), p. 123-125, April 2002
author(s): Edward O. Wilson
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Genius Of Birds
Vol. 44 (5), p. 339-343
author(s): Jennifer Ackerman
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Ghost With Trembling Wings: Science, Wishful Thinking and the Search for Lost Species
Vol. 30 (5), p. 348-349, October 2002
author(s): Scott Weidensaul
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Grail Bird: Hot on the Trail of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Vol. 33 (4), p. 239-245, August 2005
author(s): Tim Gallagher
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Great Auk
Vol. 28 (5), p. 329-330, October 2000
author(s): Errol Fuller
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Hamlyn Guide to Birds of Britain and Europe
Vol. 1 (1), p. 9, Jan. - Feb. 1973
author(s): Bertel Bruun and Arthur Singer
reviewer: Avis Head
review type: View

The Helm Guide to Bird Identification
Vol. 42 (4), p. 232-233, August 2014
author(s): Keith Vinicombe, Alan Harris, and Laurel Tucker
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: View

The Human Nature of Birds
Vol. 22 (5), p. 253-255, October 1994
author(s): Theodore Xenophon Barber
reviewer: William E. Davis, Jr.
review type: Review

The Hungry Bird Book
Vol. 1 (1), p. 9, Jan. - Feb. 1973
author(s): R. Arbib and T. Soper
reviewer: Avis Head
review type: View

The Identification Guide Series: An Overview
Vol. 24 (1), p. 29-35, February 1996
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Article

The Illustrated Natural History of Selbourne
Vol. 33 (1), p. 48-50, February 2005
author(s): Gilbert White
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Kingdom of Rarities
Vol. 41 (5), p. 295-296, October 2013
author(s): Eric Dinerstein
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: View

The Large Gulls of North America
Vol. 26 (6), p. 298-300, December 1998
author(s): Jon L. Dunn
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Video review

The Life of the Skies: Birding At the End of Nature
Vol. 36 (3), p. 170-171, June 2008
author(s): Jonathan Rosen
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Lost World of the Moa: Prehistoric Life of New Zealand
Vol. 31 (5), p. 299-303, October 2003
author(s): Trevor H. Worthy and Richard N. Holdaway
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Macmillan Field Guide to Bird Identification, Revised Edition
Vol. 21 (2), p. 91-93, April 1993
author(s): Alan Harris, Laurel Tucker and Keith Vinicombe
reviewer: Robert Hilton
review type: Review

The Market in Birds: Commercial Hunting, Conservation, and the Origins of Wildlife Consumerism 1850-1920
Vol. 52(1), p.45-50, February 2024
author(s): Andrea L. Smalley with Henry M. Reeves
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Massachusetts Naturalist's Library
Vol. 13 (5), p. 240-250, October 1985
reviewer: Brian E. Cassie
review type: Article

The Meinertzhagen Mystery: The Life and Legend of a Colossal Fraud
Vol. 39 (1), p. 36-40, February 2011
author(s): Brian Garfield
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Migration Ecology of Birds
Vol. 38 (1), p. 38-40, February 2010
author(s): Ian Newton
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: View

The Narrow Edge: A Tiny Bird, An Ancient Crab & An Epic Journey
Vol. 43 (2), p. 51-55, April 2016
author(s): Deborah Cramer
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Nature of Massachusetts
Vol. 25 (2), p. 91-93, April 1997
author(s): Christopher Leahy, John Hanson Mitchell and Thomas Conuel
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The New Neotropical Companion
Vol. 45 (4), p. 267-269 August, 2017
author(s): John Kricher
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Origin and Evolution of Birds
Vol. 25 (3), p. 155-156, June 1997
author(s): Alan Feduccia
reviewer: William E. Davis, Jr.
review type: Review

The Paradise of All These Parts: A Natural History of Boston
Vol. 36 (6), p. 366-368, December 2008
author(s): John Hanson Mitchell
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: View

The Peacocks of Baboquivari
Vol. 12 (2), p. 91-92, April 1984
author(s): Erma J. Fisk
reviewer: Patricia N. Fox
review type: Review

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Birds
Vol. 38 (1), p. 37-38, February 2010
author(s): Christopher Perrins, Editor
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: View

The Race to Save the Lord God Bird
Vol. 32 (5), p. 312-314, October 2004
author(s): Phillip Hoose
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Rarest Bird in the World: The Search for the Nechisar Nightjar
Vol. 45 (5), p. 330-332, October 2017
author(s): Vernon R. L. Head
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Rarest of the Rare: The Stories Behind the Treasures at the Harvard Museum of Natural History
Vol. 33 (1), p. 45-48, February 2005
author(s): Nancy Pick
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Real James Bond: A True Story of Identity Theft, Avian Intrigue, and Ian Fleming
Vol. 50(4), p.282-285, August 2022
author(s): Jim Wright
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Sea, the Storm and the Mangrove Tangle
Vol. 34 (2), p. 114-116, April 2006
author(s): Lynne Cherry
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Seabird's Cry: The Lives and Loves of the Planet's Great Ocean Voyagers
Vol. 47(2), p.125-127, April 2019
author(s): Adam Nicolson
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Seabirds of Britain and Ireland
Vol. 2 (6), p. 181, Nov. - Dec. 1974
author(s): Stanley Cramp, W. R. P. Bourne and David Saunders
reviewer: Trevor L. Lloyd-Evans
review type: Review

The Search for the Pink-Headed Duck
Vol. 19 (6), p. 302-305, December 1991
author(s): Rory Nugent
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: Review

The Shorebird Guide
Vol. 34 (4), p. 251-252, August 2006
author(s): Michael O'Brien, Richard Crossley, and Kevin Karlson
reviewer: Mark Lynch
review type: View

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