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Please Note: This browseable index contains the table of contents from every issue of Bird Observer to date. You must be an active Bird Observer subscriber to view or download a pdf version of the journal.

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December 1973, Vol. 1, No. 6
Monk Parakeet Update
Leif Robinson and Robert H. Stymeist
Around Falmouth (Late November to Mid-February)
Pat Garrey
On the Multiplication of Species
J. T. Leverich
Sighting of a Black-browed Albatrose
Richard Veit
Attention Feeder Users!
Alice Littlefield
The Bird Observer Summary for September/October 1973
A Rebuttal to "So What do We Count?"
Hugh Willoughby
"The Last Word"
Leif Robinson
^ top

October 1973, Vol. 1, No. 5
What is a Bird Species?
J. T. Leverich
So What do We Count? (comment on "What is a Bird Species?")
Leif Robinson
Autumn Birding at Great Meadows
Peter Alden
Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge
Berlin Heck
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus graellsii)
Wayne R. Petersen
The Bird Observer Summary for July/August 1973
Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri)

J. T. Leverich
^ top

August 1973, Vol. 1, No. 4
Frances Torry Elkins
Chandler Robbins
The Birds of Monomoy
Richard Forster
Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge
Berlin Heck
How Do People Become Bird Watchers
Eliot Taylor
Girls Don't Fly so well
Leif Robinson
Philip Martin
The Bird Observer Summary for May/June 1973
Book Review: Shearwaters, by Lockley
Leif Robinson
^ top

June 1973, Vol. 1, No. 3
Goshawks 1972-73
Leif Robertson
Manomet Bird Observatory
Brian Harrington
Birding on Plymouth Beach
Bruce Sorrie
Robert Cushman Murphy
Leif Roberson
Peregrine Update
Leif Roberson
The "Blue List"
The Bird Observer Summary for March/April 1973
^ top

April 1973, Vol. 1, No. 2
Spring Warbler Migration: Mount Auburn Cemetery
Robert H. Stymeist
State-Wide Birders' Meet, 1973
Gina Sprong
The Bird Observer Summary for January/February 1973
Winter Gull Postscript
Wayne R. Petersen
the Great Gary Owl
Philip Martin
^ top

February 1973, Vol. 1, No. 1
Feeding Winter Birds
Eliot Taylor
A Good Day at Cape Ann
Herman D'Entremont
Book Reviews: The Hamlyn Guide to Birds of Britain and Europe, by Bruun and Singer
Avis Head
The Hungry Bird Book, by Arbib and Soper
Avis Head
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning in the North Shore Area of Massachusetts - September-October 1972
William Forward
Wintering Bald Eagles at Quabbin Reservoir
Herman D'Entremont
Winter Gulls In Massachusetts
Philip Martin
The Bird Observer Summary for November/December 1972
^ top

December 1974, Vol. 2, No. 6
Nouns of Assemblage - II
Leif Robinson
Robert H. Stymeist
Notes on Unusual Massachusetts Shorebirds
Wayne R. Petersen
Behavioral Note about Starlings
Leif and Carloline Robinson
"Egg Collector Collected"
Leif Robinson
Book Review: The Seabirds of Britain and Ireland, by Cramp, Bourne and Saunders
Trevor Lloyd-Evans
The Bird Observer Summary for September/October 1974
^ top

October 1974, Vol. 2, No. 5
Birding at the Prudential Center
Henry Wiggin
Birding at Sandy Neck
Robert Pease
J. T. Leverich
Tern Catastrophe
Wayne Hanley
Nouns of Assemblage
Leif Robinson
Marbled Murrelet Nest Found
Robert H. Stymeist and Joseph Leverich
Great Horned Owls
Wayne Hanley
Crossword Puzzle Answer
Jessie Snow
Some Comments on Identifying Jaegers
Thomas Davis
New World Vultures
J. T. Leverich
The Bird Observer Summary for July/August 1974
Planting to Attract and Feed Birds
Harry Sprong
^ top

August 1974, Vol. 2, No. 4
Crossword Puzzle
Jessie Snow
Mt. Tom
Notes on Hawks
Frances Elkins
The Bird Observer Summary for May/June 1974
Bird Seed Futures
Wayne Hanley
^ top

June 1974, Vol. 2, No. 3
Birding on the Bolton-Lancaster Flats
Bradford Blodget
Blue- and Golden-winged Warblers and Their Hybrids
J. T. Leverich
Monk Parakeet Update #2
J. T. Leverich
Probable Nesting of Yellow-breasted Chats in Sandwich
Bruce Sorrie
On Records of Birds
Bald Eagle and Peregrne Falcon Update
J. T. Leverich
The Bird Observer Summary for March/April 1974
^ top

April 1974, Vol. 2, No. 2
Birding in the Westport-Dartmouth Region
Wayne R. Petersen
Mute Swans
Wayne Hanley
The Bird Observer Summary for January/February 1974
Disaster on Cape Cod
Robert H. Stymeist
Curlew Sandpipers on Plymouth Beach
Paul Donahue
A Note on Brewer's Blackbird in New England
Wayne R. Petersen
Uncommon Massachusetts Sparrows
Richard Forster
What Future for the Osprey
Philip Martin
Hawk Migration 1973
Leif Robinson
Birding by Tape Recorder
Philip Martin
Massachusetts Breeding Bird At, 1974-1978las
Deborah Howard
^ top

February 1974, Vol. 2, No. 1
Urban Birding at Highland Farm
Paula Butler
Sibling Species
J. T. Leverich
Cardinals and Titmice
Leif Robinson
Book Reviews: The View from Hawk Mountain, by Harwood
Johanna Harris
Birds of Big Bend National Park and Vicinity, by Wauer
David Brown
A Birder's Guide to Denver and Eastern Colorado, by Lane and Holt
David Brown
Autum of the Eagle, by Laycock
Avis Head
A Birder's Guide to the Texas Coast, by Lane
Charles Bender
The Bird Observer Summary for November/December 1974
A New Avian Species
Leif Robinson
^ top

December 1975, Vol. 3, No. 6
Birdng in the Bridgewater-Lakeville Area
Wayne R. Petersen
Migratory Free-loaders
Wayne Hanley
The House Finch in Massachusetts
Betty Smyth
The Care and Feeding of Chickadees
Leif Robinson
Ross' Gull and the Role of the Vagrant
Noble Proctor
The Bird Observer Summary for September/October 1975
^ top

October 1975, Vol. 3, No. 5
The Ivory Gull
Wayne Hanley
Birds of the Squantum and Wollaston Beach Area
Edward Morrier
September Swifts
Eliot Taylor
Some Comments on Chimney Swift Counts
Leif Robinson
Boreal Chickadee Invasions
Bruce Sorrie
New Light on Artic Loons?
Leif Robinson
1975 Census of Waders at Clark's Island
Brian Harrington
The Bird Observer Summary for July/August 1975
^ top

August 1975, Vol. 3, No. 4
Fresh Pond's Autumn Waterfowl
Leif Robinson
Are House Finches Driving Out Purple Finches?
Henry Wiggin
Three Confusing Warbler
Wayne Hanley
"Spshing" and its Biological Significance
Leif Robinson
Wayne Hanley
The Bird Observer Summary for May/June 1975
Answers to Word Birds - A Quiz
Arthur and Margaret Argue
The Peregrine Project
Wayne Hanley
^ top

June 1975, Vol. 3, No. 3
Note on Pileated Woodpecker - Red-tailed Hawk Encounter
Edward Densmore
Birding in the Rowley and Newbury Area 
Don Alexander
The Birds of Horn Pond and the Middlesex Fells, 1974
Harold Payson
Orchard Orioles in Massachusetts
Richard Forster
Fish Crows in Massachusetts
Fred Atwood
Book Review: A Field Guide to Birds' Nests, by H. Harrison
Leif Robinson
Word Birds - A Quiz
Arthur and Margaret Argue
The Bird Observer Summary for March/April 1975
^ top

April 1975, Vol. 3, No. 2
Birding the Sudbury Valley
Richard Forster
Puffin Egg Transplants
Wayne Hanley
Alder and Willow Flycatchers in Massachusetts
Bruce Sorrie
The Dawn Chorus at Boxford
Nancy Claflin
Isolating Mechansms
J. T. Leverich
The Bird Observer Summary for January/February 1975
^ top

February 1975, Vol. 3, No. 1
Winter Birding in the Plymouth-Mancomet Area
Wayne R. Petersen and Bruce Sorrie
Selections from a Birder's Notebook: On the Great Horned Owl
Joseph Kenneally
Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas Project - 1974-1978: The 1974 Season
Deborah Howard
A Ross' Gull Round Table (An Interview with the Discoverers)
Hairy Woodpeckers in Weston
Leif Robinson
The Bird Observer Summary for November/December 1974
Book Review: A Birds of Australia, by Morcombe
Peter Alden
The Concord Christmas Count
Wayne Hanley
^ top

December 1976, Vol. 4, No. 6
Revere-Winthrp Revisited
Soheil Zendeh
A Sight Record of McCown's longspur in Massachusetts
Wayne R. Petersen
Some Notes on Dowitchers
Soheil Zendeh
Book Review: A Season of Birds, by Henderson
Marcia Litchfield
The Peregrine Plight
Gayle Miller
Book Review: A Passing in Cincinnati, by U.S. Department of Interior
Gayle Miller
The Spectrum of Redpolls
Leif Robinson
House Finch-Tufted Titmouse Population Growth
Leif Robinson
Suet-eating American Kestrel
Gerald Flaherty
The Bird Observer Summary for September/October 1976
^ top

October 1976, Vol. 4, No. 5
Where to Go on Nantucket
Richard Veit
Seventy Years of Breeding Birds on Milton Hill
Stewart Sanders
Sighting of a Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arguata) in Massachusetts
Richard Veit
Book Review: A. B. A. Checklist: Birds of Continental United States and Canada, by U.S. Department of Interior
Wayne R. Petersen
Strange Bedfellows
Leif Robinson
To Try Something New - and Old
Leif Robinson
A Massachusetts Record of a Dark-phase Gyrfalcon
Hugh Willoughby
The Bird Observer Summary for July/August 1976
^ top

August 1976, Vol. 4, No. 4
Birds of Springs Pond Area, Peabody-Salem
Rick Heil
Field Identification of Western Sandpipers in MAssachsuetts
Paul Donahue
Book Review: Another Penguin Summer, by Pettingill
Paula Butler
More Birding from a Train Seat
John Nove
The Bird Observer Summary for May/June 1976
A Record Count of Black-bellied Plovers at Newburyport
Michael Moore and Steven Light
^ top

June 1976, Vol. 4, No. 3
Pelagic Birding for Landlubbers
Wayne R. Petersen
Leach's Storm-Petrels
Fred Atwood
Recent Changes in the Range and Distribution of Cory's Shearwater in North American Waters
Richard Veit
Cox's Ledge from Galilee, Rhode Island
Bob Bushnell
Survival Tips for Birders at Sea
Paula Butler
Let's go to Sea
Herman D'Entremont
The Bird Observer Summary for March/April 1976
^ top

April 1976, Vol. 4, No. 2
Birding the Lynnfield Marsh
Bennett Keenan
An Avian Double-cross
Leif Robinson
Symbiotic Starlings
Bruce Sorrie
Owls in Massachusetts
Robert H. Stymeist
Sharp-tailed Sparrows in Massachusetts
Norman Hill
The Bird Observer Summary for January/February 1976
^ top

February 1976, Vol. 4, No. 1
The Arnold Arboretum as a Birding Area
Miriam Dickey
Sighting of an Ivory Gull
C. Leon Strickland
A Rare Bird Indeed!
Leif Robinson
The Smew
Robert Bushnell
Birding from a Train Seat
Jim Berry
Osprys at Wolf Neck Woods
Wayne Hanley
The Bird Observer Summary for November/December 1975
^ top

December 1977, Vol. 5, No. 6
Fall and Winter Birds in the Lancaster Area
Harold Merriman
A Sight Record of the Lark Bunting and its Historical Occurrance in Massachusetts
Richard Heil
The Red-bellied Woodpecker in Massachusetts - A Case History of Range Expansion
Leif Robinson
Book Review: Lambert's Birds of Garden and Woodland, by Lambert and Mitchell
Marcia Litchfield
Summary for September/October 1977
^ top

October 1977, Vol. 5, No. 5
Reflections on Norton Reservoir - Late Summer and Early Autumn, 1977
John Kricher
Ornithological Detente
The First Greater Boston Breeding Bird Census
Robert H. Stymeist
Red-bellied Woodpecker: First Confirmed Breeding in Massachusetts
Richard Forster and Leif Robinson
A Breeding Record for the Acadian Flycatcher in Massachusetts
Wayne R. Petersen
High Hopes for the Whooper
Paul Roberts
Summary for July/August 1977
^ top

August 1977, Vol. 5, No. 4
Where to Watch Hawks in Massachusetts
Paul Roberts
The Hawk Watch in Eastern Massachusetts and New England
Paul Roberts
Some Thoughts About Counting Birds
Leif Robinson
"How We Saw the Black-winged Kite" or "What Channel 8 did for Me"
Ned Mueller
Summary for May/June 1977
^ top

June 1977, Vol. 5, No. 3
Machias Seal Island
Paula Butler
The Wild Turkey in Massachusetts
James Cardoza
The Steller's Eider
Robert Vernon
Winter of '77
Summary for March/April 1977
^ top

April 1977, Vol. 5, No. 2
Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Robert H. Stymeist and Joseph T. Leverich
Further Aids to Hawk Identification
Paul Roberts
Summary for January/February 1977
The Sky Dance of the Woodcock
Robert H. Stymeist
The Worm-eating Warbler Connection
Leif Robinson
The Thirty-third Supplement
Robert H. Stymeist
^ top

February 1977, Vol. 5, No. 1
Thompson's Island - A Good Place for Birds
David Brown
On records of Birds
The Great Gray Owl
Juliet Kellogg
On Records of Birds: Part II
Robert H. Stymeist
Dowitcher Post-script
Richard Veit
Three Instances of Unusual Hunting Behavior in Owls
Joseph Broyles
The Bird Observer Summary for November/December 1976
^ top

December 1978, Vol. 6, No. 6
Waterfowl Breeding Success for 1978
Theodore Atkinson
A Brief Note Concerning Canvasbacks
Leif Robinson
The Four Seasons at Plum Island (Part 1 - Winter-Spring)
Herman D'Entremont and Soheil Zendeh
Update on Turkeys
James Cardoza
Sociality, Agonistic Interaction, and the Pulse Thenomenon in the Flight Behavior of Falconiformes along the Maine Coast
G. N. Appell
A Sighting of a Franklin's Gull in Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts
Albert Nickerson
Manomet Bird Observatory: Banding 1 January - 30 June 1978
^ top

October 1978, Vol. 6, No. 5
Happy Birthday, Ruth
Paul Roberts
Ruth: A Biographical Sketch
Wayne Hanley
A Special Person
Wayne R. Petersen
Birding With Ruth
Wallace Bailey
Marblehead Neck Sanctuary
Dorothy Snyder
Scaup Identification
Tad Lawrence
Less Confusing Fall Warblers: The Answers
Patricia Fox and Charlotte Wyman
The Breeding Bird Season: 1978
^ top

August 1978, Vol. 6, No. 4
Newburyport and Vicinity
William Drummond
Relative Abundance Analysis: A Technique for Assessing Bird Count Data
John Andrews
Preliminary Report: Inland Autumn Migration of Ring-billed Gull
Leif Robinson
Confusing Fall Warblers (CFW's): A Quiz
Patricia Fox and Charlotte Wyman
The Spring Summary, 1978
^ top

June 1978, Vol. 6, No. 3
A Boreal Odyssey
Fred Hamlen
Are New England's Loons Slipping Away?
Philip Martin
Corporation Fined $500 for Violation of Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Theodore Atkinson
New Hampshire Breeding Record
Theodore Atkinson
The Winter Season, 1978
^ top

April 1978, Vol. 6, No. 2
Birding In Provincetown
Blair Nikula
To Find a Way Home
Philip Martin
Hawk Migration: A New Horizon for Birders
Leif Robinson
An Innovative Way to tag Wood Ducks
Ronald Clayton
Summary for December, 1977
^ top

February 1978, Vol. 6, No. 1
A Birding Tour of Cutler Park
Neal Clark
Waterfowl Breeding Success in 1977
Theodore Atkinson
The Spring Hawk Migration: Toward Understanding an Enigma
Paul Roberts
Christmas Counts in the Courts
Phil Martin
A Superb 1977-78 Invasion of Red-Breasted Nuthatch
Leif Robinson
October 1, 1977: Nauset Beach. Eastham
Nan Waldron
The November Flycatcher
Robert H. Stymeist
Summary for November. 1977
^ top

December 1979, Vol. 7, No. 6
Finding Birds in Ipswich
Jim Berry
The Amateur in Ornithology
Harold Mayfield
Long-Term Bird Population Studies - A Rewarding Experience
William Davis, Jr.
Book Review: Guide to the National Wildlife Refuges, by Laura and William Riley
Leif Robinson
Surviving as an Inner City Birder in Boston
J. M. Grugan
Birders' Conduct: A Problem at Plum Island
George Gavutis
^ top

October 1979, Vol. 7, No. 5
Birding Orleans and Eastham, Fall-Spring
Robert Prescott
Alcid Identification in Massachusetts
Richard Veit
Re-establishment of the Common Puffin, Fratercula arctica in a Former Breeding Area in Muscongus Bay, Maine
Saskia Franzseen
Archaeopteryx - Not Alone?
Robert H. Stymeist
Identification of Artic Loons
J. T. Leverich
The Breeding Bird Season, 1979
^ top

August 1979, Vol. 7, No. 4
Mount Tom State Reservation
David Fischer
Some Highlights of Contemporary Raptor Research
Leif Robinson and Paul Roberts
Notes on Great Gray Owls
Tad Lawrence
The Broad-winged Hawk Flight of September 13, 1978
Paul Roberts
The Spring Migration: March-May 1979
^ top

June 1979, Vol. 7, No. 3
The Four Seasons at Plum Island (Part II - Summer-Fall)
Herman D'Entremont and Soheil Zendeh
Ground-Nesting and related Behavior of Nighthawks (Chordeiles minor) in Massachusetts
Alexander Hiam and Martin Sutherland
The Mourning Dove in Massachusetts
Michael Brazauskas
Results of the 1978 Christmas Bird Counts in Eastern Massachusetts
Robert H. Stymeist
1978 Census of Heron and Ibis Nests at Clark's Island, Plymouth, Massachusetts
William Davis, Jr., Lincoln Smith and Brian Harrington
Changing Habitats for Nesting Birds
Neal Clark
^ top

April 1979, Vol. 7, No. 2
A Guide to Birding on Martha's Vineyard
Richard Sargent
Field Identification Notes: The Two Waterthrushes
Joseph Leverich
The Winter Season: November 1978-February 1979
^ top

February 1979, Vol. 7, No. 1
Introduction to Birding at Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
James MacDougall
Take a Second look
The Bluebird Needs Your Help
William Allan
Kestrel Nesting Boxes
Paul Roberts
Year's Happy Ending
Leif Robinson
Birding Ethics
A MacGillivray's Warbler in Lexington, Massachusetts
Robert H. Stymeist
A Townsend's Warbler in Massachusetts: A Retrospective Sighting
Craig Jackson
The Fall Migration: August-October 1978
^ top

December 1980, Vol. 8, No. 6
The Scituate Coast - A Birder's View
Wayne R. Petersen
An Appreciation of Behavioral Research in Zoos: Improving the Breeding Environment for Captive King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonica)
Deborah Schildkraut
Where Did All the Blue Jays Go?
Hanson Robbins
What to Feed Wild Birds
Nocturnal Birding
Neal Clark
Waterfowl Breeding Success
Theodore Atkinson
^ top

October 1980, Vol. 8, No. 5
Birds of Dunback Meadow
John Andrews
Observation of a Little Stint (Calidris minuta) in Massachusetts
Blair Nikula
Lead Poisoning of Waterfowl
Theodore Atkinson
Sexual Dimorphism in the Anatidae

Ted Lawrence
Book Review: The Complete Outfitting and Source Book for Bird Watching, by Schofield
Robert H. Stymeist
A Summer Sighting of Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) in Massachusetts

Sheila Carroll and Mark Lynch
The Breeding Season: June-July 1980
^ top

August 1980, Vol. 8, No. 4
Block Island
Robert Fox
Field Identification of the Lesser Black-backed Gull
Richard Veit
Notes on the Identification of Selasphorus and Archilochus Hummingbirds
Bruce Sorrie
Book Reviews:
A Guide to Hawk Watching in North America, by Heintzelman
Alden Clayton
Hawks and Owls of North America , by Heintzelman
Alden Clayton
The Spring Migration: March-May 1980
^ top

June 1980, Vol. 8, No. 3
Where to see Terns in Massachusetts
The Identification and Occurance of "Portlandica" Type Artic Terns in Massachusetts
Richard Forster
Massachusetts' Non-resident Terns
Blair Nikula
Report of the North District Tern Warden: Season of 1979
Dennis Minsky
A Synopsis of the Massachsuetts Audubon Society's Tern Warden's Report for 1979
Peter Trull
A Naturalist Reflects on the Myth of Non-consumptive Environmental Use and the South Shore
Wayne R. Petersen
Results of the 1979 Christmas Bird Counts in Eastern Massachusetts
Robert H. Stymeist
^ top

April 1980, Vol. 8, No. 2
Birds of the Fobes Hill Area
Douglas McNair
Differentiating Pomarine Jaeger from South Polar Skua
Richard Veit
Book Review: Combination List and Checklist for Birds of North America, by Tucker
Robert H. Stymeist
An Avian Fallout and the First State Records for Black-chinned Hummingbird and Lucy's Warbler
Richard Heil
The Winter Season: December 1979 - February 1980
^ top

February 1980, Vol. 8, No. 1
Water Birds and Shorebirds in Boston Harbor: Twenty-Seven Overlooks
Soheil Zendeh and Leif Robinson
The Fall Migration: August-November 1979
^ top

December 1981, Vol. 9, No. 6
Birding In Hingham: World's End to Foundry Pond
Neil Osborne
A Closer Look
Kimball Garrett
A Winter Raptor Survey - Background and Results
Wayne R. Petersen
"Antique" Christmas Counts: Gone but not forgotten
Leif Robinson
And Then There were 170-1
Leif Robinson
Chickadee Invasion
Trevor Lloyd-Evans
Field Records: August/September 1981
Inland Record of Seaside Sparrow
Richard WaltonA Post-breeding Roost of American Robins
John Andrews
^ top

October 1981, Vol. 9, No. 5
Sparrows and Weeds
John Andrews
Where to Find Sparrows in the Fall
Behavior Watching Field Notes
Donald and Lillian Stokes
Hawk Watching: Still an Undefined Wonder
Leif Robinson
One Exciting Hour at Great Meadows, Concord
H. Christian Floyd
Book Review: Birds of Prey of the World: A Coloured Guide to Identification of all the Diurnal Species Order Falconiformes, by Welck
Paul Roberts
Report of the North District Tern Warden: Season of 1980
Dennis Minsky
1981-1982 Duck Stamp
Field Records: June/July 1981
Spotted Redshank: The One that nearly got away
Dorothy Arvidson
^ top

August 1981, Vol. 9, No. 4
Birding in Cape May
Peter Dunne
Massachusetts Rallidae - A Summary
Wayne R. Petersen
Autumn Broadwing Flights at Wachusett Mountain
Leif Robinson
Book Review: The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds, by Terres Dorothy Arvidson
Field Records: May 1981
A Chuck-will's-widow on Stellwagen Bank
Jim Bird and Mike Payne
^ top

June 1981, Vol. 9, No. 3
Blair Nikula
The Barrier Beaches of Chatham
Graham Giese
Re-establishing Muskeget Island as an Alternate Nesting Site for Monomoy Terns
Richard Forster
Report on the Tern Population: Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, 1980
Nan Jenks-Jay
Field Records: March/April 1981
^ top

April 1981, Vol. 9, No. 2
Birding on Mts. Clinton and Jackson in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
Michael Greenwald
The 1980 Spring Warbler Migration Study: An Experiment in Cooperative Data Collection
John Andrews and Lee Taylor
The Winter Season: December 1980-February 1981
^ top

February 1981, Vol. 9, No. 1
Birding Newburyport Harbor and the Salisbury Beach State Reservation
Richard Forster
Southern Warblers in Massachusetts
Robert H. Stymeist
The Importance of Counting Birds' Numbers
Hentry Wiggins
Book Review: A Guide to the Behavior of Common Birds, by Stokes
Craig Jackson
The Fall Migration: August-November 1980
^ top

December 1982, Vol. 10, No. 6
Winter Birding Along Buzzards Bay-Scaggy Neck, Bourne, to Falmouth Center
Robert H. Stymeist
A Bird Name Quiz
Chris Floyd
The Field Identification of Bald and Golden Eagles
Paul Roberts
Status of the Red-necked Grebe in Massachusetts
Richard Forster
A "Horned" Snowy Owl
Ken Winkler
Behavior-watching Field Notes
Donald and Lillian Stokes
Field Records: September 1982
Marbled Murrelet: A First Massachusetts Record
Kathleen Anderson
At a Glance
Dorothy Arvidson
^ top

October 1982, Vol. 10, No. 5
Birding Rutland State Park: A Preliminary Report
Mark Lynch
Small Shearwaters are not always Black and White - and Neither are Photographs
Wayne R. Petersen
Georges Bank and Marine Birds
Kevin Powers
Book Reviews:
The Birdwatcher's Companion: An Encyclopedic Handbook of North American Birdlife, by Leahy
Dorothy Arvidson
A Field Guide to the Birds Coloring Book, by Peterson
Dorothy Arvidson
A Lake and Pond Waterfowl Census
John Andrews
The Christmas Bird Counts in Massachusetts
Robert H. Stymeist
Meet the Plotopterids
John Kricher
A Roadside Survey of Screech Owls Using Playback Techniques
John Andrews, Oliver Komas and Nicholas Komar
Time for a Change: Check Your List!
Robert H. Stymeist
Behavior Notes
George Gove
Field Records: July/August 1982
At a Glance
Dorothy Arvidson
^ top

August 1982, Vol. 10, No. 4
A Hawk-watchers' Mecca
Jim Brett
Three Remarkable Observations of Peregrine Falcon at Plum Island
Chris Floyd, Glenn D'Entremont, Dave Brown, Clark Ewer, and George Gove
Bird Banding on Nantucket: Hightlights of 1981
Edith Andrews
Eastern Massachusetts Sparrow Survey
Nicholas and Oliver Komar
Field Records: May/June 1982
First Record of Swainson's Warbler (Limothlypis swainsonii) in Massachusetts
Blair Nikula
What a Crazy Bird: The Purple Gallinule
Dorothy Arvidson
At a Glance
Dorothy Arvidson
^ top

June 1982, Vol. 10, No. 3
Massachusetts Waders: Past and Present
Wayne R. Petersen
Where to Find Herons:
The Clark's Island Heronry
William Davis, Jr. and Katherine Parsons
The Heronries of Boston Harbor
Jeremy Hatch
Black-Crowned Nught Herons: The Rise and Fall of a Daytime Roost
Leif Robertson
Behavior-watching Field Notes
Donald and Lillian Stokes
Field Records: March/April 1982
At a Glance Phalaropes
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1982, Vol. 10, No. 2
The Waban Arches, Wellesley
Ken Winkler
The Cormorants of Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay
Jeremy Hatch
First and Second Records of Rufous-necked Sandpiper (Calidris ruficollis) for Massachusetts
Richard Veit and Wayne R. Petersen
Warbler Migration Study: May 1981
John Andrews and Lee Taylor
Field Records: December 1981, January/February 1982
Feeding Behavior of a Northern Shrike
George Gavutis, Jr.
^ top

February 1982, Vol. 10, No. 1
Marshfield: A Birder's Perspective
Wayne R. Petersen
Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts forms Field Study Committee
A Winter Roost of Long-eared Owls
John Andrews
Behavior-watching Field Notes
Donald and Lillian Stokes
A Note on Wildlife Protection Laws
John Grugan
Field Records: October/November 1981
^ top

December 1983, Vol. 11, No. 6
An Introduction to Winter Birding At Quabbin
Mark Lynch
Escapes versus Vagrants: A Comment
Richard Veit
Some Thoughts About Field Guides - Old and New
Leif Robinson
Book Review: The Audubon Society Master Guide to Birding, edited by Farrand, Jr. 
Dorothy Arvidson
The Great Barn Owl Caper
David Clapp
Farewell To The Western Reef Heron
Martha Vaughan
Behavior-watching Field Notes
Donald and Lillian Stokes
Field Records: September 1983
Head-bobbing Behavior in Male Flickers
Mary and James Bird
About the Cover: 
J. B. Hallett, Jr.
At a Glance
Dorothy Arvidson
^ top

October 1983, Vol. 11, No. 5
Where We Went: A Pelagic Trip to Georges Bank, Sunday to Tuesday, 21-23 August 1983
George Gove
Why go to Georges Bank and Hydrographer Canyon?
Wayne R. Petersen
Altitude of Bird Migration
Paul Kerlinger
Results of the 1982 Sparrow Migration Project
Michael Sharpe
Detecting Song Sparrows
Leif Robinson
Breeding Success of Purple Martins in Eastern Massachusetts
David Clapp
Summary of Highest Count of Individuals recorded for Massachusetts Christmas Bird Counts, 1982
Janet Heywood and Robert H. Stymeist
Field Records: July/August 1983
Field Notes From Here And There:
Robert H. Stymeist, Dorothy Arvidson, Barbara Phillips, and Andrew Williams
At a Glance
Dorothy Arvidson
^ top

August 1983, Vol. 11, No. 4
Fall Migrant Traps of Coastal Massachusetts
Soheil Zendeh
The Study of Migration: Discovering how birds find their way
Kenneth Able
The Flight of the Sea Coot: A Look at Autumn Scoter Migration
Wayne R. Petersen
Night Sounds
Robert H. Stymeist
Field Notes From Here And There:
David Clapp and George Gove
Field Records: May/June 1983
At a Glance
Dorothy Arvidson
^ top

June 1983, Vol. 11, No. 3
A Visitor from afar - The Western Reef Heron
Dorothy Arvidson
A guide to the Birds of the Squam Lake Region, New Hampshire
(Introduction by Tudor Richards) Beverly Ridgely
Observations of Two Apparent Hybrid Gulls in Massachusetts
Richard Heil
New Frontiers in Hawkwatching: Hawk Migration Conference IV
H. Christian Floyd
Behavior-watching Field Notes
Donald and Lillian Stokes
Field Records: March/April 1983
Banding Report: Eurasian Siskin n Rockport, Massachusetts
Russell Norris
At a Glance
Dorothy Arvidson
^ top

April 1983, Vol. 11, No. 2
Breakheart Reservation: A Magical Urban Wilderness
Craig Jackson
Results of the 1983 Spring Migration Watch
John Andrews and Lee Taylor
A Note on Plumage Terminology
Richard Heil
Field Records: December 1982, January/February 1983
A Winter Record of Henslow's Sparrow in Massachusetts
Nicholas Komar
Chatting With Saw-whets
Leif Robinson
At a Glance
Dorothy Arvidson
^ top

February 1983, Vol. 11, No. 1
Birding Cape Ann
Christopher Leahy
Answers to the Bird Name Quiz
Chris Floyd
Field Records: October/November 1982
Report of a Yellow-billed Loon: Commentary
Richard Forster
At a Glance
Dorothy Arvidson
^ top

December 1984, Vol. 12, No. 6
Spring Migration On Savin Hill
Kenneth I. Winston
The Field Identification of Arctic Loon
Terence A. Walsh
Further Notes On The Field Identification Of Winter-Plumaged Arctic Loons 
Terence A. Walsh 
How The Common Barn-Owl (Tyto alba) Hunts In Darkness By Hearing
H Christian Floyd
Results Of The 1984 Census Of Piping Plovers, American Oystercatchers, And Willets In Massachusetts
Scott Melvin
Field Records: August/September 1984
Bridled Tern Sighting Off Gloucester, Massachusetts
Walter G. Ellison
Field Notes From Here And There:
News about Jackdawsa   Martha Vaughan
A Leucistic Black-bellied Plover   George Gove
At a Glance
Richard Walton
Index, Volume 12, 1984
^ top

October 1984, Vol. 12, No. 5
Some Notes On Spruce Grouse (Dendragapus canadensis)
Michael R. Greenwald
A Fuddle Of Falcons
Nancy Clayton
Observation Of A Long-Billed Curlew In Massachusetts
Blair Nikula and Henning Stabins
Birding At A Solar Eclipse
Leif J. Robinson
Field Records: June/July 1984
At a Glance
Chris Floyd
^ top

August 1984, Vol. 12, No. 4
Nature Watching In The Blue Hills Reservation
Robert Abrams
To New Jersey: For The Birds
John C. Kricher
The Hawk Flight Of September 1983
Paul M. Roberts
White-Faced Ibis Sighting In Essex, Massachusetts
Richard A. Forster
Field Records: April/May 1984
At a Glance
George W. Gove
^ top

June 1984, Vol. 12, No. 3
Birding By Canoe On The Nemasket River
Kathleen S. Anderson
Know Your New England Naturalists: Kathleen Anderson
Dr. W. Timothy Anderson
A Summer Bird Census In Millis
Brian E. Cassie
E. B. White, Forbush, And The Birds Of Massachusetts
Barbara Phillips and Dorothy Arvidson
The Screech-Owl Survey Project: Past And Future
Oliver Komar
Field Records: February/March 1984
The Decline And Fall Of Tympanuchus cupido cupido
Dorothy R. Arvidson
At a Glance
^ top

April 1984, Vol. 12, No. 2
Mount Greylock
Pam Weatherbee
Gyr 1 - 2 - 3
Paul M. Roberts
Results Of The 1983 Spring Migration Watch
John Andrews and Lee Taylor
Field Records: December 1983/January 1984
Field Notes From Here And There:
Arctic Encounter at Plum Island   David Lange
High Arctic Spectacle   Dorothy S. Long
Starling Fracas   Lee E. Taylor
Clever Jackdaw   Robert Abrams
Foolish Pelican   Robert H. Stymeist
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1984, Vol. 12, No. 1
Bird-Finding In Southeastern Massachsuetts - Bridgewater and Lakeville
Wayne R. Petersen
Words from Old Lyme: A Comment on "Escapes Versus Vagrants"
Roger Tory Peterson
On Records Of Birds
Dorothy R. Arvidson
Memory In Food-Hoarding Birds
Harriet H. Hoffman
The Wonder Of Birds: The Recordings - A Review
Michael R. Greenwald
Book Review: National Geographic Society's The Wonder Of Birds, edited by Robert M Poole 
Michael R. Greenwald
Field Records: October/November 1983
A Decade Of Wintering Brant in Boston Harbor
Leif J. Robinson
An Inventory Of The Breeding Birds Of Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, 1983
Denver W. Holt and John P. Lortie
At a Glance
Pat Fox and Mary Baird
^ top

December 1985, Vol. 13, No. 6
Where We Went: Dry Tortugas, Florida April 28 - May 1, 1985 
Harriet E. Hoffman
The Dry Tortugas 
Wayne Hoffman
Leo: Riding To Six Hundred On The ABA Game Board
Pat Noyes Fox
My Stint With Scituate's Stints 
P. William Smith 
More Than A Name: Henslow's Sparrow 
Richard K. Walton
Field Records: August/September 1985
Sight Record Of A White-Tailed Tropicbird 
Blair Nikula
Mrs. Abusamra And The Tropicbird
Dorothy R. Arvidson
Index to Volume 13, 1985
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1985, Vol. 13, No. 5
Birding Pond Meadow Park, Braintree
Robert Campbell and Glenn d'Entremont
The Massachusetts Naturalist's Library 
Brian E. Cassie 
Autumn Seabird Migration At Manomet Point 
Vincent G. Yurkunas
The Ipswich Cattle Egrets 
Jim Berry
Field Records: June/July 1985
A Second Record Of Little Stint (Calidris minute) In Massachusetts 
Wayne R. Petersen
A Question For Birders
Dorothy R. Arvidson
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1985, Vol. 13, No. 4
Birding In Peru I: The Southern Coast
Bruce A. Sorrie
World Series of Birding 1985: A Tale Of Fine Swifts And A Robin
John C. Kricher
What Is A Record? 
P. William Smith
An Inventory Of The Breeding Birds Of Monomy National Wildlife Refuge, Chatham, Mass. 1984 
Denver W. Holt, John P. Lortie, Robert C. Humphrey
Book Review: Birds of the Sudbury River Valley - An Historical Perspective, by Richard K. Walton
Wayne R. Petersen
Field Records: April/May 1985
Mileage Chart For Plum Island 
Field Notes From Here And There:
Tit for Tat   Bob Abrams
A Mockingbird Calls   Dorothy R. Arvidson
Tale from a Tyro   Cindy McElwain
A Birthday Vow   Dorothy R. Arvidson
Brown Creeper Caper   David C. Grindell
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1985, Vol. 13, No. 3
Birding Plum Island
Richard A. Forster
The Census Man Cometh - For Seagulls And Sundry Other Fowl Of The Sea And Shore
Bradford G. Blodget
Peddocks Island Bird Life, June to October, 1984
Polly S. Stevens 
An Exaltation Of Larks
William E. Davis, Jr.
Some Additional Thoughts On Records
Blair Nikula
Field Records: January/February/March 1985
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1985, Vol. 13, No. 2
Birding Plymouth Beach
Duncan S. Evered
The 1984 Spring Migration Watch
John Andrews
Words From Bel Air, Maryland
A Letter from Eirik A. T. Blom
More On Records
Dorothy R. Arvidson
Book Review: A Field Guide to Personal Computers for Bird Watchers and Other Naturalists, by Edward M. Mair
John Andrews
Adult Ross' Gull At Newburyport On December 3, 1984 
Stuart Tingley
The 1984 Christmas Bird Counts In Eastern Massachusetts
Robert H. Stymeist
Field Records: December 1984
Field Notes From Here And There:
Swan Song   Leif J. Robinson
Sound of the Mute and One Other Seldom Heard - Northern Shrike  Jim Berry
More Drinking   Dorothy L. Case
Aerial Combat   Leif J. Robinson
At a Glance - A Look Askance
Wayne R. Petersen
At a Glance
Dorothy R. Arvidson
^ top

February 1985, Vol. 13, No. 1
Birding The Muddy River
kenneth Hudson`
Pacific (And Artic) Loon Identification: Difficulty, Unfamiliarity and a Little Bit of Confusion
Duncan S. Evered
"Rare" Sanderlings Visit Massachusetts
Blair Nikula
Observation Of Clay-Colored Sparrow In An Unusual Plumage
Richard A. Forster
Gull Story
P. William Smith
Field Records: October/November 1984
Field Notes From Here And There:
A Note on Gull Pellets or How Our Household Trash Ends Up In a Wilderness Area   Peter Trull
How Thirsty Can a Cardinal Be?   Oliver Komar
At a Glance
Dorothy R. Arvidson
^ top

December 1986, Vol. 14, No. 6
Birding On St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands 
William O. Gette
Additional Notes On St. John
David E. Lange
Maine Saw It First: More On The Red-Billed Tropicbird
Harriet Corbett
Red-Billed Tropicbird In New England
Kyle Jones
Catesby's Colonial Field Guide
Richard K. Walton 
Book Views
Brian E. Cassie 
A Little-Known Field Mark For White-Rumped Sandpiper
Leif J. Robinson and Ted Raymond
American Kestrel Nesting Box Program
Paul Roberts
Field Records: August/September 1986
Index To Volume 14, 1986
At a Glance
Dorothy R. Arvidson
^ top

October 1986, Vol. 14, No. 5
Finding Owls In The Grass Rides
Jim Berry
Owls In Massachusetts
Wayne R. Petersen
To Talk Of Many Things: Athene cunicularia, Regal Fritillaries, The Tropicbird, and Other Rarities 
Dorothy R. Arvidson
A Summary Of Short-Eared Owl Breeding Status In Massachusetts
Denver Holt
How About That Tail
Julius Rosenwald II
Another Massachusetts First: Red-Billed Tropicbird 
Dorothy R. Arvidson
Book Review: Shorebirds, An Identification Guide, by P. Hayman, J. Marchant, and T. Prater
Blair Nikula
Book Views
Brian E. Cassie 
Field Records: June/July 1986
At a GlanceWayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1986, Vol. 14, No. 4
Relict of Days Past: West Qabbin
Peter H. Yaukey
Tips for Tyros - Confusing Fall Warblers: Blackpoll, Bay-Breasted, and Pine
James Baird
Linnaeus and the Listers
Richard K. Walton 
Record Review: Songs Of The Warblers Of North America 
Michael R. Greenwald
Identification Of The Philadelphia Vireo In The Autumn 
Richard A. Forster
Field Records: April/May 1986
Sighting Of Boat-Tailed Grackle (Quiscalus major) In Massachusetts
Richard A. Forster
Sight Record Of A Mississippi Kite (Ictinia mississippiensis) In Massachusetts

Blair Nikula
At a GlanceWayne R. Petersen
(Reader Response)Jim Berry
^ top

June 1986, Vol. 14, No. 3
Birding Wompatuck State Park
Jerry Flaherty 
Status Of The Piping Plover In Massachusetts
George W. Gove
Field Tips: The Single Field Mark Syndrome
Kimball L. Garrett 
American's Birding Team - Opus 3
John C. Kricher
The 1985 Spring Migration Watch
John W. Andrews
Book Views
Brian E. Cassie
Field Records: February/March 1986
At a Glance
Dorothy R. Arvidson
^ top

April 1986, Vol. 14, No. 2
Where To Find Birds At Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge
Mark Lynch
Thank you, Thank you!
The first Bird Observer Fund-Raiser
The Cape Cod Lake and Pond Waterfowl Census
Blair Nikula
Book Views
Brian E. Cassie
Bird Sighting 
Ralph J. Richards 
What Is So Rare 
Dorothy R. Arvidson
Heterospecific Vocal Mimicry By Six Oscines
Douglas McNair and Richard A. Forster
Field Records: December/January 1986
Field Notes From Here And There:
Chickadees Mob Saw-whet in White Pine   William E. Davis, Jr.
Pontoppidan's Pursuer   Nancy Clayton
Fairhaven Massacre   Bryant Barnard
Sailing with an Osprey   Suzanne S. Connolly
At a Glance Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1986, Vol. 14, No. 1
Hawk-Watching Sites In The Newburyport Area
Edward M. Mair 
Identification of Juvenile Long-Tailed Jaeger From Photographs 
Richard B. Cech
And The Next Day - Back At Stellwagen Bank Another Long-Tailed Jaeger 
Richard A. Forster
Book Views
Brian E. Cassie
Field Records: October/November 1986
Field Notes From Here And There:
The Varied Thrush of Moonpenny Drive   Bernard and Joan Wasserman
Bewildered Sharpshin   Kevin M. Ryan
A Singular Kettle   Ted Raymond
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 1987, Vol. 15, No. 6
Birding Duxbury Beach 
Mark J. Kasprzyk 
Why Was It A Cox's Sandpiper? 
Richard A. Forster 
Calidris Paramelanotos: A Perplexing Story 
David C. Morimoto 
Courtship Display And Territorial Defense By Yellow-Breasted Chat 
William E. Davis, Jr. 
More On Glossy Ibises 
Andrew H. Williams 
A Letter From Roger Tory Peterson 
Book Views 
Brian E. Cassie 
Finding 300 Species In Massachusetts In One Year
Herman D'Entremont and Dorothy R. Arvidson
Field Records: June/July 1987
About the Cover: Cox's Sandpiper (after a photo by Simon Perkins)
Meet Our Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1987, Vol. 15, No. 5
The Birds of Gate 40, Quabbin 
Mark Lynch 
A Close Encounter With Boston's Peregrines 
Chere Bemelmans 
Book Review: Field Guide to Hawks: North America, by William S. Clark
Paul M. Roberts
Shrikes: Letter to the Editor
Field Records: May 1987
Sighting Of An Anhinga In Massachusetts 
Richard A. Forster 
A Wilson's Plover On North Monomoy Island 
Stephen Dinsmore and Robert C. Humphrey 
About the Cover Peregrine Studies
Meet Our Cover Artist: Robert Shetterly, Jr
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1987, Vol. 15, No. 4
Summer Birding Along Realty Road, Aroostook County, Maine 
Nicholas Komar 
Distinctions Between Three-Toed And Black-Backed Woodpeckers 
Nicholas Komar 
Range Expansion And New Breeding Record For The Glossy Ibis In Massachusetts 
Robert C. Humphrey 
A Binocular Primer For Birders 
Leif J. Robinson 
Status Of The Curlew Sandpiper In Massachusetts 
George W. Gove 
Book Review: Hawks at My Wingtip, by Bill Welch
Leif J. Robinson
Field Notes From Here And There
Field Records: March/April 1987
About the Cover Chimney Swift
Meet Our Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1987, Vol. 15, No. 3
Where To Go: Monomoy 
Blair Nikula 
Wachusett Mountain: Eight Years And 100,000+ Broad-Wings Later 
Leif J. Robinson 
More On Shrike Identification 
Eirik A. T. Blom 
Author's Response 
James Baird 
Ralph Hoffmann: Father Of The Modern Field Guide 
Bruce A. Sorrie 
Book Views 
Brian E. Cassie 
Tribute To A Naturalist 
Peter Alden
Field Notes From Here And There
Field Records: January/February 1987
About the Cover Song Sparrow
Meet Our Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1987, Vol. 15, No. 2
Summer Birding In The White Mountains 
Peter H. Yaukey 
Human "Psh-Psh-Psh" Calls Mimic Avian Distress Call 
William E. Davis, Jr. 
Wilson's Warblers 
Richard K. Walton 
White-Rumped Sandpiper Bill Color 
Blair Nikula 
Book Views 
Brian E. Cassie 
Field Notes From Here And There
Field Records: December 1986
1986 Christmas Bird Count
Robert H. Stymeist
1986 Cape Cod Lake And Pond Waterfowl Survey
Blair Nikula
About the Cover Ring-billed Gull
Meet Our Cover Artist: William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1987, Vol. 15, No. 1
Birding In Provincetown 
Blair Nikula 
Book Review: Harrier, Hawk of the Marshes, by Frances Hamerstrom
Marilyn S. Murphy
A Visit With Charles, A Talk About Chickadees 
John C. Kricher 
Field Problem: Northern Versus Loggerhead Shrike 
James Baird 
Field Records: October/November 1986
About the Cover Great Horned Owl
Meet Our Cover Artist: Scott Hecker
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 1988, Vol. 16, No. 6
Nantucket, Part II
Marcia J. Litchfield
Massachusetts' Newest Immigrant: The Common Black-Headed Gull
Jane Cumming
Color Variation In Male Scarlet Tanager Wings
Kenneth C. Parkes 
Book Views 
Brian E. Cassie 
Field Notes From Here And There:
T8OP and Others in Massachusetts   Andrew H. Williams
Icicle Play by Chickadees   Robert A. Richards
In Quest of the Spotted Owl   William E. Davis, Jr.
Field Records: July/August 1988
About the Cover: Common Eider
J. B. Hallett, Jr.
Index to Volumes 16, 1988
Bird Sightings July/August 1974
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Common Eider by Gordon Morrison
^ top

October 1988, Vol. 16, No. 5
Nantucket, Part I
Marcia J. Litchfield
The Phyogenetic Species Concept: Cornucopia For Listers
John C. Kricher
New England Rediscovered Through The Eyes Of A Birder
Alden G. Clayton
Were There Really 16,463 Common Eiders Out There?
David E. Clapp
Field Notes From Here And There:
Yellow-throated Warbler Inside Our Shed   Ruth Brown
Scarlet Tanager With Red Wing Bars   Ted Raymond
About the Cover: Eastern Screech-Owl
J. B. Hallett, Jr.
Meet Our Cover Artist: Scott Hecker
Dorothy R. Arvidson
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Screech-Owl by Scott Hecker
^ top

August 1988, Vol. 16, No. 4
Birding In Peru, Part II: Cusco And The Puna
Bruce A. Sorrie
Terns Of Massachusetts
Scott Hecker and Ann Prince Hecker
Distress Calls In Birds: An Avian Enigma
William E. Davis, Jr.
300 Species In Massachusetts In One Year: Fall To Winter
Herman D'Entremont and Dorothy R. Arvidson
Field Notes From Here And There:
A Pair of Clay-colored Sparrows in June   Robert M. Marshall
Sightseeing Birds   Trescott T. Abele
How Do You Count?   Jodi Adams
A Particular Green-winged Teal   Andrew H. Williams
Field Records: March/April 1988
About the Cover: 
J. B. Hallett, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Great Blue Heron by William E. Davis, Jr.
^ top

June 1988, Vol. 16, No. 3
Birding Chatham, Cape Cod
Blair Nikula
Notes On A Hammond's Flycatcher
Kenneth Winkler
Weather And Long-Distance Vagrancy In Red-Billed Tropicbirds
W. Herbert Wilson
Avian Sorcery Or Apple Saucery
Chuck Bernstein
The Brookline Bird Club
H. Lawrence Jodrey and Gerald L. Soucy
Book Views 
Brian E. Cassie 
300 Species In Massachusetts In One Year: July And August
Herman D'Entremont and Dorothy R. Arvidson
Field Records: December 1987,   January/February 1988
Christmas Bird Count, 12/17/87-1/3/88
Robert H. Stymeist
About the Cover: 
J. B. Hallett, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Oven Nester (Marsh Wren) by Gordon Morrison
^ top

April 1988, Vol. 16, No. 2
Summer Birds of High Ridge
Charles B. Quinlan
Eskimo Curlew: On The Road To Recovery At Last, Perhaps
Andrew H. Williams
More On The Cox's Sandpiper Controversy: An Apology And Correction
David C. Morimoto
Unusual Unidentified Sandpiper at Little Creek Wildlife Area, Delaware
Harvey Mudd
Lyme Disease And The Birder
Stauffer Miller
300 In One Year: May And June
Herman D'Entremont and Dorothy R. Arvidson
Field Records: October/November 1987
Christmas Bird Count, 12/17/87-1/3/88
About the Cover: Eastern Kingbird
J. B. Hallett, Jr.
Meet Our Cover Artist: John Sill
Dorothy R. Arvidson
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1988, Vol. 16, No. 1
Where To Find Birds At Belle Isle Marsh, East Boston
Jane Cumming
Why Don't Red-Billed Tropicbirds Nest On Martha's Vineyard?
Richard R. Veit
300 Species In Massachusetts In One Year: March And April
Herman D'Entremont and Dorothy R. Arvidson
Field Notes From Here And There
Field Records: August/September 1987
About the Cover: Northern-Bobwhite
J. B. Hallett, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Gordon Morrison 
Dorothy R. Arvidson
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 1989, Vol. 17, No. 6
Birding Northeast Quabbin
Mark Lynch
Changes In The Ring-Billed Gull Population In Massachusetts
Richard A. Forster
A Conversation With Tom French: Part II
Alden G. Clayton
First Confirmed Nesting of Cerulean Warbler In Massachusetts
D'Ann W. Brownrigg and J. Thomas Brownrigg
1990 Tide Table
A Bird In The Hand: The Mystery Novels of Ann Cleeves
Robert A. Campbell
Field Records: July/August 1989
Index to Volume 17, 1989
About The Cover: White-breasted Nuthatch
Richard A. Forster
Meet Our Cover Artist: John Sill
Dorothy R. Arvidson
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1989, Vol. 17, No. 5
Planning A Birding trip To Britain
Jane Cumming
First United States Sight Record Of Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)
Richard A. Forster
Vagrancy Report: It Never Rains But It Pours
Simon Perkins
A Conversation With Tom French: Part I 
Alden G. Clayton
Book Views
Brian E. Cassie
Field Records: May/June 1989
About The Cover: Barry W. Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Little Egret by Barry Van Dusen
^ top

August 1989, Vol. 17, No. 4
Finding Birds In Ipswich
Jim Berry
An Honor Without Profit
Richard K. Walton
The Ethics of Nature Watching
Verdie J. Abel
The Lark Sparrow In Massachusetts
Richard A. Forster
Field Sketches by Julie Zickefoose
Field Records: March/April 1989
About the Cover: Least Sandpiper
William E. Davis, Jr.
Meet Our Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Young Least Sandpipers by Barry Van Dusen
^ top

June 1989, Vol. 17, No. 3
Birdwatching In Puerto Rico
Brian E. Cassie
Distraction Displays or "Injury Feigning" In Birds
William E. Davis, Jr.
Book Views
Brian E. Cassie
Tape Review: Birding by Ear by Richard K. Walton and Robert W. Lawson
Dorothy R. Arvidson
Field Notes From Here And There
Hoarding Behavior in Blue Jays   Dorothy Louise Case
A Titmouse Stakes His Claim   Sandy B. Selesky
LeConte's Sparrow at Newbury   Dorothy R. Arvidson
Time to Count   Henry T. Wiggin
Field Records: December 1988, January/February 1989
Christmas Bird Count 12/16/88-1/3/89
Robert H. Stymeist
About the Cover: Eastern Bluebird
J. B. Hallett, Jr.
Meet Our Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
D. R. Arvidson
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Juvenile Bluebirds by Julie Zickefoose
^ top

April 1989, Vol. 17, No. 2
Birding Areas of Milford
Richard W. Hildreth
Observations of Migrating Red-Throated Loons
Julie Zickefoose
Book Review: The Birder's Handbook , by P.R. Ehrlich, D.S. Dobkin, and D. Wheye
Paul J. Baicich
Some Observations On The Feeding And Nesting Behavior Of Great Horned Owls
Alan E. Strauss
A Tick-List For Birders: Update On Lyme Disease
Dorothy R. Arvidson
Field Notes From Here And There:
Gulls Hawking Ants   Andrew A. Whitman
An Unusual Heron Pose   Sandy B. Selesky
Field Records: October/November 1988
About the Cover: Black-throated Green Warbler
J. B. Hallett, Jr. 
Meet Our Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1989, Vol. 17, No. 1
The Sudbury River Valley 
Richard A. Forster 
On Collection: Points Of View 
"A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush" 
William E. Davis, Jr. 
Extralimitals - Is It a Question of the Right Bird or the Bird's Rights?
John C. Kricher
A Massachusetts First: Allen's Hummingbird On Nantucket 
Alan Bennett 
Vagrant Birds: Passive Or Active Dispersal? 
Richard R. Veit 
Book Review: Hawks in Flight, by P. Dunne, D. Sibley, and C. Sutton
Katherine Durham
Review: Gone Birding! VCR Game 
Jane Cumming 
Field Records: September 1988
About the Cover: Evening Grosbeak
J. B. Hallett, Jr.
Meet Our Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 1990, Vol. 18, No. 6
Birding Jamaica
David W. Bates, Jan P. Smith, and Peter P. Marra
A 1986 Record of Cassin's Sparrow In Maine
David J. James
Book Review: A Field Guide to Advanced Birding by Kenn Kaufman
Robert Hilton
Two Aberrant Goldfinches
William E. Davis, Jr.
Photo Field Note: A White Goldfinch
David and Kim Purinton
Northern Saw-Whet Owl With Mouse
Alan E. Strauss
Field Records: August/September 1990
About The Cover: Carolina Wren
Richard A. Forster
Meet Our Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
Dorothy R. ArvidsonIndex To Volume 18, 1990
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1990, Vol. 18, No. 5
Journal of Trinidad and Tobago: June 16-25, 1990
John C. Kricher 
A Spotted Redshank In Wellfleet 
Michael R. Smith 
Spotted Redshank and Greater Yellowlegs (Ink and Crayon Drawing) Centerfold 
Barry W. Van Dusen
Field Notes: Birds Of The Season
Terek Sandpiper at Plum Island   David Stemple, Ida Girunas, Jim Moore, Marsha Paine
White-faced Ibis at Plum Island   Ian Lynch
Sandhill Crane at Provincetown     Kyle Jones
Field Records: June/July 1990
About The Cover: Peregrine Falcon
Richard A. Forster
Meet Our Cover Artist: Paul K. Donahue
H. Christian Floyd
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1990, Vol. 18, No. 4
Bird Finding At Sachuest Point, Rhode Island, and Environs 
Alan E. Strauss
Thoreau: Speaking For Birds
Richard K. Walton 
Evolution Of Distraction Display Behavior In Birds
Field Notes From Here and There
Black-and-White Distraction   Dorothy Louise Case
Accipiter Interaction at a Cooper's Nest   Tom Aversa
Airport Sandpipers   Phillips Hallowell
Outdoor Work: The Bird Finder's Advantage   Chuck Aversa
Photo Feature: Birds of May 1990
A Plethora of Grosbeaks   Sue Burton
Chuck-will's-widow at Marblehead neck   Torrey Jackson
Fork-tailed Flycatcher in Concord   Jack Murray
Field Records: April/May 1990
About The Cover: Black-bellied Plover
Richard A. Forster
Meet Our Cover Artist: Paul K. Donahue
Dorothy R. Avidson
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1990, Vol. 18, No. 3
A Week In The Whites With White-Winged Crossbills 
Andrew H. Williams
Manomet Bird Observatory Enters Its Third Decade: An Update on Research Activities
R. Tod Highsmith
Top Ten: A Prediction of Future Vagrants in Massachusetts 
Richard A. Forster
Book Review: A Field Guide to Eastern Forests by John C. Kricher
David C. Morimoto
Sighting Of A Ross' Gull (Rhodostethia rosea) At Niles Pond, Gloucester
Richard A. Forster
Field Notes From Here And There
Sighting of a Golden-Crowned Sparrow at Dartmouth   George W. Gove and Judy B. Gordon
Not A Hag At All   Peter Trull
Field Records: January/February/March 1990
About The Cover: Bobolinks
Barry W. Van Dusen, Richard A. Forster
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1990, Vol. 18, No. 2
Prairie Birding Through New England Eyes
John C. Young
The Double Edge Effect
John C. Kricher
Do Vagrant Birds In Massachusetts Reflect Population Growth and Dispersal Rather than Weather Patterns?
Richard R. Veit
Peregrine Day - Close Enough
Peter Trall 
Herring Gulls Nest On Slanting Roof
William E. Davis, Jr.
Book Views
Brian E. Cassie
Ash-Throated Flycatcher: First For The Vineyard
George Daniels
Field Records: November/December 1989
Christmas Bird Count, 12/16/89-1/3/90
Robert H. Stymeist
About The Cover: Middle Yellowlegs, Least Yellowlegs
Ben L. Sill, Cathryn P. Sill, and John C. Sill
Meet Our Cover Artist: John C. Sill
Dorothy R. Arvidson
At a Glance
Simon Perkins
^ top

February 1990, Vol. 18, No. 1
The Bald Hill Reservation
Jim MacDougall
Spring Hawk Migration in Massachusetts
Paul M. Roberts 
An Attempt To Unravel The Mystery Of Winter Finch Occurance
Richard A. Forster
Sightings of Franklin's Gulls (Larus pipixcan)
September 3, 1989, at Nahant, MA   Richard A. Forster
October 6, 1989 at Lynn, MA   John F. Quigley
Field Records: September/October 1989
About The Cover: Common Redpoll
Richard A. Forster
Ben L. Sill, Cathryn P. Sill, and John C. Sill
Meet Our Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
Dorothy R. Arvidson
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 1991, Vol. 19, No. 6
Birding The Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
Jim MacDougall
Profiles of New England Ornithologists: Ruth P. Emery, The Original Voice of Audubon
James Baird
Book Review: The Search for the Pink-Headed Duck by Rory Nugent
Mark Lynch
Field Notes From Here and There
Decoy Behavior of Golden-Winged Warblers At Nest   Robert C. Bradbury
Hummingbirds In A Hurricane   Richard F. Graefe
Forster's Tern Nesting In Plum Island Marshes   David Rimmer and Russ Hopping
Leucistic Black-Capped Chickadee   Michael Onyon
The Spruce Grouse   William E. Davis, Jr
Late Winter-Spring Workshops 1992
Field Records: July/August 1991 Summary
Index to Volume 19, 1991
About The Cover: Bohemian Waxwing
Meet Our Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1991, Vol. 19, No. 5
Where To Watch Birds In Framingham 
Richard A. Forster 
Barn Owls Nesting On Nantucket
Edith F. Andrews
Rare Bird Alert At Outermost House 
Nan Turner Waldron 
How Do Carolina Wrens Survive New England Winters? 
William E. Davis, Jr. 
Book Review: A Season at the Point: The Birds and Birders of Cape May by Jack Connor
John C. Kricher
Field Records: May/June 1991 Summary
About The Cover: Peregrine Falcon
Meet Our Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1991, Vol. 19, No. 4
Birding Martha's Vineyard
E. Vernon Laux, Jr.
Evolution of Distress Calls In Birds: Still An Enigma
William E. Davis, Jr.
Profiles Of New England Ornithologists: Joseph A. Hagar
Bradford G. Blodget
Buff-Breasted Sandpipers In Middleboro
Alan E. Strauss
Where To Look For The Buff-Breasted Sandpiper
Richard A. Forster
Field Notes From Here and There
Unusual Roosting Behavior of the Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia Longicauda)Brian A. Cassie, Jr.
Unusual Feeding Behavior of the Red-billed Scythebill (Campylorhamphus Trochilirostris   Brian E. Cassie, Jr.
Great Black-backed Gull Attack on a Surf Scoter   Clark Ewer
Field Records: March/April 1991 Summary
About The Cover: Black-legged Kittiwake
Meet Our Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1991, Vol. 19, No. 3
Finding A Black Rail
Emmalee Bowers Tarry
Winter Populations Of The House Finch In New England, 1985-1989
Steve Davis
Differences in Foraging Ability Of Adult And Juvenile Snowy Egrets In The Saugus River Marsh
Donald M. Kent
Book Reviews:
Birding Cape Code by the Cape Cod Bird Club and Massachusetts Audubon Society
Marilyn Murphy
Outdoor Optics by Leif J. Robinson
Robert Manns
Field Notes From Here and There
Photo Record: American White Pelican, October 6, 1990, Eastham, Massachusetts Kyle Jones
Owl Coughs Up a Boulder   Jim Berry
An Obliging Short-eared Owl   Sandy Selesky
Another Wild Goose Chase: Addendum to the Osterville Barnacles Dorothy R. Arvidson
Field Records: January/February 1991 Summary
About The Cover: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Martha Steele
Meet Our Cover Artist: Gordon Morrison
Martha Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1991, Vol. 19, No. 2
Introduction To 1990 AFO/WOS Symposium: The Amateur In Ornithology
Edward H. Burtt, Jr.
The Importance of Contributions By Amateurs To American Ornithology: A Short History
Mary H. Clench 
The Amateur: Finding A Niche In Ornithology 
Harold F. Mayfied 
Banders As An Ornithological Resource
Robert P. Yunick
The Amateur Birdbander: The Bird Banding Lab Perspective
John Tautin
Opportunities For Local Amatuers 
Field Records: December 1990 Summary
Christmas Bird Count, 12/15/90-1/2/91 
Robert H. Stymeist
About The Cover: Common Tern and Wilson's Warbler
John C. Kricher
Meet Our Cover Artist: Gordon Morrison
Martha Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1991, Vol. 19, No. 1
Birding Western Cuba: You Can't Get There From Here 
Mark M. Blazis 
Visiting With Ann Clleves, Birdwatching Mystery Writer
Cassandra L. Oxley
Photo Feature: Birds of December 1990
Sandhill Crane   Tom Tyning
Barnacle Goose   Donald Bernstein
Field Notes From Here and There
Wild Barnacles in Quiet Osterville   Dorothy R. Arvidson
A Finch of Another Color   Henry T. Wiggin
Red-tailed Hawk in Harvard Square   Harriet E. Hoffman
The Tame Longspur   Sandy B. Selesky
Field Records: October/November 1990 Summary
About The Cover: Boreal Owl
Richard A. Forster
Meet Our Cover Artist: Paul K. Donahue
Dorothy R. Arvidson
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 1992, Vol. 20, No. 6
Birding Boston: The Common to the Fens 
Kenneth Hudson 
Is Winter Bird Feeding Good For Birds?
Erica H. Dunn 
A Selective Analysis of Data From the Newburyport Christmas Bird Count 
Jim Berry 
Book Review: Masterpieces of Bird Art: 700 Years of Ornithological Illustration by Roger F. Pasquier and John Farrand, Jr
William E. Davis, Jr
Bird Sightings: July/August 1992 Summary
About The Cover: Great Horned Owl
Meet Our Cover Artist: Gordon Morrison
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1992, Vol. 20, No. 5
Waterfowl In the Berkshires 
Bartlett Hendricks
A Key Link in Greater Boston's Wildlife Habitat: Metropolitan State Hospital
John Andrews and Lee Taylor
Book Review: The Feather Quest by Pete Dunne
John Kricher
Are Accipiter Populations in Winter Affected by Bird Feeders? 
William E. Davis, Jr. 
Entanglement of Common Eiders in Clam Culture Nets 
Edwin M. Hoopes 
Field Notes From Here and There
Eurasian Wigeon Pair in Uxbridge   Robert C. Bradbury
Bird Sightings: May/June 1992 Summary
About The Cover: American Robin in Winterberry
Meet Our Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1992, Vol. 20, No. 4
Monhegan: Island of Possibilities 
Scott Surner 
Henslow's Sparrow and Grasshopper Sparrow: A Comparison of Habitat Use In Finger Lakes National Forest, New York 
Donald J. Smith and Charles R. Smith 
Nesting Success of Eastern Bluebirds In Myles Standish State Forest 
Some Observations On The Breeding Behavior Of Least Terns 
Alan E. Strauss 
Book Review: Flight Strategies of Migrating Hawks by Paul Kerlinger
Paul M. Roberts
Field Notes From Here and There
The Dance of the Ring-billed Gull   John C. Kricher
Bird Sightings: March/April 1992 Summary
About The Cover: Manx Shearwater
Meet Our Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1992, Vol. 20, No. 3
Summer-Fall Workshops 1992 
Coastal Birding in Rhode Island 
Alan E. Strauss 
Predation By A Peregrine Falcon On Common And Roseate Terns On Bird Island 
Ian C. T. Nisbet 
Anything But Barren, Part II: The Search For Patterns Continues 
David C. Morimoto 
Book Review: A Parrot Without a Name by Don Stap
Dorothy R. Arvidson
Book Review: On Watching Birds by Lawrence Kilham
William E. Davis. Jr.
Field Notes From Here and There
Unusual Prey Attainment Of An Immature Red-Tailed Hawk  Steven Arena
Cormorant and Clam   Jeremy J. Hatch
The Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Wayne R. Petersen
Bird Sightings: January/February 1992 Summary
About The Cover: Atlantic Puffin
Meet Our Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1992, Vol. 20, No. 2
Birding At Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary 
Christopher Phillips and Mark Lynch
Anything But Barren: The Search For Patterns In The Breeding Bird Community Of The Massachusetts Pine Barrens
David C. Morimoto 
The Great Gannet Wreck of '91 
Blair Nikula 
Skua Identification
Simon Perkins 
Book Review: Birds of Prey In Connecticut by Gene Billings
H. Christian Floyd
Field Notes From Here and There
Territorial Blue Grosbeak at Broad Meadow Brook   Robert Bradbury
Bird Sightings: November/December 1991 Summary
About The Cover: Red-winged Blackbird
Meet Our Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1992, Vol. 20, No. 1
Concan On The Edwards Plateau, Texas
John C. Kricher and William E. Davis, Jr. 
Forest Fragmentation and the Decline of Migratory Songbirds 
Robert A. Askins 
The Piping Plover In Massachsuetts: Status of Recovery and research Efforts
David W. Rimmer
Tape Review: Western Birding By Ear: A Guide To Bird Song Identification by Richard K. Walton and Robert W. Lawson
Bruce Hallet
Bird Sightings: September/October 1991 Summary
About The Cover: Black-capped Vireo
Meet Our Cover Artist: Rick Frey
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 1993, Vol. 21, No. 6
Birding the Southern Maine Coast from Oqunquit to Kittery point 
Bridget A. Coullon 
Trends in Neotropical Migrant Populations: Report On A Symposium 
John C. Kricher 
A Winter Getaway: Guanica State Forest. Puerto Rico 
Howard D. Faria 
Book Review: Birds of Massachusetts by Richard R. Veit and Wayne R. Petersen
Frederick Purnell, Jr.
Ornithological Multitudes 
Hanson C. Robbins 
Field Notes From Here and There
Good Year for Nesting Grasshopper Sparrows   Robert C. Bradbury
A Use for Starlings   Matthew L. Pelikan
A Word About Where-To-Go-Birding Articles
Call for Volunteers
Bird Sightings: July/August 1993 Summary
Index to Volume 21, 1993 
About The Cover: Irruptive Bird Species
Meet Our Cover Artist: Gordon Morrison
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1993, Vol. 21, No. 5
Lighthouse Point Park 
Arnold Devine and Dwight G. Smith 
Lloyd Center Estuarine Winter Waterfowl Census 
John O. Hill, Jr, and Mark J. Mello 
The Wild Turkey: An Update 
James E. Cardoza 
The Day the Birds Cried: Remembering Ted Parker 
Peter Alden
Field Notes From Here and There
Sighting of a Black-tailed Godwit in Massachusetts   Robert C. Bradbury
Blair Nikula 
Bird Sightings: May/June 1993 Summary
About The Cover: American Woodcock
Meet Our Cover Artist: Gordon Morrison
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1993, Vol. 21, No. 4
Birding South Brookline 
Robert H. Stymeist
Recolonization of the Common Raven in Berkshire County, Massachusetts 
Timothy J. Flanagan 
Book Review: A Shadow and a Song by Mark Jerome Walters
John Kricher
Field Notes From Here and There
Some Observations of Nesting Yellow Warblers   Alan E. Strauss
Bird Sightings: March/April 1993 Summary
About The Cover: Common Raven
Meet Our Cover Artist: Robert Shetterly
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1993, Vol. 21, No. 3
Birding Vermont's Northeast Kingdom: An Overview 
Walter G. Ellison and Illustrations by Nancy L. Martin
Second-Year Management of a Cliff Swallow Colony in Massachusetts 
Mara Silver 
The Piper's Progress 
Scott Hecter
Similarities Between Birding Identification and Medical Diagnosis 
Stephen Davis
Field Notes From Here and There
Redtail Drowns Mallard   Richard and Lisa Estes
Update: Metropolitan State Hospital Property
Bird Sightings: January/February 1993 Summary
About The Cover: Spruce Grouse
Meet Our Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1993, Vol. 21, No. 2
Birding the Housatonic Valley Wildlife Management Area 
David St. James 
Bicknell's Thrush: A Northeastern Songbird in Trouble?
Christopher C. Rimmer, Jonathan L. Atwood, and Laura R. Nagy 
Book Review: The Macmillon Field Guide to Bird Identification by Alan Harris, Laurel Tucker, and Keith Vinicombe
Robert Hilton
Field Notes From Here and There
Unusual Behavior of a Baird's Sandpier   Alden Clayton
American Kestrel Caching Food   David E. Clapp 
Never Bite a Pitohui, It's Poisonous   William E. Davis, Jr. 
Phalaropes, Phalaropes Everywhere  Richard A. Forster
Bird Sightings: November/December 1992 Summary
Christmas Bird Count 12/17/92-1/3/93
Robert H. Stymeist
About The Cover: Gray-cheeked Thrush
Meet Our Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1993, Vol. 21, No. 1
Fifty Years of Birding: An Interview With Margaret Argue
Martha Steele 
Ludlow Griscom: The Birdwatchers's Guru 
William E. Davis, Jr. 
Best Birds in Massachusetts: 1973-1992
William R. Petersen
Historians of Essex County and the Essex County Ornithological Club of Massachusetts 
Jim MacDougali 
Birding Memories From Our Readers 
Bird Sightings: September/October 1992 Summary
About The Cover: The First Twenty Years
Staff Roll Call: Gathering the Flock 
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Collage
^ top

December 1994, Vol. 22, No. 6
Birding Portland's Back Cove 
Richard R. Eakin 
The Newport-Westport Christmas Bird Count 
Steve Davis 
Using Christmas Bird Count Data to Determine Population Trends of Five Bird Species 
Thomas R. Hamilton 
Tide table, 1995 
Book Review: Dean of Birdwatchers: A Biography of Ludlow Griscom by William E. Davis, Jr.
Richard K. Walton
Bird Sightings: July/August 1994 Summary
Index to Volume 22, 1994 
About The Cover: Northern Saw-whet Owl
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1994, Vol. 22, No. 5
Five Seasons in Western Hampden County: Birding A Big Backyard 
Seth Kellogg 
Fall Migration of Peregrine Falcons at Coastal and Island Locations in Maine 
Roger D. Applegate 
Book Review: The Human Nature of Birds by Theodore Xenophon Barber
William E. Davis
Field Notes From Here and There 
Red-tailed Hawk and Dead Crow   Sandy Selesky
Breakfast with a Hoody   Alan Strauss
Bird Sightings: May/June 1994 Summary
About The Cover: Osprey
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
Martha Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1994, Vol. 22, No. 4
Birding the Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary 
David Clapp 
Oystercatcher redux 
Lawry Sager 
A Podiceps Primer
Matthew L. Pelikan 
Book Review: Birds in Brazil by Helmut Sick
John Kricher
Bird Sightings: March/April 1994 Summary
About The Cover: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
Martha Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1994, Vol. 22, No. 3
Finding Birds in Pittsburg, New Hampshire 
Robert A. Quinn 
The Great Bohemian Waxwing Flight of 1994 
Richard A. Forster 
Book Review: In Trouble Again: A Journey Between the Orinoco and the Amazon by Redmond O'Hanlon
Alden Clayton
Announcement: A Birder's Guide to Eastern Massachusetts
William E. Davis, Jr. 
First Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC) 
Wayne Petersen
MARC State List
American Robins Nesting in Phragmites 
Kenneth Hudson 
Field Notes From Here and There 
The Battle for the Fish   Paul Roberts
The Birds and the Burrs   Frances M. Garretson
Bird Sightings: January/February 1994 Summary
About The Cover: Worm-eating Warbler
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
Martha Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1994, Vol. 22, No. 2
Franklin Park: Forgotten Gem of the Emerald Necklace 
Thomas Aversa 
Birding the Martin H. Burns Wildlife Management Area 
Skip Charette and Douglas E. Chickering
The Real First Record of Ancient Murrelet for Massachusetts? 
Franklin C. Hass
Book Review: A Naturalist in New Guinea by Bruce M. Beehler
William E. Davis, Jr.
Announcement: A Birder's Guide to Eastern Massachusetts
William E. Davis, Jr.
Field Notes From Here and There 
Common Loon Encounter: Big Squam Lake, New Hampshire   Eric Cutler
A Brambling in Groveland   Douglas E. Chickering
Bird Sightings: November/December 1993 Summary
Christmas Bird Count 12/18/93-1/2/94
Compiled by Marjorie W. Rines and Robert H. Stymeist
About The Cover: Turkey Vulture
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
Martha Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1994, Vol. 22, No. 1
Birding the New Hampshire Seacoast 
Steve Mirick 
Hotlines and Birding Talk by Computer 
Jane Lufkin Davis 
Book Review: Peterson Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe by Roger Tory Peterson, Guy Mountfort, and P.A.D. Hollom, and Birds of Europe with North Africa and the Middle East by Lars Jonsson
Mark Lynch
Field Notes From Here and There
Maine-Released Peregrine Falcon Recovered in Connecticut  Roger D. Applegate and Julie Victoria
American Robin Alloparenting at a House Sparrow Nest   Arnold Devine and Dwigh G. Smith
A Decade of Snowy Owls at Logan Airport 
Norman Smith 
Bird Sightings: September/October 1993 Summary
About The Cover: Audubon's Gatling of Woodpeckers
W. E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Red-bellied Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Lewis' Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, circa 1882, 1836-1837, by John James Audubon.
^ top

December 1995, Vol. 23, No. 6
Birding the Nooks and Crannies of Nahant 
Linda Pivacek
Conservation of Cliff Swallows in Massachusetts 
Mara Silver
Ram Island: Recovery in Progress 
Richard A. Harlow, Jr.
Downy Woodpecker and White-Breasted Nuthatch Use "Vice" To Open Sunflower Seeds: Is This An Example of Tool Use? 
William E. Davis, Jr. 
Tide table, 1996 
Field Notes From Here and There 
A Case of Swanslaughter   Gina and Web Jackson
Death - and Life - on the Mystic   Paul M. Roberts
Bird Sightings: July/August 1995 Summary
About The Cover: Snowy Owl
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Keith Hansen
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1995, Vol. 23, No. 5
Birding Biddeford Pool 
Nancy McReel 
First Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC) 
Wayne R. Petersen
The Importance of Documenting Birds 
Mark Lynch 
Black-Tailed Gull Sighting 
Patricia A. O'Neill 
Tactile Foraging Behavior in a Vagrant Black-tailed Gull 
William E. Davis, Jr. 
Tape Review: More Birding by Ear (Eastern and Central): A Guide to Bird Song Identification, by Richard K. Walton and Robert W. Lawson
Patricia N. Fox
Bird Sightings: May/June 1995 Summary
About The Cover: Red-shouldered Hawk
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Keith Hansen
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1995, Vol. 23, No. 4
Birding in Dartmouth and Westport During Fall and Winter 
Michael A. Boucher 
The Migration of Red-Necked Phalaropes: Ecological Mysteries and Conservation Concerns 
Charles D. Duncan 
The Fall Hawk Migration - the Eastern Massachusetts Hawk Watch: Twentry Years and Counting 
Paul M. Roberts 
Book Review: Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume I, , edited by J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, and J. Sargatal
John C. Kricher
Bird Clubs in Massachusetts 
Bird Sightings: March/April 1995 Summary
About The Cover: Red-necked Phalarope
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1995, Vol. 23, No. 3
Bartholomew's Cobble: Birding the Southwestern Corner of Massachusetts
Don Reid 
Pick Up Your Binoculars and Run 
Wayne R. Petersen
An Aberrant Mockingbird
William E. Davis, Jr 
The Bald Eagle in Massachusetts: A Perspective
William J. Davis
Book Review: Shadowbirds: A Quest for Rails , by William Burt
Wayne R. Petersen
Field Notes From Here and There 
Third State Record of Mountain Bluebird in Massachusetts  Edwin Hoopes
White-Winged Junco   Richard Harlow
murder on the High Seas   Tom Young
Bird Sightings: January/February 1995 Summary
About The Cover: Chestnut-sided Warbler
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1995, Vol. 23, No. 2
Birding Marblehead: Marblehead neck Wildlife Sanctuary and Beyond 
Jan Smith 
Conservation of Grassland Birds in the Northeast 
Robert A. Askins 
Distribution and Population Status of Grassland Birds in Massachusetts 
Andrea L. Jones and Peter D. Vickery 
Bobolink Protection and Mortality on Suburban Conservation Lands
Stephen F. Ells 
Field Notes From Here and There 
Breeding Henslow's Sparrows in Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1994  Stephen F. Ells
Book Review: Eastern Birds: A Guide to Field Identification of North American Species by James Coe 
Brian Cassie
Bird Sightings: November/December 1994 Summary
Christmas Bird Counts 12/17/94-1/2/95
Compiled by Marjorie W. Rines and Robert H. Stymeist
About The Cover: Upland Sandpiper
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1995, Vol. 23, No. 1
Athol's Winter Specialties 
Dave Small and Bill Fregeau 
Ten Years and a Year: The Fall Waterfowl Census at Fresh Pond, Cambridge, 1984-1993,1994 
James H. Barton
Where Do The Loons Go? A Field Guide To DNA Classification of North American Birds 
John C. Kricher
Red-Breasted nuthatches and the Winter of 1993-1994
William E. Davis, Jr., and Wayne R. Petersen
Book Review: The Beak of the Finch by Jonathan Weiner
John C. Kricher
Bird Sightings: September/October 1994 Summary
About The Cover: Gyrafalcon
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 1996, Vol. 24, No. 6
West Roxbury: Birding On the Edge In Boston
Thomas Aversa
Christmas Count Owling
Brian Cassie
Notes on the Response of Small Birds to the Presence of a Cooper's Hawk at Winter Bird Feeders
William E. Davis, Jr.
Middlesex Fells Reservation Revisited
Paul Donahue
Book Review: Stellwagen Bank: A Guide to the Whales, Seabirds, and Marine Life of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, by Nathalie Ward Simon Perkins
Tide Table, 1997
Bird Sightings: July/August 1996 Summary
Index to Volume 24, 1996
About The Cover: Short-eared Owl
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1996, Vol. 24, No. 5
Birding the Lower Blackstone River Valley, Rhode Island 
Rick Enser 
The Mothers of Conservation 
John Hanson Mitchell 
Testing A Model That Predicts Future Bird List Totals 
Robert W. Ricci 
Book Review: Last of the Curlews and The Flight of the Red Knot
Wayne R. Petersen
Field Notes From Here and There
Possible Bald Eagle Predation of a Piping Plover Nest   Jill A. Seale
Observations on Killdeers and Starlings   Oakes Plimpton
Bird Sightings: May/June 1996 Summary
About The Cover: White-winged Crossbill
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1996, Vol. 24, No. 4
Bluff Point Coastal Reserve 
Arnold Devine and Dwight G. Smith 
Breeding Birds of the Massachusetts Military Reservation 
Paul M. Cavanagh, Karen A. Wilson, and Peter B. Trimble
Cape Tip Birding by Bike 
John C. Young 
The Identification Guide Series: An Overview (Part Two) 
Mark Lynch 
Major Broad-winged hawk Flights Reported by the Eastern Massachusetts Hawk Watch 
Bird Sightings: March/April 1996 Summary
About The Cover: Northern Goshawk
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Richard Salvucci
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1996, Vol. 24, No. 3
Where To Go Birding: 
Birding the Pawtuckaway Area in Southeastern New Hampshire 
Alan Delorey 
Grafton Notch (Maine) State Park 
Elizabeth C. Pierson, Jan Erik Pierson, and Peter D. Vickery 
Experience with Clapper Rails in the Barnstable Great Marsh 
Stauffer Miller 
Book Review: Birdfinder: A Birder's Guide to Planning North American Trips by Jerry A. Cooper
Bruce Hallett 
Field Notes From Here and There
A Report on the Bluebirds in Spencer, Massachusetts   Bill Allan
The Birds of Post Office Square, Boston   Joseph M. Adamson
Teaming With Wildlife 
Bird Sightings: January/February 1996 Summary
About The Cover: Bobolink
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1996, Vol. 24, No. 2
Birding the Nashua, New Hampshire, Area 
Ralph Andrews 
Partners in Flight: Proactive Conservation for Neotropical Migratory Birds and their Habitata 
Peter W. Stangel 
Massachusetts partners in Flight Working Group 
Bradford G. Blodget
Notes on 1995 Nesting Attempt of Green Heron Pair at Mount Auburn Cemetery 
William E. Davis, Jr. 
Summary of 1995 North American Migration Count in New England 
Michael Resch 
Bird Sightings: November/December 1995 Summary 
Christmas Bird Counts 12/16/95-12/31/95
Compiled by Marjorie W. Rines and Robert H. Stymeist
Book Review: Monographs About Birds: A Bewildering Assortment
William E. Davis, Jr 
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Green Heron by Julie Zickefoose
^ top

February 1996, Vol. 24, No. 1
Cumberland Farms Fields 
Kathleen S. Anderson 
The Impact of Bird Feeding on Wintering Birds 
Herb Wilson 
On Collecting Vagrants 
John C. Kricher 
The Identification Guide Series: An Overview 
Mark Lynch 
Field Notes From Here and There
Cooper's Hawk and Great Horned Owl Encounter   Christopher Phillips and Paul Ricard
Fall Shorebird Migration in Central Massachusetts   Robert C. Bradbury
Bird Sightings: September/October 1995 Summary
About The Cover: Common Redpoll
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry W. Van Dusen
M. Steele
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 1997, Vol. 25, No. 6
The Mating Game
Marta Hersek
Outram Bangs and the Creation of a World-Class Bird Collection at Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology
William E. Davis
Birding the Connecticut River Valley in Hadley, Massachusetts
From Birding Western Massachusetts: The Central Connecticut River Valley - The Kestrel Trust Area 
Book Review: All the Birds of North America , by Jack L. Griggs
Wayne R. Petersen
Field Notes From Here and There
Gone Goose   Nick Komar
Inland Marbled Godwit Record   Robert C. Bradbury
Cedar Waxwings and Multiflora Roses   Matthew L. Pelikan
Bird Sightings: July/August 1997 Summary
About The Cover:
W. E. Davis, Jr.
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Barred Owl by Louise Zemaitis
^ top

October 1997, Vol. 25, No. 5
About the Cover Artist: Barry van Dusen
Notes on the Essex County Whooper Swans
Jim Berry
The Essex County Whooper Swans: The MDFW Position
Tom French
A Middlesex County Duck Hunt
Matthew L. Pelikan
Book Review: Lives of North American Birds, by Kenn Kaufman Mark Lynch
First Galactic Records
Robery Campbell
Field Notes From Here and There
Harlequin Duck Courtship   Matthew L. Pelikan
Successful Osprey Nest at Parker River NWR
Duckbusters   Eddie Giles
Bird Sightings: May/June 1997 Summary
About The Cover:
W. E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Harlequin Duck by Barry van Dusen
^ top

August 1997, Vol. 25, No. 4
Birding Rhode Island's East Bay Bike Path
Steve Davis
Second Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC)
Wayne Petersen. MARC Chairman
Massachusetts Avian Records Committee Review List
Second Massachusetts Record of Hermit Warbler
Curtis A. Marantz and Dianne Quilty
First Confirmed Nesting of Clay-Colored Sparroe (Spizella pallida ) in New England
Lysle Brinker and Peter D. Vickery
Book Review: The Ecology of Migrant Birds: A neotropical Perspective, by John H. Rappole John Kricher
Field Notes From Here and There
Foraging Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  Matthew L. Pelikan
Bird Sightings: March/April 1997 Summary
About The Cover: Wood Thrush
W. E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Wood Thrush by Barry van Dusen
^ top

June 1997, Vol. 25, No. 3
Birding Addison, Vt
Terry Hall
Forest-Powerline Edges, Clearcutting, and Bird Communities
William E. Davis, Jr.
First Nesting Record For Great Egret On Outer Cape Cod
Jennifer Lynn Megyesi
Looking For Where To Look: Maps and Bird-Finding
Marjorie W. Rines
Book Review: The Origin and Evolution of Birds, by Alan Feduccia William E. Davis
Field Notes From Here and There
Unusual Ruffed Grouse Behavior   Tom Pirro
Gyrfalcon in Lowell, Ma.   Linda Hunnewell
Bird Sightings: January/February 1997 Summary
About The Cover: Pileated Woodpecker
W. E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Pileated Woodpecker by Barry van Dusen
^ top

April 1997, Vol. 25, No. 2
In Memoriam: Richard Alan Forster
Wayne R. Petersen
Winter of the Butcher-Bird: The Northern Shrike Invasion of 1995-1996
Wayne R. Petersen and William E. Davis, Jr.
Using Christmas Bird Counts to Track Population Trends of Four Frugivorous Passerines
Thomas R. Hamilton
Book Review: The Nature of Massachusetts, by Christopher Leahy, John Hanson Mitchell, and Thomas Conuel Mark Lynch
Killdeer Nest on Grovel Roofs of Office Buildings in Canton, Massachusetts
William E. Davis, Jr, and Craig Armstrong
Field Notes From Here and There
Hungrey Northern Shrike Trapped   William E. Davis, Jr.
Bird Sightings: November/December 1996 Summary
Christmas Bird Counts, 1996
Compiled by Marjorie W. Rines and Robert H. Stymeist
About The Cover: Northern Shrike
W. E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Northern Shrike by Barry van Dusen
^ top

February 1997, Vol. 25, No. 1
From the President
Marjorie Rines
Summary of the 1996 North American Migration Court in New England: Portrait of a Fallout
Michael Resch
The Nantucker Oldsquaw Flight: New England's Greatest Bird Show?
William E. Davis, Jr.
Birding the Great Woods of Lynn
John Quigley and JoAnne Benard
Book Review: How Birds Migrate, by Paul Kerlinger, and Diary of a Left-handed Birdwatcher by Leonard Nathan John Kricher
After the Owl: Reflections on Big Birds
Mathew L. Pelikan
American Birding Association: Principles of Birding Ethics
The ABA Code of Ethics: What It Is, What It Does
Blake Maybank
Bird Sightings: September/October 1996 Summary
About The Cover: Oldsquaw
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 1998, Vol. 26, No. 6
About the Cover Artist:   Barry Van Dusen
Third Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC)
Wayne Petersen
Massachusetts Avian Records Committee Review List
A Wintering Hermit Warbler on Martha's Vineyard
Matthew L. Pelikan
Birding Around Enfield, New Hampshire
Pam Hunt
Video Review
The Large Gulls of North America   Mark Lynch
Editorial: Birders and Records
New Toys for Enhanced Birding
Robert Campbell
Bird Sightings: July/August 1998 Summary
Index To Volumes 25 and 26, 1997 and 1998
About the Cover: White-throated Sparrow
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: White-throated Sparrow by Barry Van Dusen
^ top

October 1998, Vol. 26, No. 5
Biodversity Day
Marjorie W. Rines
Evolutionary Lag in Cowbird Nestling Recognition by Ovenbirds
F.E. Wasserman, M.J. Hersk, M.A. Frankel, J.A. Cigliano, D.C. Morimoto, J. Moran
Sandwiches and Sparrows: Lunch-Hour Birding in Lexington
Marjorie W. Rines
ABA Commendation for Local Birder
Pine Grosbeaks Eting Elaeagnus Umbellata Seeds
Book Review: How to Spot an Owl; How to Spot Hawks and Eagles 
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May/June 1998 Summary
About The Cover: Yellow-rumped Warbler
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Louise Zemaitis
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1998, Vol. 26, No. 4
Observers Observed: How We Affect the Birds We Watch
<1>Marta Herek
American Birding Association Principles f Birding Ethics
The Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge
Beth Goettel
Birding Nauset Marsh, Eastham/Orleans
Jackie Sones
Book Review: Identification Guide to North American Birds, Part I
Mark Lynch
Video Review: Hawk Watch: A Video Guide to Eastern Raptors
Jane Stein
Bird Sightings: March/April 1998 Summary
About The Cover: Baird's Sandpiper
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Don Radovich
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1998, Vol. 26, No. 3
Birding Lake Umbagog
Tudor Richards and Bob Quinn
The Birds of Lake Umbagog
Tudor Richards and Bob Quinn (and William Brewster)
The History of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Thomas R. Hamilton
Bait-Fishing by Birds: A Fascinating Example of Tool Use
William E. Davis, Jr. and Julie Zickefoose
Book Review: Red-Tails In Love by Marie Winn
Alden Clayton
Field Notes From Here and There
Ross's Gull on Cape Cod   Stauffer Miller
Bird Sightings: January/February 1997 Summary
About The Cover: Bay-breasted Warbler
W. E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1998, Vol. 26, No. 2
The Purple Martin in Massachusetts
David E. Clapp
Notes on a Wintering Mixed Sparrow Flock
Matthew L. Pelikan
Book Review: A Field Guide To Warblers of North America, by Jon L. Dunn and Kimball L. Garrett 
Mark Lynch
Field Notes From Here and There
Cooperatively Hunting Great Horned Owls   James MacDougall
Tag-team Screech-Owls   Scott Cronenweth
Bird Sightings: November/December 1996 Summary
Christmas Bird Counts 1996
Compiled by Marjorie W. Rines and Robert H. Stymeist
About The Cover: Cattle Egret
W. E. Davis, Jr.
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Cattle Egret by Richard Salvucci
^ top

February 1998, Vol. 26, No. 1
Range Expansion of the Red-bellied Woodpecker
Jerome A. Jackson and William E. Davis
Red-bellied Woodpeckers Raising Second Brood
Marjorie W. Rines
The Generalist Foraging Habits of Northern Mockingbirds
Marta J. Hersek and Kim C. Derrickson
Wildlife Viewing in the Great Swamp
Chris Raithel
Book Review: Handbook of the Birds of the World , Edited by Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, and Jordi Sargatal
Mark Lynch
Field Notes From Here and There
Now, This is Birding   Dan Furbish
A "Grousehawk"   Oakes Plimpton
Bird Sightings: September/October 1997 Summary
About The Cover:
W. E. Davis, Jr.
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Red-bellied Woodpecker by Barry van Dusen
^ top

December 1999, Vol. 27, No. 6
In Memorium: Robert J. Goodrich, 1926-1999
Resisting the North Pole's Pull, or,Yes, There is (Avian) Life West of Worcester!
Rene Laubach
Boreal Birds in Northern Berkshire County and Western Franklin County
Ronald E. Rancatti
Wetland Specialtie in Berkshire County
David St. James
Canadian Zone Breeders of Central Berkshire
Edwin J. Neumuth
Southern Birds in Southern Berkshire County
Don Reid
Canoe Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary
Rene Laubach
Bird Sightings: July/August 1999 Summary
About The Cover: Pine Grosbeak
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 1999, Vol. 27, No. 5
Silvicultural Options for Managing Birds in Northern Hardwoods Forests in Extensively Forested Landscapes
David I. King and Richard M. DeGraaf
Selfish Generosity: Cooperative Breeding in Birds
Maria Hersek
Interspecific Helping Behavior: House Sparrows at Baltimore Oriole and Eastern Kingbird Nests
Kenneth Hudson
Birding the Lower Emerald Necklace: Jamaica Pond to the Back Bay
Robert G. Mayer
About Books: Looking Back
Books That Made Me a Birder   John Kricher
Field Notes From Here and There
Red-tailed Hawk Chased Off by Common Nighthawks   Aaron Roth
Observations on a Chukar in Boston   Kenneth Hudson
Bird Sightings: May/June 1999 Summary
About The Cover: Merlin
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 1999, Vol. 27, No. 4
Birding the Blackstone Valley: Uxbridge-Northbridge, Massachusetts
Richard W. Hildreth and Strickland Wheelock
Bird Banding Station at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Bill Gette
Red-eyed Vireos Attack Their Images
William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: Looking Back
My Favorite Bird Books   Brian Cassie
Field Notes From Here and There
A Murder of Crows   Majorie W. Rines
Bird Sightings: March/April 1999 Summary
About The Cover: American Avocet
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 1999, Vol. 27, No. 3
Exploring Estabrook Woods
Ron Lockwood
Memories of Mergansers
Tudor Richards
The Case of the Purloined Hawk Eggs
David A. Talman
Sharing the Eagle
Marjorie W. Rines
About Books: Looking Back
The Books that Made Me a Birder   Mark Lynch
Field Notes From Here and There
Starlings and Tent Caterpillars   Richard W. Hildreth
On the Farm   Oakes Plimpton
Nuttall Ornithological Club: 1999 Request for Proposals: 
Charles Blake Fund Grants
Bird Observer: On Becoming a Truly Statewide Journal
Bird Sightings: January/February 1999 Summary
About The Cover: Ovenbird
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 1999, Vol. 27, No. 2
World's End Reservation, Hingham
Kevin Godfrey
A Hermit Thrush Foraging for Northern Red-backed Salamanders
Frederick Thurber
Book Review: Check-list of North American Birds: The Species of Birds of North America from the Arctic through Panama, Including the West Indies and Hawaiian Islands 
John Kricher
Bird Sightings: November/December 1998 Summary
Christmas Bird Count 12/18/98-1/3/99
Compiled by Marjorie W. Rines and Robert H. Stymeist
About The Cover: Yellow-throated Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 1999, Vol. 27, No. 1
About the Cover Artist:   Barry Van Dusen
They Sang It Their Way: The Deviat Chickadees of Martha's Vineyard
Bruce E. Beyers and Donald E. Kroodsma
He Spanned Two Eras: Charles Foster Batchelder, Last of the "Shotgun" Ornithologists
William E. Davis, Jr
Birding the Delaney Wildlife Management Area
Simon and Lisa Hennin
Book Review: The Song of the Dodo 
William E. Davis, Jr
Bird Sightings: September/October 1998 Summary
About The Cover: Black-capped Chickadee
William E. Davis, Jr.
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Cover Illustration: Black-capped Chickadee by Barry Van Dusen
^ top

December 2000, Vol. 28, No. 6
Dunback Meadow and Adjacent Areas, Lexington,MA
Marjorie Rines
Significant Recent Nesting Record from Essex County, Part 1
Jim Berry
The Wired Birder
Bird Alerts
David M. Larson
Tricolored Herons and Great Egrets Use Double-Crested Cormorants as Beaters While Foraging
William E. Davis, Jr.
Yard Birds
Young Birders
Close Encounters of an Avian Kind   Andrew P. Brissette
The Benefits of Bird Banding   Yelena Samsonenko
Field Notes
Ring-billed Gull Piracy of Bufflehead   Mark Lynch
101st Christmas Bird Count
Hot Birds
Pocket Places
Bennett Meadows Wildlife Management Area, NorthfieldVince Yurkunas
Wallace Bailey:The Passing of a Giant
Wayne R. Petersen
Wetlands, Migratory Birds, and Ecotourism Workshop
David M. Larson
About Books: Three Contenders: Field Guide to the Birds of North America (Third Edition) by National Geographic Society, Birds of North America by Kenn Kaufman, The Sibley Guide to Birds by David Sibley
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2000 Summary
Index To Volumes 27 and 28, 1999 and 2000
About the Cover: Western Grebe
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2000, Vol. 28, No. 5
The Uncommon Common Thing
Matthew L. Pelikan
The Oxbow Philadelphia Vireo
Ron Lockwood
A Season of Plover Monitoring on Martha's Vineyard
Greg Levandoski
Birding the Lakes and Marshes of Wakefield and Lynnfield
David Williams
Pocket Places
MattapoisettMark Sylvia
The Old Dump and Vicinity, Northfield, MA  Mark Taylor
Odd Birds
Yard Birds
Field Notes
South Polar Skua   Peter Trull
Nocturnal Foraging by Common Nighthawks   Aaron Roth
Jack the Pelican   Maura J. Amrich
About Books: A Memorial and A Meditation: The Great Auk   by Errol Fuller and
Hope is the Thing with Feathers: A Personal Chronicle of Vanishing Birds by Christopher Cokinos by Errol Fuller 
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May/June 2000 Summary
About The Cover: Ruddy Turnstone
William E. Davis, Jr. 
About the Cover Artist: David Sibley
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2000, Vol. 28, No. 4
Modeling the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the Summer Distributions of Massachusetts Passerines
Jeff Price
Sunbathing by Black and Turkey Vultures and a Great White Heron
William E. Davis, Jr. and Jerome A. Jackson
Searching for Seabirds in All the Wrong Places: The Joy of Finding Pelagics Inland 
Mark Lynch 
Young Birders From Rhode Island
Tom Seiter
Peter Capobianco
Pocket Places
Wildwood Cemetery and Horn Pond Brook, Winchester   Marjorie A. Rines
Hot Birds
Yard Birds
Field Notes
The Subjective Effect of a Desirable Visual Stimulas on Exhaustion: Sighting of a Harris's Sparrow (Zonotrichia querula) in Amherst, Massachusetts 5/14/2000   Mark Lynch
A Tale of Urban Red-tails   Larraine Kaplan
About Books: Looking Back
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2000 Summary
About The Cover: Great Blue Heron
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2000, Vol. 28, No. 3
Status of Common Loons on Squam Lake in 1999 
Amy Wright and Kate Taylor 
Winter Population Trends of Six Species of Sparrows 
Thomas R. Hamilton 
The Change in the Numbers of Wintering Hooded Mergansers (Lophodytes Cucullatus) in New England 
Steve Davis 
Birding the Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth 
Glenn d'Entremont 
Birds and Building a Backyard Pond 
Alan E. Strauss 
Young Birders
Big Day Birding: A Change of Pace Barrett Lawson
Pocket Places
Steele Farm, Boxborough Judy Bartos
Hot Birds
Yard Birds
Field Notes
An Eastern Bluebird Nest with a Twist   Dan Furbish
Playing Tag with Osprey   Tod McLeish
Osprey in Revere   Geoffrey Wood
About Books: Looking Back
Paul M. Roberts
Bird Sightings: Jan/Feb 2000 Summary
About The Cover: Piping Plover
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Rob Gough
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2000, Vol. 28, No. 2
Culture and Seabird Conservation Work Together Along the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence 
Kathleen A. Blanchard
Studying the Design of Bird Refuges Along the Connecticut River 
Robert J. Craig 
Birds and Divorce
William Moskoff 
Birding Spots in Carlisle, Massasschusetts: Gtreat Brook Farm State Park and Cranberry Bog Conservation Lands 
J. Thomas and D'Ann W. Brownrigg 
Young Birders
Massachusetts Audubon Birdathon of 1999   Joseph Moffett
Hot Birds
Yard Birds
Field Notes
A Massachusetts Yellow Rail Experience   Dan Furbish
Robber Blue Jay   Susan Carlson and David Larson
About Books: Looking Back
E.H. Forbush and Other Treasures   Dorothy R. Arvidson
100th Christmas Bird Count 12/16/99-1/3/00
Compiled by Marjorie W. Rines and Robert H. Stymeist
Bird Sightings: November/December 1999 Summary
About The Cover: Wood Duck
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2000, Vol. 28, No. 1
Habitat Restoration at Joppa Flats
Bill Gette
The First Annual Big Sit by the River: Foggy Flats and a Seabird Surprise
Rob Gough
Fourth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Marjorie W. Rines, MARC Secretary
Young Birders
Crossbills   Scott Yanco 
Mongolian Madness: Mongolian Plover at Charlestown, Rhode Island, July 24-26, 1999 
Linda Ferraresso 
Block Island, RI 
Robert Fox 
Field Notes
Inland Sighting of Black-legged Kittiwakes   Marjorie W. Rines
About Books: Looking Back
Books That Influenced My Life   William E. Davis, Jr
Bird Sightings: September/October 1999 Summary
About The Cover: Mongolian Plover
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Dan Lane
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2001, Vol. 29, No. 6
Birding High Ridge Wildlife Management Area Gardner/Westminster/Ashburnham, Massachusetts
Tom Pirro
Of Mascots and Migrants: Three Decades of Keeping Tabs on the Birds of Berkshire Community College
Richard L. Ferren
The Adventures of an Eagle Photographer
Ben Garver
Come Here My Little Chickadee: Sixteen Years of Black-capped Chickadee Banding at Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, Lenox 
René Laubach 
The Pittsfield Nighthawk Watch: 1993-2001
Scott and Joan Robinson
Observations at a Broad-winged Hawk Nest
Jill Johnson
Life and Death on the Links: Monitoring a Bluebird Trail
Kate Ryan
Field Notes
Bluebird Dad Tom Killoren
The Wired Birder: Birding Weather
David Larson
102nd Christmas Bird Count
About Books: A Grand Synthesis: The Sibley Guide to Bird Life & Behavior.
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2001
About the Cover: Ruddy Duck
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist:  Don Radovich 
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2001, Vol. 29, No. 5
Town of Barnstable: Selected Birding Spots in the Town of Barnstable, Cape Cod
Stauffer Miller
Seabirds of Andrew's Point, Rockport, Massachusetts
Richard S. Heil
Thomas Barbour: The Last of the Gentleman Naturalists
William E. Davis, Jr.
Field Notes
Gull Predation of Sea Ducks Matthew L. Pelikan
The Phoebe and the Moth Steve Davis
About Books: Restoring North America's Birds by Robert Askins
John Hoye
Bird Sightings: May /June 2001 Summary
About the Cover: Long-tailed Jaeger
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: David A. Sibley
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2001, Vol. 29, No. 4
Birding Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, Stonington, Connecticut 
Bob Dewire 
Fall Hawkwatching: When & Where. A Guide to the Best Times and Sites in Our Region
Paul M. Roberts
Upstream Along an Eastern Tributary (Far from the Funneled Floods of Vera Cruz) 
Susan Fogleman
Chronicling Spring Hawk Migration on Cape Cod
Melissa J. Lowe and Donald Manchester, Jr.
Possible Play Behavior of a Peregrine Falcon
William Moskoff
The Wired Birder: Radar Ornithology 
David M. Larson
Cooper’s Hawks: A Population Study with a Brief Discussion of Sharp-shinned Hawks 
Lawrence B. Fischer
Field Notes
Visiting Baby Vultures Marjorie Rines
Bushwacking Hawks David Larson and Susan Carlson
About Books: The Lessons of Living on Osprey Time
Mark Lynch
Books and Other Resources on Hawk Identification, Hawkwatching, and Migration
Paul M. Roberts
Bird Sightings: March/April 2001
About the Cover: American Kestrel William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2001, Vol. 29, No. 3
Birding the Boston Harbor Islands
John Nove
Terns Nesting in Boston Harbor: The Importance of Artificial Sites 
Jeremy J. Hatch
Three Times a Lady
Rob Gough
James Lee Peters and the Check-list of Birds of the World
William E. Davis, Jr.
Acadian Flycatchers Nesting on Martha’s Vineyard, Dukes County
Matthew L. Pelikan
The Wired Birder: Bird Imaging for Art and Documentation
Shawn Carey, Donald Crockett, Stephen Mirick, and David Larson
The Murrelets
Brooke Stevens
Young Birders
A Winter Outing David Allen
Field Notes
Drakes are From Mars: Hens are from Venus Paul Roberts
“Three’s Company” Joey Mason
About Books: A Bird Guide of a Different Kind
Karsten E. Hartel
Taking Wing: Archaeopteryx and the Evolution of Bird Flight
William E. Davis, Jr.
Bird Sightings: January/February 2001
About the Cover: American Redstart William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2001, Vol. 29, No. 2
Birding Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, Rhode Island
Bob Bushnell 
Birding Wompatuck State Park
Dennis Peacock
An Unprecedented Incursion of Lesser Black-backed Gulls
Blair Nikula
Territorial Behavior of Common Nighthawks in an Urban Habitat
Aaron J. Roth and Gwilym S. Jones
An Educational Tribute to a Local Son — A. C. Bent
David M. Larson
Report of a Large Movement of Alcids During the Truro Christmas Count, December 28, 2000
Mark Lynch
Hot Birds
Field Notes
Merlins and Bats Richard W. Hildreth
Brighton Crow Roost Andrew Joslin
Gull Predation of an Adult Red-breasted Merganser Richard Graefe
Sunbathing By a King Rail (Rallus elegans) William E. Davis, Jr.
Fifth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Marjorie Rines, Secretary
About Books: Opposite Sides of the Same Coin
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2000
The 101st Christmas Bird Count, 12/14/00-1/5/01
Robert H. Stymeist
About The Cover: Virginia Rail 
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: David Sibley
At A Glance Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2001, Vol. 29, No. 1
Pocket Places
Groton Place, Groton Lisa Clark
Nelson Island, Rowley Jim Berry
The Trails at Pickering Ponds, Rochester, New Hampshire Stephen R. Mirick
Sapowet Fishing Area, Tiverton, Rhode Island Rachel Farrell
Upper Charles River Greenway Path Robert H. Stymeist
West Brook, Whately Matthew Williams 
A Quadding 2000 Diary
Marjorie Rines
Data Collecting at Your Favorite Local Birding Spot
John Liller
Zero-impact Birding: The Human-powered Year List 
Tony Federer
Significant Recent Nesting Records from Essex County, Part 2
Jim Berry
The Wired Birder: Group Coordination
David M. Larson
Yard Birds
Fifty Years at Wolf Trap Hill Kathleen S. Anderson
Hot Birds
Young Birders
Northern Hawk Owl Will McCumber
Mallard Ducks Gareth Perkins
Field Notes
The Unexpected Bluebird Marjorie Rines
About Books: A Task of No Small Difficulty: A Critical History of the North American Field Guide
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2000
About The Cover: Bufflehead
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: David Sibley
At A Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2002, Vol. 30, No. 6
A Different Kind of Where-to-go-Birding: Ten Favorite Places of the Bird Observer Staff 
Best Birds in Massachusetts: 1993-2002
Wayne R. Petersen
A Visitor from the Far North Returns
Norman Smith 
Field Notes
Great Gray Owl Mark Wilson
The Last Heath Hen: A Story Never Before Told 
A Survey of Published Bird Records in New England
Jim Berry
Wren Quest
Robert H. Stymeist
About Books: The Artist’s Eye and the Birder’s Passion
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2002
Index to Volumes 29 and 30: 2001-2002
About the Cover: American Crow 
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist:   Charley Harper 
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2002, Vol. 30, No. 5
Birding Mount Agamenticus
Scott Cronenweth
Singing Behavior of Dark-eyed Junco
Russell C. Titus
Coloration of Bird Plumage
Robert W. Ricci
A Tiny Bit of Olive and Gray Against a Field of White
Mark Lynch
Big Day Birding: A New Massachusetts Record
Bob Lawson
Field Notes
Birdbath Birding Henry T. Wiggin
Christopher’s Puddle Marjorie W. Rines 
About Books: Four Anomalous Volumes: pampered birds, missing birds, dead birds, and bird leftovers
Mark Lynch 
Bird Sightings: May/June 2002
About the Cover: Northern Fulmar 
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist:   Tad Lawrence 
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2002, Vol. 30, No. 4
Birding Baxter State Park
Jim Sweeney 
Interspecific and Intraspecific Aggression Among Foraging Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs
William Moskoff
Seeing the World in a Bird
Rob Gough 
Bird Behavior When Encountering Airborne Helicopters Along the California Coast 
William Moskoff and Lt. John Andrew Cromwell
Wired Birder: Sneaking a Peek at Birds
David M. Larson
Pocket Places
Sanford Ponds Wastewater Recycling FacilityNancy McReel
Field Notes
A Foot-vibrating Solitary Sandpiper Richard W. Hildreth
Odonate Hunting at Wizard Pond Richard W. Hildreth
About Books: Who Are We and What Exactly Are We Doing?
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2002
About the Cover: Least Sandpiper
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: David A. Sibley 
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2002, Vol. 30, No. 3
Birding the Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge and Vicinity
Robert A. Quinn and David Govatski
Hybrid Terns Cryptically Similar to Forster's Terns Nesting in Massachusetts
Ian C. T. Nisbet
Charles Johnson Maynard: The Enigmatic Naturalist
William E. Davis, Jr.
Summary of Leach's Storm-petrel Nesting on Penikese Island, MA, and a Report of Probable Nesting on Noman's Land Island 
Tom French
Additional Significant Essex County Nest Records from 2001
Jim Berry
Tree Swallow Nesting Success at a Construction Site
Richard Graefe
Field Notes
Birdsitting Joey Mason
About Books: Celebrating Biodiversity
Brooke Stevens
Bird Sightings: January/February 2002
About the Cover: Blue-headed Vireo 
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist:  Andrew Magee 
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2002, Vol. 30, No. 2
An Urban Wonderland: the Boston Nature Center 
Robert H. Stymeist
The Snowy Owl Satellite Telemetry Project
Norman Smith
The Saw-whet Owl Banding Project
Danielle Smith
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Chris Gentes
Boreal Owls Nesting in New Hampshire
Stephen R. Mirick
A Gyr Winter
David Larson
Field Notes
Red-tails in Love, epilogue . . . Henrietta Yelle
Sixth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee Marjorie Rines, Secretary
The 102nd Christmas Bird Count 12/14/01-1/5/02
Robert H. Stymeist
About Books: Diversity is the Spice of Life
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2001
About the Cover: Barn Owl
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Nancy R. West
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2002, Vol. 30, No. 1
Birding in Northfield
Mark Taylor 
The Rise and Decline of House Finches in Massachusetts
Thomas R. Hamilton
Unexpected Centers of Winter Landbird Density During the 101st CBC
S. S. Mitra 
First Documented Nesting of White-winged Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera) in Massachusetts: The Invasion of the Cone Slashers 
Geoffrey S. LeBaron
The Dynamics of Black-capped Chickadees at Bird Feeders
Herb Wilson
Sibley Birding: How Much Does Your Big Day Weigh? Or, Birding With a Calculator 
Bob Bushnell and Steve Davis
Pocket Places
The Grove at Salisbury Douglas Chickering 
About Books: Who Are Those Guys? A Conversation with Josep del Hoyo, the Creator of the Handbook of the Birds of the World Series
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2001 
About the Cover: Boreal Chickadee 
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2003, Vol. 31, No. 6
Significant Essex County Nest Records, 2002-2003
Jim Berry
104th Christmas Bird Count
Gleanings from the Journal of William Brewster
Robert H. Stymeist
Field Notes
Gull Feeding Frenzies David Larson
About Books: Editors’ Choices for Seasonal Gifts 
Winter Waterfowl Quiz
Bird Sightings: July/August 2003
Thirty Years Ago 
About the Cover:   Yellow-breasted Chat
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist:   David Sibley
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2003, Vol. 31, No. 5
Birding the Dorothy Frances Rice Sanctuary for Wildlife 
in Peru, Massachusetts
Robert Tougias
Seedeaters of Fall
Marjorie Rines
Field Notes
Yellow Rail Sighting Ronnie Donovan
“Bubble Feeding” Behavior of a Snowy Egret Stephen Mirick
Gleanings from the Journal of William Brewster 
Robert H. Stymeist
Raymond Andrew Paynter, Jr.
William E. Davis, Jr.
Looking Back . . . Clips from Massbird October 2002
About Books: Birds from the Land of the Long White Cloud
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings:   May/June 2003
Thirty Years Ago
About the Cover Artist:   Richard Salvucci
About the Cover: Sooty and Greater shearwaters
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2003, Vol. 31, No. 4
Bird Finding in Northern Berkshire County
Leslie Reed-Evans and Ronald Rancatti
Health Tips for Birders
Petti Staub, M.D.
The Phalarope Conspiracy Brooke Stevens
One of Nuttall’s Phalaropes Kathleen S. Anderson
The Phalaropes   Deborah Howard
Buzzards Bay Oil Spill: Impacts to Shorebirds
Andrea Jones, Gina Purtell, and Taber Allison 
Anatomical and Physiological Changes in Birds 
Christopher Neill
Field Notes
Black Rail in Greenland, New Hampshire Matt Tarr
A Memorable Experience: Ferry Hill Thicket, Marshfield, MA  Dan Furbish
Massbird at Its Best - Mystery Accipiter Caper Carolyn B. Marsh
A Birding Idol
Robert H. Stymeist
About Books: Who Needs Aesthetics and Ornithology?
Mark Lynch 
2003 Request for Proposals, Charles Blake Fund Grants 
Bird Sightings: March/April 2003
Thirty Years Ago
About the Cover: Semipalmated Plover
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2003, Vol. 31, No. 3
Coastal Birding in Fairhaven, MA
Michael Boucher and Dan Zimberlin
Listen to the (Northern) Mockingbird
Joseph T. Leverich
Results of a Three-year Waterbird Survey in the Deerfield River Watershed in Massachusetts
Patricia Serrentino and Jennifer Strules
Close Encounters 
Douglas Chickering
Field Notes
The Bird that Came in From the Cold John Adams 
Sunbathing and Thermal Stress in an Immature Great Blue Heron Jerome A. Jackson and William E. Davis, Jr
About Books: Town and Country
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January/February 2003 
About the Cover:Louisiana Waterthrush
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2003, Vol. 31, No. 2
Springtime Birding at the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge
Susan A. Bloomfield
Three New Species for Massachusetts from Plum Island in 2001-2002
Richard S. Heil
Doing the “Write-up”
Mark Lynch 
Seventh Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Marjorie Rines, Secretary
Field Notes
Finding a Eurasian Kestrel on Lieutenant’s Island, South Wellfleet, MA Leslie Bostrom
Eskimo Curlew Sighting on Martha’s Vineyard John Nelson
A Note on the Report of Eskimo Curlew Marjorie Rines
About Books: Strangers in the Night
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2002
About the Cover: Allen’s Hummingbird? Rufous Hummingbird?
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen 
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2003, Vol. 31, No. 1
Birding North Central Vermont
Finding Bicknell's Thrushes
Ted Murin and Bryan Pfeiffer
Margaret Morse Nice: " ...a very important individual - "
Edward H. Burtt, Jr.
Tracking Ospreys with Transmitters
Christopher Neill
Field Notes
Rhythms David Larson
About Books: Auks Between the Covers
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2002 
Index to Volumes 29 and 30: 2001-2002
About the Cover:   Black-throated Gray Warbler 
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2004, Vol. 32, No. 6
A Tale of Discovery: The Americas’ First Red-footed Falcon
E. Vernon Laux
Identification of the Martha’s Vineyard Red-footed Falcon
David Allen Sibley
Red-footed Falcon: How Did It Get Here?
Julian Hough
Massachusetts Miracles: The Gull and the Falcon
Wayne R. Petersen and Paul J. Baicich
One Birder’s Falcon
Matt Pelikan
What’s Next After the Red-footed Falcon? Predictions of Future Vagrants in Massachusetts
Robert H. Stymeist and Jeremiah R. Trimble
The Provenance of Vagrants and Their Evaluation by Rarities Committees
Richard R. Veit
Nagog Pond: Inland Gull and Waterfowl Haven
Mike Resch
Index to Volumes 31 and 32, 2003-2004
Bird Sightings July/August 2004
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2004, Vol. 32, No. 5
Invasive Alien Plants: The Role of Birds in their Spread and the Threat to Bird Habitat
Peter C. Alden
Gleanings from the Journal of William Brewster: Brewster's Artistic Friend - Daniel Chester French
Robert H. Stymeist
Banding Northern Saw-whet Owls in the Blackstone River Valley
Kathy Clayton
Rare Marsh Birds in the North Pool, Plum Island: Spring and Summer 2004
Tom Wetmore
Q and A Corner
Field Notes:
Five Eagles and a Heron   John Cushing
Sharing an Afternoon of Birdbanding with a Sharp-shinned Hawk William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: Putting Pen to Bird: Stalking the Wiley Logcock with Bic and Word Processor
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings May/June 2004
About the Cover: Golden Eagle
William E. Davis
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2004, Vol. 32, No. 4
Watching Nighthawks in the Blackstone National Corridor
Mark Lynch
Wow, Did You Hear That? Observations from a Blind Birder
Jerry Berrier
The Digital Camera as an Identification Tool
Peter Capobianco and Steve Davis
Peregrine Falcons in Massachusetts in 2004
Thomas W. French
Gleanings from the Journal of William Brewster: Journey to Lake Umbagog
Robert H. Stymeist
Field Notes
The Phoebe and the Spiketail    Richard W. Hildreth
The Harlequin Duck on the Coast of Essex County, Mass.
Charles W. Townsend, M.D.
About Books: A John Ford "Wannabe" Channels Konrad Lorenz and Shows that Sometimes the Bird in the Bush is the Same as the Bird in the Hand. Winged Migration, Jacques Perrin, Jacques Cluzaud, and Michel Debats, co-directors
Mark Lynch
2004 Request for Proposals, Charles Blake Fund Grants
Bird Sightsing  March/April 2004
About the Cover:   Canada Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2004, Vol. 32, No. 3
Burrage Pond Wildlife Management Area, Hanson/Halifax
Kathleen S. Anderson and Wayne R. Petersen
Birds of Late Summer
Raymond J. Seamans
The “Duck” Stamp: A Birder’s Imperative?
Paul J. Baicich
Good News for Massachusetts Birds: Introducing Massachusetts eBird
Christopher Leahy, Taber Allison, and Simon Perkins
Nesting Wilson’s Storm-Petrels in Antarctica
Brooke Stevens
Coyotes and the Food Chain
Christopher Neill
Field Notes 
Sharp-tailed Sparrow Challenges
Mystery Bird at Great Meadows  Simon Perkins and David A. Sibley 
Identifying Juvenile Sharp-tailed Sparrows Richard S. Heil
Greater Yellowlegs Feeding Behavior Mark Daley
About Books: That was Then. This is Now.
Mark Lynch
Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas by Wayne R. Petersen and W. Roger Merservey
Bird Sightings: January/February 2004
Notes on the Ipswich Sparrow
Charles Johnson Maynard
About the Cover: Common Loon
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2004, Vol. 32, No. 2
Birding the Erwin S. Wilder Wildlife Management Area, Taunton 
Jim Sweeney 
Hoary Redpolls in New Hampshire in December 2003 and January 2004
James P. Smith, Petro Pynnönen, and Susannah B. Lerman
An Informal Survey of Raptor Imitations by Blue Jays
Jim Berry
Age, Sex, and Scissor-tails
Walter G. Ellison and Nancy L. Martin
Twitcher’s Temptation
John Nelson
Modern Bird Study — Has it Changed? Gleanings from the Journal of William Brewster
Robert H. Stymeist
Eighth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Marjorie Rines, Secretary
Field Notes
The Junco and the Shrew J. Thomas Brownrigg
Major Brant Migration Observed at Chickatawbut Hill, Quincy, Massachusetts Michael F. McWade
About Books: Run For Your Lifelist
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2003
Thirty Years Ago
About the Cover: Tree Swallow
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2004, Vol. 32, No. 1
Birds of the Laurel Lake Recreational Area, Erving State Forest
Mark Taylor
Fall 2003 Migration of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds in New England
Sharon Stichter
Two Naturalists Buy a Swamp
David Larson and Susan Carlson 
Birding in Massachusetts 123 YearsAgo
Gleanings from the Journal of William Brewster Robert H. Stymeist
The First Annual Superbowl of Birding
David Larson 
The Historic Status and Recovery of the Peregrine Falcon in Massachusetts
Thomas W. French
Field Notes 
Evading the Peregrine Falcon Dana Rohleder
Banding Migrating Peregrine Falcons at Noman's Land Island NWR Norman Smith
"Black" Brant in Plymouth Wayne R. Petersen
About Books: Bird's the Word
Mark Lynch
Winter Waterfowl Quiz Answers
Bird Sightings:   September/October 2003
About the Cover:   Double-crested Cormorant
William E. Davis, Jr. 
About the Cover Artist: Ikki Matsumoto
At a Glance 
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2005, Vol. 33, No. 6
Where to Bird in Scituate
Glenn d’Entremont
Take a Second Look: 25 Years and Counting
Maury Hall and Soheil Zendeh
Building a Bird Club in the Digital Age
Marjorie Rines
Driving Birds Away
Christopher Reed
Bird Conservation and the Important Bird Area (IBA) Program: It’s All about Habitat
Wayne R. Petersen
Ten Tips for Maintaining Your Birding Partner
John Nelson
Field Note
Food for Later   David Larson
About Books: Tools
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2005
Index To Volume 33, 2005
About the Cover: Red-breasted Nuthatch
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2005, Vol. 33, No. 5
White Memorial Foundation: Litchfield and Morris, Connecticut
Buzz Devine and Dwight G. Smith
Yellow-nosed Albatross at Tuckernuck Island, Massachusetts
Richard R. Veit
Paintshop Pond, Wellesley
Clark Ewer
Wayne R. Petersen: 2005 Recipient of the American Birding Association’s Ludlow Griscom Award
Rarity Envy
John Nelson
Field Notes
The Stumped Naturalist  Marjorie Rines
Storm Bird  Brooke Stevens
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Management Efforts Create Nesting Habitat for Rare Bird  Dave King, Jeff Collins, and Jill Liske-Clark
Piping Tern? Arctic Plover? Unusual Species Interactions On Plymouth Long Beach  Tony Dalisio
Song Sparrow Riding on a Chairlift Cable  Jeffrey Boone Miller
Mass Audubon’s Coastal Waterbird Program, 2005
Andrea Jones and Ellen Jedrey
About Books: The Invisible Man Goes Birding
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings:May/June 2005
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2005, Vol. 33, No. 4
Birding Cape Cod: Wellfleet and Truro
Cape Cod Bird Club and Massachusetts Audubon Society
The Underpinnings of Breeding Behaviors
Brandi Van Roo
The “Wellesley Boys”- Contributions to Continental Birding
David B. Freeland
First Record of Clark’s Grebe in Maine and New England
Peter D. Vickery and Derek J. Lovitch
Reporting Banded Shorebirds: What You Can Do
Alan E. Strauss
Wayne R. Petersen: 2005 Recipient of the American Birding Association’s Ludlow Griscom Award
Field Note
Desperate Fishwives  Paul M. Roberts
About Books: The Extinction Biz
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2005
About the Cover: Solitary Sandpiper
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2005, Vol. 33, No. 3
Birding the Kennebunk Plains Wildlife Management Area
Scott Cronenweth
The Importance of Naturalists in Identifying Global Warming In Our Backyards
Abraham J. Miller-Rushing and Richard B. Primack
Spring Migration in Eastern Massachusetts: Then (1886) and Now
Robert H. Stymeist
Birds and Birders in Westport, Massachusetts, Then and Now
Betty F. Slade and David C. Cole
Field Notes
Spotless Robin  Jeffrey Boone Miller
“Owl, Duck!”  Glenn Williams
About Books: The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Thrashers, Titmice, and Robins (i.e., Music)
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings January/February 2005
About the Cover: Golden-winged Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2005, Vol. 33, No. 2
Birding the Brattleboro Retreat Meadows
Hector Galbraith and Whitney Nichols
Ninth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC)
Marjorie Rines, Secretary
The Nesting of Several Canadian-Zone Species in Essex County in 2004, Including the First Nest Record of the Common Raven, Corvus corax
Jim Berry
Field Notes:
President’s Day Special Brooke Stevens
Love is in the Air — But Not in the Water! Paul Roberts
The Loss of Avocet and Curlew
Steve Grinley
About Books: Follow That Bird! Magnificent Feathered Obsessions
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2004
About the Cover: Northern Mockingbird
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2005, Vol. 33, No. 1
Horn Pond Reservation, Woburn, Massachusetts
Marjorie W. Rines
A Springtime Exploration of Essex County’s Coastal Islands, with Notes on Their Historical Use by Colonially Nesting Birds
Jim Berry
Subtle Thrills: Rewards for the Birding Atlaser
Rosalind Renfrew
J. A. Allen: The Shy and Retiring Giant
William E. Davis, Jr
Alexander Skutch Remembered
Elissa Landre
About Books: Some Natural History History
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings  September/October 2004
About the Cover: Gray Jay
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2006, Vol. 34, No. 6
Winter Birding Hot Spots in Mashpee and Barnstable, Cape Cod
Mary Keleher
Massachusetts Important Bird Areas (IBAs) — The Connecticut River Valley Region
Wayne R. Petersen and Brooke Stevens
Western Reef-Heron
Don Stokes, Lillian Stokes, and Nikolas Haass
Seabirds as Indicators of Environmental Health: Citizen Scientists Monitor Seabird Mortality Throughout the Northeast USA
Julie C. Ellis, PhD; Mark Pokras, DVM; and Florina Tseng, DVM
Everything But The Beak
John Kricher
Ten Tips for Alienating Your Birding Companions
John Nelson
Field Notes
With Gulls Like This, Who Needs Falcons?   Doug Chickering
About Books: Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho-Cooks-for-You?
Mark Lynch
Index to Volume 34, 2006
Bird Sightings: July/August 2006
About the Cover: Snow Bunting
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2006, Vol. 34, No. 5
Massachusetts Important Bird Areas (IBAs) — The North Shore Region
Wayne R. Petersen and Brooke Stevens
Stemming the Decline of Shrubland Birds in Massachusetts
Jill Liske-Clarke
The Fall Roundup — After Fifty Years
Bob Fox
Birding on Two Wheels
John Nelson
Field Notes
Close Encounter With an Owl    J. Thomas Brownrigg
Discovery of a Late Autumn Waterfowl Roost at Pleasant Bay, Massachusetts    Peter Trull, with contributions from Amanda Lynch, Jackson Niles, Nate Rogers, Christopher Rheume, Noe Karlson, Rachel Lake, and Maddy Niles
Observations of a Sharp-shinned Hawk Nest  Craig Jackson
About Books: Birding in Full Battle-Rattle: A Conversation with Jonathan Trouern-Trend
Mark Lynch
Letter to the Editor: Paul Baicich
Bird Sightings: May/June 2006
About the Cover: Loggerhead Shrike
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2006, Vol. 34, No. 4
Birding Milford Point, Connecticut
Nick Bonomo
Some Additions to the Nesting Avifauna of Essex County, and Significant Nesting Events of Several Other Species
Jim Berry
Eagles in the Back Yard
Bob Pierce
Bald Eagles in Massachusetts
Trudy Tynan
Adventures of the Rowley Dump Girls (and Boys)
Mary Cunningham
Shorebirds of the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
Stephanie Ellis
About Books: A Trip of Plovers, a Leash of Merlins, a Parcel of Oystercatchers, and Meatloaf on a Stick and a Gaggle of Guides
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2006
About the Cover: Belted Kingfisher
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2006, Vol. 34, No. 3
Breeding Birds of the Ware River Watershed Important Bird Area (IBA)
Mark Lynch
Massachusetts Important Bird Areas (IBAs) – The Central Region
Wayne R. Petersen and Brooke Stevens
Research Summary: Shrubland-Nesting Birds in Powerline Rights-of-Way In Western Massachusetts
David L. King, Thomas E. Lautzenheiser, and Jeffrey M. Collins
The Urban Ecology Institute Teaches Local Youth About the Birds of Boston
Annie Cardinaux and Andrew Breck
The Arnold Arboretum: A Century of Birders and Breeding Bird Data
Robert Mayer
Field Note
The Problem with Eating Catfish William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: Yellow-legged Claphangers: The Image of the Birder in Film and Television 
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January/February 2006
About the Cover: Dark-eyed Junco
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: David A. Sibley
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2006, Vol. 34, No. 2
Glass: A Deadly Conservation Issue for Birds
Daniel Klem, Jr.
Recovery and Biology of the Common Raven (Corvus corax) In Massachusetts
Tom French
Tenth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC)
Marjorie Rines, Secretary
Massachusetts Important Bird Areas (IBAs) – The Greater Boston Region
Wayne R. Petersen and Brooke Stevens
Field Note
Ersatz Skimmers   Doug Chickering
In Memory of Steve Leonard
John Nelson
About Books: Summer Isles of Eden
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2005
About the Cover: Bald Eagle
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2006, Vol. 34, No. 1
Birding in East Boston, Winthrop, Revere, and Saugus
Soheil Zendeh
Massachusetts Important Bird Areas (IBAs) - The South Shore Region
Wayne R. Petersen and Brooke Stevens
Letter to the Editors
A Summer at Monomoy
Ryan Merrill
Field Note
Latest Occurence of Arctic Tern for Massachusetts  Richard R. Veit and Carolyn S. Mostello
About Books: Virtual Encyclopedia Ornithologica: The Birds of North America On-line
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2005
About the Cover: Wild Turkey
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2007, Vol. 35, No. 6
Winter Birding in Hull
Paul Fitzgerald
Second Breeding Record for Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) in North America
Julie C. Ellis, Ph.D., Mary Caswell Stoddard, L. William Clark
Bird Banding on Appledore Island
Carol Tashjian
Mass Audubon and Cape Wind
Simon Perkins, Taber Allison, and Paul Fitzgerald
In the Beginning Was the List
John Nelson
Carrying on the Fernandez Legacy in the Westport River and Allens Pond
David C. Cole
Field Notes
Bird News   Lanny McDowell
A Different Duck Hawk   David Larson
About Books: (Insert Overused Bob Dylan Quote Here) Birds and Wind farms: Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2007
About the Cover: Rough-legged Hawk
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2007, Vol. 35, No. 5
Looking for Waterfowl in the Sudbury Reservoir
Mark Lynch
Observations of Roosting Crows
Eliot Taylor
First Confirmed Barred Owl and Acadian Flycatcher Nestings on Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Mary Keleher
Field Notes
A Feisty Unexpected Visitor    Sue Finnegan
Sightings of a Black Rail at Nantucket, Massachusetts   Richard R.Veit
Yellow-nosed Albatross Saga   Simon Perkins
About Books: Father of the Field Guide and "Nature's Engraver:" An Interview with Jenny Uglow, Biographer of Thomas Bewick
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May/June 2007
About the Cover: Eastern Meadowlark
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2007, Vol. 35, No. 4
A Birder's Guide to the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge and Sandy Point State Reservation on Plum Island
Thomas T. Wetmore IV
Birders Secure Plum Island, Save Birds
Brooke Stevens
Coffee Lessons for New England Birders
Paul J. Baicich
Osprey Legacy and the Loss of a Superhero: A Tribute to Gilbert Fernandez
Wayne R. Petersen
Field Notes
Something New on the Menu at Logan Airport    Norman Smith
A Western Wilson's Warbler Subspecies (chryseola/pileolata) in Nahant, from January 2 through February 14, 2007   Linda Pivacek
Mallard Mobile Home   William E. Davis, Jr. and Sanford Legere
About Books: A Compilation, a Concoction, and a Continuation
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2007
About the Cover: White-rumped Sandpiper
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2007, Vol. 35, No. 3
Summer Birding on Boy Scout Road and the Kennebago River in Rangeley, Maine
Eddie Giles
First Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee (2006)
William Sheehan, Secretary, and Peter Vickery, Chairman
Bradbury Mountain Spring Hawkwatch - 2007 Report
Jeannette and Derek Lovitch
Monitoring Arrival of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds in New England in 2003-2005
Sharon Stichter
Boreal Owl Records in Southern New England
Arnold Devine and Dwight G. Smith
Field Notes
Beware of Titmouse!   Taylor Yeager
Bittern Nuptial Display   Michael Onyon
About Books: The Apotheosis and Damnation of the Flightless Flocks: March of the Penguins and the Cultural Divide
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January/February 2007
About the Cover: Blackburnian Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2007, Vol. 35, No. 2
Eleventh Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC)
Marjorie Rines, Secretary
Nesting and Food-Caching by Sharp-Shinned Hawks in Ipswich
Jim Berry
The Purple Martins of Plum Island
Sue McGrath and Alison O'Hare
Field Notes
Commensal Foraging of Brown Pelicans and Egrets with Double-crested Cormorants and White Ibises   William E. Davis, Jr.
An In-vent-ive Roost   J. Thomas Brownrigg
Birding at the Prudential Center
Henry T. Wiggin
About Books: Slipped (In) Discs and Texts That Talk
Mark Lynch
Announcing the Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas 2
Bird Sightings: November/December 2006
About the Cover: Brown Pelican
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Ikki Matsumoto
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2007, Vol. 35, No. 1
Birding the Northfield Sod Farm
Mark Taylor and Hector Galbraith
Massachusetts Important Bird Areas (IBAs) - The Berkshire
Wayne R. Petersen and Brooke Stevens
Western Massachusetts Rarities
Seth Kellogg and James P.Smith
White-tailed Hawk - A Texas Vagrant?
Scott Surner
About Books: Dirty, Disgusting, Filthy, Lice-Ridden Boids
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2006
About the Cover: Mourning Dove
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2008, Vol. 36, No. 6
Fall Hawkwatching on Pinnacle Rock: A Surprisingly Productive Site in Suburban Boston
Craig Jackson
Coastal Breeding Bird Monitoring in the Boston Harbor Islands
Carol Lynn Trocki
Common Eider Die-offs on Cape Cod: An Ongoing Investigation
Sarah Courchesne, D.V.M. and Julie C. Ellis, Ph.D.
Foraging Winter Flocks of Birds in a Forest in Foxboro, Massachusetts
William E. Davis, Jr.
First Massachusetts Nesting Record for Merlin (Falco Columbarius)
Matt Pelikan, Allan R. Keith, Lanny McDowell, and Susan B. Whiting
About Books: Querencia!
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2008
About the Cover: European Starling
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2008, Vol. 36, No. 5
Birding the Cumberland Farms Fields in Middleboro/Halifax
Jim Sweeney
Winthrop Sprague Brooks: A Man of Adventure
William E. Davis, Jr.
The Tale of Two Siblings
Ursula Goodine
Fostering as a Management Tool for Peregrines
Tom French
Field Notes
Downy Woodpeckers Feed at Hummingbird Feeders   William E. Davis, Jr. and Jerome A. Jackson
First State Record of Broad-billed Hummingbird in Massachusetts   Charles McGibbon
Kestrels Galore and I Missed Close to Half of Them!    Craig Jackson
Mystic River Nesting Terns   Michael Fager
About Books: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something for the High School Musical Set: Four New Field Guides
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May/June 2008
About the Cover: Blackpoll Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2008, Vol. 36, No. 4
Birding Scarborough Marsh
Scott Cronenweth
Whodunnit? Tracking Nest Outcomes in Coastal Birds
Becky Harris and Ellen Jedrey
Why Expect Clusters of Vagrants
Richard R. Veit
Aggressive Behavior and Territoriality Among Wintering Mixed-Species Sandpiper Foraging Flocks on the Florida Keys
William E. Davis, Jr
Observations on the Feeding Behavior of Bohemian Waxwings
Jim Berry
Field Notes
Nest Cavity Reuse by Woodpeckers in a Red Maple Swamp    David Larso and Susan Carlson
About Books: Bower Birds and Art Students: A Conversation with Mike Hansell
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2008
About the Cover: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2008, Vol. 36, No. 3
Birding the Swedish Colony of Northern Maine
Bill Sheehan
Needham's Naturalist: The Bird Journals of Timothy Otis Fuller
Gloria Polizzotti Greis
Taken a Bird Walk Lately?
Pamela Hunt
Birding My Own Patch
John Nelson
Field Notes
Common Raven and Red-shouldered Hawk at Suet Feeder    Paul Fitzgerald
Gray Squirrel Preys on Black-capped Chickadee    Simon Hennin
About Books: What to Make of a Diminished Thing?
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January/February 2008
About the Cover: Woodpeckers
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2008, Vol. 36, No. 2
Birding Worcester Airport and the Surrounding Area
Mark Lynch
Invasion of the Berry Snatchers: the Waxwing Irruption of 2007-2008
John Kricher
Slaty-backed Gull: "Tomorrow's Lesser Black-backed Gull?"
Wayne Petersen
Twelfth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC)
Marjorie Rines, Secretary
About Books: All I Ask is a Tall Ship, a Star to Steer Her By, and a Decent Field Guide: Four New Guides to Seabirds
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2007
About the Cover: Tennessee Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2008, Vol. 36, No. 1
Birding at the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge
Ron Lockwood
A New Nesting Species for Essex County in 2006-07 and Several Other Landmark Nesting Events
Jim Berry
Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas
Joan Walsh
About Books: Someone to Watch Over Me: Recent Books about Ornithologists, Birders, and Other Naturalists
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2007
About the Cover: Sharp-shinned Hawk
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2009, Vol. 37, No. 6
Birding by Bicycle on the Nashua River Rail Trail
David Deifik
Hey, Captain, the Birds are over There
Frederick Wasti
The Political Landscape: Dark City
Jennifer Ryan and Christina McDermott
Not Just another Birding Contest - This is the Superbowl!
David Larson
Field Notes
Two Observations of Walking or Running by Northern Flickers, Colaptes auratus   Jim Berry
Notes on Nestling Coloration and Feeding Frequency in the Eastern Wood-Pewee, Contopus virens   Jim Berry
Update on Lesser Black-backed Gull   Julie Ellis
Specimen of a Eurasian Tree Sparrow Found Dead in a Shipping Container from China   Tom French
A Comparison of the Avian Communities in Winter in a Forest and Adjacent suburb
William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: Hot on the Trail of a Cold Duck
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2009
About the Cover: Downy Woodpecker
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2009, Vol. 37, No. 5
Fall Migration Hotspots in Massachusetts: Emphasis on Sparrows
Bird Observer Staff
Fifty Years of Birding: An Interview with Margaret Argue (reprinted from Bird Observer 21(1): 5-14)
Martha Steele
Second Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee (2007)
William Sheehan, Secretary, and Peter Vickery, Chairman
Third Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee (2008)
William Sheehan, Secretary, and Peter Vickery, Chairman
On a Street With No Name
John Nelson
About Books:
Mark Lynch A Modern Day Melampus
Bird Sightings: May/June 2009
About the Cover: Short-billed Dowitcher
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2009, Vol. 37, No. 4
Millennium Park, Boston
Marshall Iliff
Chimney Swift Towers: Tools for Conserving a Species in Decline
Georgean Z. Kyle and Paul D. Kyle
The Ultimate Bird Feeder: A Review
William E. Davis, Jr.
Field Notes
The First Eastern Massachusetts Breeding Record of Cliff-nesting Peregrine Falcons Since Their Reintroduction   Craig Jackson
About Books:
Mark Lynch Climbing Up and Down on a Round Thing
Bird Sightings: March/April 2009
About the Cover:
   Part 1: The Chaser: Laughing Gull
   Part 2: The Chased: Forster's Tern
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2009, Vol. 37, No. 3
The March of Ross's Goose
Paul Roberts
Hampshire Bird Club Celebrates Twenty-five Years
Trudy Tynan
Innovation or Revival: Bald Eagles Nesting on the Merrimack in Historical Context with an Update
Ganson-Purcell, Jr. and Sue McGrath
Cicada Summer
Mary Keleher
Cornucopia: Birds and Periodical Cicadas
Kimberly G. Smith
Field Notes
Confirming Ruby-throated hummingbird   Mark Taylor
Breeding Bird Atlas Note: First Confirmation of Golden-crowned Kinglet in Middlesex County   Sam Miller and Carla Dengler
Unusual Great Blue Heron Feeding Behavior   Richard Frechette
Tree Swallows Feeding on Krill   Maurice Montgomery
About Books: A Time of Green Urgency
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January/February 2009
About the Cover:
   Part 1: The Followed: Red-eyed Vireo
   Part 2: The Follower: Brown-headed Cowbird
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Charley Harper
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2009, Vol. 37, No. 2
Finding Breeding Birds in Willowdale State Forest, Ipswich
Jim Berry
Thirteenth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC)
Marjorie Rines, Secretary
Breeding Bird Atlas - Tips for Finding Some of Those Elusive Species
Field Notes
There was an Eagle in the Chicken Coop   Rachel Glova
A Prothonotary Warbler Nesting Attempt in the Middlesex Fells, Medford (Middlesex Country), Massachusetts   Marjorie Rines
About Books: A Guide to the Feathered Symbols of Twilight, Wise Counsel, and Drunken Nincompoops
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2009
About the Cover: Clapper Rail
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2009, Vol. 37, No. 1
Northern Saw-whet Owls in Massachusetts
Strickland Wheelock and Elizabeth Milke
Aggression by Birds at Winter Bird Feeders
William E. Davis, Jr.
Weaving a Web of Life with Birds, Bugs, and Native Plants
Steven Ziglar
Foreign Cuisine: Invasive Plants and Native Birds
Derek Lovitch
A Steaming Mug of Conservation
Scott Weidensaul
About Books: Cet Obscur Objet du Desir
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2008
About the Cover: Red Crossbill
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2010, Vol. 38, No. 6
A Guide to Winter Birding on Cape Ann, Part 2
Christopher Leahy
Post Office Square, Boston: Reflections from Urban Patch Birding
Matthew P.Garvey
Population Trends in Two Contiguous Winter Bird Communities over Twenty-six Years: Stability, Local Extinctions, Colonizations, and Irruptions
William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: A Trio of Sisyphuses
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2010
About the Cover:
Golden-crowned Kinglet
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2010, Vol. 38, No. 5
A Guide to Winter Birding on Cape Ann, Part 1
Christopher Leahy
First Report of the Rhode Island Avian Records Committee
Shaibal S. Mitra, Chair, Doug Wilson, Secretary, Robert Emerson, Rachel Farrell, Richard Ferren, Christopher Raithel, and Scott Tsagarakis
Hordes of Nesting Ducks Invade Suburban House Lot
Alfred Maley
Robert Verity Clem
Paul Donahue
Brookline Bird Club Extreme Pelagic
About Books: Fundamentally Strange and the Same
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May/June 2010
About the Cover:
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Paul Donahue
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2010, Vol. 38, No. 4
Birding Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge and Environs
Alan E. Strauss
Nest Highlights from the 2010 Season in Essex County, Massachusetts
Jim Berry
Red Knots in Massachusetts: An Historical Perspective
Brian Harrington, Norman P. Hill, and Blair Nikula
Edward Howe Forbush: Popularizer of Bird Study, Conservationist, and "Friend of the Birds"
William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: Going Coastal
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2010
About the Cover:
Red Knot
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2010, Vol. 38, No. 3
A Birding Guide to October Mountain State Forest
Ed Neumuth
Roseate Terns - Citizens of the World: The Canada to Cape Cod Connection
Ellen L. Jedrey, Rebecca J. Harris, and Edith A. Ray
Low-Maintenance Barred Owl Nest Boxes
Alfred Maley
Richard H. Pough, Conservationist Extraordinaire
William E. Davis, Jr.
Field Note
Carolina Wrens Deal with the Cold   Nancy Soulette
About Books: Triple Threat
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January/February 2010
About the Cover:
Hooded Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2010, Vol. 38, No. 2
Birding the Arnold Arboretum
Bob Mayer
Feathers and Flares
Joey Mason
Fourteenth Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC)
Marshall J. Hiff and Matthew P. Garvey
About Books: D.I.Y.
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2009
About the Cover: Barn Swallow
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2010, Vol. 38, No. 1
Birding New Hampshire's Other Coast - Vernon Dam, Lake Wantastiquet, and the Hinsdale Setbacks
Eric Masterson
Spring and Fall Migration of the Two Races of Palm Warbler Through New England
Hector Galbraith, Chris Rimmer, and Trevor Lloyd-Evans
How Many Chickadees Come to Your Winter Bird Feeders? Are They the Same Individuals You Saw Last Winter?
William E. Davis, Jr.
Nest Stories from Essex County, 2007-2009
Jim Berry
About Books: Titantic Tomes and Prodigious Publications
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2009
About the Cover: Savannah Sparrow
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2011, Vol. 39, No. 6
Birding the Wrentham Development Center in Winter
Eric LoPresti
State of the Birds: Documenting Changes in Massachusetts
Matt Kamm
Common Eider Die-offs on Cape Cod: An Update
Julie C. Ellis, Sarah Courchesne, and Chris Dwyer
Glover Morrill Allen: Accomplished Scientist, Teacher, and Fine Human Being
William E. Davis, Jr.
Managing Conflicts between Aggressive Hawks and Humans
Tom French and Norm Smih
Field Note
Addendum to Turkey Vulture Nest Story (June 2011 Issue)  Matt Kelly
About Books: The Pen is Mightier than the Bin
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2011
About the Cover:
Northern Cardinal
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2011, Vol. 39, No. 5
Bare Meadow Conservation Area, Reading, Massachusetts
David Williams
The Warden of Machias Seal Island: A Lighthouse Keeper's View of Birds in a Disputed Land
John Galluzzo
Birding Through Vision and Hearing Challenges
Martha Steele
Widening the Circle: Integrating People with Disabilities into Nature Programs
Marcy Marchello
Accessible Birding Sites in Massachusetts
Marcy Marchello and Marsha Salett
John Nelson
Yellow-green Vireo Vireo flavoviridis Banded at Plum Island
Benjamin Flemer, William O. Gette, and David M. Larson
About Books: Writing That Punk Osprey Tribute
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May/June 2011
About the Cover:
Northern Pintail
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2011, Vol. 39, No. 4
The Duck Stops Here: Fall Migration Monitoring at Bunker Meadows
Ava Steenstrup and MaryAnn DeSisto
The Great English Sparrow War
Jim Berry
Nocturnal Flight Calls
Benjamin Van Doren
Field Notes
Leapfrog Foraging by Red-winged Blackbirds and Brown-headed Cowbirds   William E. Davis, Jr.
Ruddy Turnstones and a Sanderling Drink Fresh Water   William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: Three's Company
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2011
About the Cover:
Least Tern
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2011, Vol. 39, No. 3
Birding Brownfield Bog
Pat Moynahan
Fifteenth Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Matthew P. Garvey and Marshall J. Iliff
A Soup-lips by Any Other Name
Paul Fitzgerald
Discovery of a Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) Nest in Berkshire County, Massachusetts
Matt Kelly
About Books: Birds of Brazil
Peter Alden
Bird Sightings: January/February 2011
About the Cover:
Eastern Phoebe
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2011, Vol. 39, No. 2
Birding the Lakeville Ponds of Plymouth County, Massachusetts
Jim Sweeney
The Final Year of the Breeding Bird Atlas: Going Over the Top
John Galluzzo
37 Years of Nighthawking
Tom Gagnon
Leif J Robinson: May 21, 1939 - February 28, 2011
Soheil Zendeh
Field Notes
Double-crested Cormorant Has Trouble Eating a Walking Catfish   William E. Davis, Jr.
Ruddy Turnstones and a Sanderling Drink Fresh Water   William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: Small Wonders
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2010
About the Cover:
Black-and-white Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2011, Vol. 39, No. 1
Spring Birding in Cold Spring Park
Maurice (Pete) Gilmore
2003 Bouchard Oil Spill: Impact on Piping Plovers
Jamie Bogart
Geezer Birding
John Nelson
Population Status of the Osprey in Essex County, Massachusetts
David Rimmer and Jim Berry
American Kestrel Nest Boxes
Art Gingert
Field Notes
Discovery of a Brood Patch on an Adult Male American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis)   Sue Finnegan
Chuck-will's-widow Heard in Broad Daylight   John Galluzzo
About Books: The Serial Fabulist of Ornithology
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2010
About the Cover:
Northern Flicker
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Julie Zickefoose
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2012, Vol. 40, No. 6
Birding Quabbin Park (South Quabbin)
Mark Lynch
The Brookline Bird Club: 1945-1988
John Nelson
Wonders and Surprises of Birding at a Young Age
Miles A. Brengle
Attracting Barn Swallows and Cliff Swallows to a New England Site: A Two-year Progress Report
Mara Silver
Field Notes
The Accidental Fledgling   Richard Graefe
About Books: The Man with the Slightly Crazy Plan
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2012
About the Cover: Winter Wren
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2012, Vol. 40, No. 5
Birding West Newbury: A Few Good Patches
Doug Chickering
A Black Vulture Nest in Warren: 2012
Chris Buelow
Further Adventures in Four-Legged Birding
John Nelson
Catch Basin Cover Grates: Another Hazard for Young Birds
Alan Rawle as told to Wendy Howes
The Brookline Bird Club: 1913-1945
John Nelson
Alfred Otto Gross, Bowdoin Academic and Renowned Field Ornithologist
William E. Davis, Jr.
About Film: Feathered Epic
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May/June 2012
About the Cover: Pine Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
Thinking About Snowy Owls:Photographs by Sandy Selesky
^ top

August 2012, Vol. 40, No. 4
Birding at Mass Audubon's Drumlin Farm
Pam Sowizral
Sixteenth Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Matthew P. Garvey and Marshall J. Iliff
United We Count
Stephen Anderson
Recent Avian Studies at North Hill Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Duxbury
John Galluzzo
About Books: Born Of Heartache, Grief, And Devotion
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2012
About the Cover:
American Bittern
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Charley Harper
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2012, Vol. 40, No. 3
Summer Birding in Pittsburg, New Hampshire
Erik Nielsen
Hidden Risks: Mercury in Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Northeast
Allyson Jackson
Low Impact Birding on Local Urban Beaches
Susannah Corona
Piping Plovers on Crane Beach: Photographs by Evan Lipton
Northern Cardinal Attacks Its Reflected Image in a Window
William E. Davis, Jr.
Mass Audubon's Birder's Certificate Program
David Larson
The Cormorants of Brush Island — Summer 2011
Elizabeth W. Sweet and Esther C. Williams
Birding all 351 Towns in One Year
John Galluzzo
About Books: Up Close and Personal
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January/February 2012
About the Cover:
Indigo Bunting
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2012, Vol. 40, No. 2
Mass Audubon's Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary, South Natick, Massachusetts
Elissa Landre and Marsha Salett
Author Cleveland Bent and His Life Histories of North American Birds
William E. Davis, Jr.
Field Notes
Gray Catbird Drinks Condensation from Underside of Car   William E. Davis, Jr.
Front Row at the Raptor Show   David Swain
Marsh Birding the West Meadows Wildlife Management Area in West Bridgewater
Steve Arena
About Film: Watching the Watchers Watch
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2011
About the Cover:
Palm Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2012, Vol. 40, No. 1
Birding the Westborough Wildlife Management Area
Nickilas Paulson
Redefining the Christmas Count at Stellwagen Bank
Anne Smrcina
NOAA/Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and Mass Audubon Present the Stellwagen Sanctuary Seabird Stewards Program
Breeding Bird Atlas 2: A First Look
Matthew Kamm
The Acorn Crash of 2011 and Red-tailed Hawks
Paul Roberts
Interactions of Two Salt Marsh-Dwelling Sparrows in New England: Past, Present, and Future
Adrienne I. Kovach and Jennifer Walsh
About Books: Thinking Globally and Birding Locally
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2011
About the Cover:
Common Merganser
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2013, Vol. 41, No. 6
Birding Newburyport Harbor and the Salisbury Beach State Reservation
Richard Forster
The Rise of The Megazoom Camera: A New Era in Birding, Or "Honey, Do We Really Need a Scope?"
Paul M. Roberts
Keith Gagnon: Plumage Prodigy
Jenette Kerr and Mark Faherty
Bringing up a Birder
Marsha C. Salett
Seventeenth Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Matthew P. Garvey and Marshall J. Iliff
About Books: Dispatches from the Popular Front
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2013
About the Cover: Blue Jay
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2013, Vol. 41, No. 5
Birding the Wenham Canal and Topsfield Fairgrounds, with a Side Trip on the Wenham Rail Trail
Jim Berry
Chester Albert Reed: Author of the First Field Guide to Birds in 1905
Michel Chevalier
The Birding John Nelsons
John Nelson
One Night Only: A Special Viewing of Fuertes's Paintings, Birds of Massachusetts
Nancy Walker
Twenty Years Ago in Bird Observer: The Wild Turkey: An Update
James E. Cardozo
Field Notes
Play Behavior by Black Vultures?   William E. Davis, Jr.
Immature Double-crested Cormorant Fails to Ingest Fish   William E. Davis, Jr.
A Peregrine Caches Woodcocks   Susan Carlson
About Books: Going, Going...Gone! And Really Gone
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May/June 2013
About the Cover: Northern Harrier
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2013, Vol. 41, No. 4
A Birding Guide to Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary, South Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Paul Champlin
An Idea that Changed the World: The Story of Birders' Exchange
Brooke Stevens
Raymond Andrew Paynter, Jr.: Museum Man, Editor, and Architect of the Series of Ornithological Gazetteers of South America
William E. Davis, Jr.
Birding with Ludlow: Crowd-Sourcing a Big Year in Concord, 2013
David Swain
Managing House Sparrows with Fishing Line
Marjorie W. Rines
Using Monofilament Fishing Line as House Sparrow Deterrents on Nest Boxes
Elissa Landre
About Books: The Attack of the Giant Guides
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2013
About the Cover: Hudsonian Godwit
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Karie O'Donnell
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2013, Vol. 41, No. 3
A Birding Guide to Horseneck Beach State Reservation including Gooseberry Neck, Westport, Massachusetts
Paul Champlin
The Allen Bird Club - 100 Years Young
George C. Kingston
Exploring the World through Black's Nook: An Experiment in Collaborative Patch Birding in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Andrew Hrycyna
Field Notes
The Tree Swallow and the Great Egret   Rob Napier
Great Egret Bathing   William E. Davis, Jr.
A Peregrine Caches Woodcocks   Susan Carlson
About Books: The Naked and the Dead
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January/February 2013
About the Cover: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2013, Vol. 41, No. 2
Birding the Connecticut River at Springfield
George C. Kingston
The Brookline Bird Club: 1988-2013
Jane Lothian
Wild Care: A Bellwether for Avian Health
Stephanie Ellis and Alexandra Mueller
Status and Conservation of Purple Martins in Massachuetts
Richard Lombard
About Books: Urban Birdin'
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2012
About the Cover: Magnolia Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2013, Vol. 41, No. 1
Birding Sterling Peat/Muddy Pond
Tom Pirro
Bicknell's Thrush: A Twenty-five Year Retrospective on the Northeast's Most Vulnerable Songbird
Christopher C. Rimmer and Kent P. McFarland
Bicknell's Thrush - Who Was the Man Behind the Name
William E. Davis, Jr. and Christopher C. Rimmer
Caterpillars in Winter
Sam Jaffee
A Brief History of the Massachusetts State Ornithologist Position
Catching up with the New State Ornithologist in Massachusetts: An Interview with Andrew Vitz
Martha Steele
About Books: Gonzo in Birdland
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2012
About the Cover: Gadwall
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2014, Vol. 42, No. 6
Birding the Charles River in Waltham, Newton, and Watertown
Jason Forbes
Eighteenth Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Matthew P. Garvey, Jeremiah R. Trimble, and Marshall J. Iliff
Chasing Shearwaters
Dave Wiley
Photo Essay: Tagging Shearwaters
Dave Wiley and Anne-Marie Runfola
A Young Birder's Summer
Jeremiah Sullivan
Introducing the Massachusetts Young Birders Club
Jonathan Eckerson
Musings from the Blind Birder: Taking Steps for Bird Conservation
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Bugging the Birds: Tracking Individuals through Migration
David M. Larson
About Books: A List for the Listers
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2014
About the Cover: Cooper's Hawk
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2014, Vol. 42, No. 5
Birding UMass Amherst
Ian Davies
Oceans Changing: Do Seabirds Tell Us Something about Ocean Changes?
Thomas Robben, Stephen Broker & Shoon N. Robben
Connecting Children with Nature through Science and Art: Junior Duck Stamp Program Marks 20 Years in Massachusetts
Pam Landry
Photo Essay: Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp Entries
Birding at the Front: A Wartime Letter from Ludlow Griscom
Edited by David Swain
Birding Babylon: Iraq, 2004
Jonathan Trouern-Trend
Musings from the Blind Birder: Why We Bird
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Flashers
David M. Larson
About Books: Looking Back and Planning Ahead
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May/June 2014
About the Cover: White-Eyed Vireo
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2014, Vol. 42, No. 4
Birding Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Concord, Massachusetts
David Swain
"Saturday, April 28th, 1866: Saw The First Chimney Swallow Today." 150 Years Of Bird Observation In Western Cambridge
Michael W. Strohbach, Paige S. Warren, and Andrew Hrycyna
New Massachusetts Big Day Record
Ian Davies
Photo Essay: Mini-Pelagic East of Chatham, June 28, 2014
Peter Flood
Field Notes
Pileated Woodpecker Harassed by a Pair of Crows   Reported by Brandi Van Roo, as observed by Gene Muller
Ravens Nesting on the Wellesley College Science Center   Lauren A. Johnson and Nicholas L. Rodenhouse
Gleanings: Reproductive Strategies in Eastern Wood-Pewees (Contopus virens)
David M. Larson
About Books: Gang of Four
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2014
About the Cover: Lark Sparrow
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Catherine Hamilton
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2014, Vol. 42, No. 3
Birding Tyringham Valley
Ed Neumuth
A Natural and Political History of Belle Isle Marsh
Barbara Bishop and Soheil Zendeh
Photo Essay
Soheil Zendeh
Hunting for Habitat: Concord Birds 2013
Cole and Jalen Winstanley
Field Notes
Red-tail Dilemma   Anonymous
Red-tails Not So in Love   Marsha C. Salett
Gleanings: Genetics of Social Behavior in White-throated Sparrows
David M. Larson
About Books: Birds without Birding
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January/February 2014
About the Cover: Field Sparrow
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2014, Vol. 42, No. 2
Birding College Conservation Area, Weston, Massachusetts
Michele Grzenda
An Accidental Big Year
Neil Hayward
Photo Essay: Big Year Birds from Far Beyond New England
Neil Hayward
Update: Population Status of Breeding Ospreys in Essex County, Massachusetts, in 2013
David Rimmer
A Friendship that Began with a Bird-a-thon
David Allen & Elissa Landre
Field Notes
Aggression in Wintering Least Sandpipers at Bahia Honda State Park, Florida Keys   William E. Davis, Jr.
Mourning Doves Nest on Man-made Structure   William E. Davis, Jr.
Gleanings: Hot Times in the Salt Marsh
David M. Larson
About Books: Through Thick and Thin
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2013
About the Cover: Prairie Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2014, Vol. 42, No. 1
Birding the Taunton River and Environs of Bristol County Massachusetts
Jim Sweeney
Ernst Mayr: Building on Charles Darwin's Legacy
William E. Davis, Jr.
Photo Essay: Snowy Owl Season
David M. Larson
Gleanings: Three Degrees of Sweetness
David M. Larson
About Books: Driven
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2013
About the Cover: Horned Lark
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2015, Vol. 43, No. 6
Birding the Charles River Peninsula, Needham, Massachusetts
Peter W. Oehlkers
Thomas Nuttall: Pioneering Naturalist (1786-1859)
John R. Nelson
A New Peregrine Falcon Nest at Boston University Medical Campus
Jeffrey Boone Miller
Bear Creek Sanctuary: An Urban Grassland
Soheil Zendeh
Photo Essay: Birds of Bear Creek Sanctuary
Field Notes
Leucistic Female Boat-tailed Grackle   William E. Davis, Jr.
Musings from the Blind Birder: Brewing Habitat for Birds
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Laying Your Eggs in All the Right Places
David M. Larson
About Books: "He Was So Merry, He Sang"
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July/August 2015
About the Cover: Northern Hawk Owl
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: Catherine Hamilton
^ top

October 2015, Vol. 43, No. 5
Bird Finding at Harkness Memorial State Park, Waterford, Connecticut
Robert Dewire
Birdwatching, Observation-based Field Ornithology, and the Conservation Movement
William E. Davis, Jr.
Barred Owl Adventures in Hampstead
Alfred Maley
Nineteenth Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Matthew P. Garvey, Jeremiah R. Trimble, and Marshall J. Iliff
Photo Essay: Highlights from MARC
Field Notes
The Adopted Piping Plover of Winthrop Beach   Sean Riley
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Bilateral Gynandromorph   Peter Brown
Baltimore Oriole Feeds Baby Tufted Titmice   Mike O’Connor
Musings from the Blind Birder: Personal Encounters with Memorable Birds
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Don’t say it’s “Just a Rump”
David M. Larson
About Books: True Tales of Treating Traumatized Trochilidae in Tinseltown
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May/June 2015
About the Cover: Le Conte’s Sparrow
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
^ top

August 2015, Vol. 43, No. 4
Birding Morris Island and Vicinity, Chatham, Massachusetts
Ryan Schain
Winter Quarters and Migration routes of Common and Roseate Terns Revealed by Tracking with Geolocators
Ian C. T. Nisbet and Carolyn S. Mostello
Respecting Birds, People, and History at Mount Auburn Cemetery
Dave Barnett and Regina Harrison
Photo Essay: Mount Auburn Cemetery
Field Notes
Another Instance of Play Behavior in Black Vultures   William E. Davis, Jr.
Anhingas Play with Sticks and Other Plane Debris   William E. Davis, Jr.
Musings from the Blind Birder: Birding Paraphernalia
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Getting from Point A to Point B
David M. Larson
About Books: Table Scraps to Zick Dough
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March/April 2015
About the Cover: Common Yellowthroat
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
^ top

June 2015, Vol. 43, No. 3
Birding Orleans County in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont
Bob Stymeist and Martha Steele
The Buzz on Golden-winged Warblers in Vermont
Mark LaBarr
Duck Stamp? Why Us?
Paul Baicich
Learning to Notice: A Birding Adventure
M.F. Badger
Photo Essay: "Soaring Birds" Artwork
Field Note
A Hermit Thrush Overwinters at a Worcester Feeder    Mark Lynch
Musings from the Blind Birder: Birding Vocabulary
Martha Steele
Gleanings: You Are What You Eat?
David M. Larson
About Books: Poysers and Auntie Eiders
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January/February 2015
About the Cover: Dunlin
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance:
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2015, Vol. 43, No. 2
Birding and Botanizing the Hawley Bog
Robert Wood
Remembering Herman D'Entremont
Glenn d'Entremont
A Good Day at Cape Ann
Herman D'Entremont
A Commemoration of Birders at Mount Auburn Cemetery
Regina Harrison
Birds of the World: A New Exhibit at the Harvard Museum of Natural History
Maude Baldwin
Photo Essay: Birds of the World
Field Notes
A Hawk in Pigeon's Clothing    David Sibley
A Barn Owl in Concord   Cole Winstanley and Jalen Winstanley
Musings from the Blind Birder: Song of Spring
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Serendipity and Science
David M. Larson
About Books: Making it Big
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2014
About the Cover: Northern Shoveler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2015, Vol. 43, No. 1
The Snowy Owl Winter of 2013-14
Norman Smith
The Life and Death of the Heath Hen
Matthew Kamm
How Much is a Bobolink Worth?
Allan M. Strong
Fourth Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee
Trevor B. Persons, Louis R. Bevier, William J. Sheehan, Peter D. Vickery, and Christopher A. Barlett
Photo Essay: More Highlights from the Maine Records Committee
Field Notes
Barn Swallows on Board   Bob Fisher
Common Tern "Babysits" Black Skimmer Chicks   Shawn P. Carey
A Banding Record of a White-throated Sparrow x Dark-eyed Junco Hybrid   Trevor Lloyd-Evans
Musings from the Blind Birder: Birding: A Way of Life
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Bergmann was left behind
David M. Larson
About Books: The Elephant in the Room
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2014
About the Cover: Cedar Waxwing
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
^ top

December 2016, Vol. 44, No. 6
Birding Along the Connecticut River in Turners Falls and Gill
Joshua Rose
Satellite Tagging of Ospreys in New Hampshire
Iain MacLeod
Interview: Bill Peterson, Refuge Manager at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
David M. Larson
Placing and Protecting Barred Owl Nest Boxes
Alfred Maley
The History of Bald Eagle Decline and Recovery in Massachusetts
Tom French
Photo Essay: Bald Eagles in Massachusetts
Musings: New York, New York
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Costs of a Migratory Life
David M. Larson
Field Note
The First Documented Nest of Merlins in Worcester County   Lucy Allen, Amy Lawson, and Justin Lawson
About Books: Road Trip!
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July-August 2016
About the Cover: Red-tailed Hawk
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2016, Vol. 44, No. 5
When Change Is the Norm: The Monomoy Barrier System and its Constantly Shifting Habitat
Kate E. Iaquinto
The Founding of the Association of Massachusetts Bird Clubs, 2016
John Nelson
A Close Look at Banded Gulls
Dave Adrien
Photo Essay: More Gulls
Musings from the Blind Birder: A Short but Sweet Season
Martha Steele
Gleanings: It’s a Noisy World Out There
David M. Larson
Field Notes: Broad-winged Hawk Attacks its Reflected Image
Alfred Maley
Field Notes: Catbird Fights Image in Car Windshield
William E. Davis, Jr.
Field Notes: Courtship Feeding during Migration
Tom Aversa
About Books: Quoth The Raven, "Cogito Ergo Sum"
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May-June 2016
About the Cover: American Wigeon
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry van Dusen
At a Glance August 2016
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2016, Vol. 44, No. 4
Birding Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
Marsha C. Salett and Mark Faherty
Atlantic Coastal Pine Barrens: A Globally Rare Habitat in Southeastern Massachusetts
Melinda S. LaBranche
The Great Seabird Show of 2015
Peter Flood
Photo Essay: Birds of Race Point
Musings from the Blind Birder: Achieving the Swing
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Distributed Effects
David M. Larson
Field Notes: Red-tailed Hawk Attacks a Day-flying Bat at Mount Auburn Cemetery
Jeffrey Boone Miller
Field Notes: Shorebird Behavior on their Wintering Grounds
William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: Into the Woods
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March-April 2016
About the Cover: Little Gull
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Kenn Kaufman
At a Glance June 2016
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2016, Vol. 44, No. 3
Birding Essex County, Vermont
Thomas Berriman
American Kestrel: Can the Decline be Reversed?
Matthew D. Kamm
Massachusetts Young Birders Club Attends Mass Audubon Birders Meeting
Jonathan Eckerson
John J. Galluzzo and Christopher E. Degni
Restore the Call: A Bold Initiative to Aid Loon Recovery
Lee Attix and Michelle Kneeland
Photo Essay: Loon Recovery
Musings from the Blind Birder: Bird Walking with a Guide Dog
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Weighing the Odds
David M. Larson
About Books: An Artist Does the Altricial
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January-February 2016
About the Cover: Black-throated Blue Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance February 2016
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2016, Vol. 44, No. 2
Birding Old Town Hill in Newbury, Massachusetts
David Davis
The Obscurest of Obscure Birds: Smith’s Longspur
Soheil Zendeh
The Bobolink Project 2016
Jonathan L. Atwood
A Tribute to E. Vernon Laux: "Keep Your Eyes to the Sky!"
Peter Trimble and Jeremiah Trimble
Five Things I Learned from Vern Laux
Sarah T. Bois
The Essex County Ornithological Club: 1916-2016
John Nelson
Photo Essay: Essex County Ornithological Club Canoe Trips
Field Notes
Swainson's Hawk at Bear Creek Sanctuary, Saugus, MA   Kaija Gahm
Belted Kingsisher Skims the Water   George Gove and Judy Gordon
Musings from the Blind Birder: The Paradise of Memories
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Wood Thrushes Sleeping Around
David M. Larson
About Books: Desperately Seeking the Robin Snipe
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November/December 2015
About the Cover: Chipping Sparrow
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry van Dusen
^ top

February 2016, Vol. 44, No. 1
Birding Prospect Hill, Waltham, and the Cambridge Reservoir
Jason Forbes
Fifth Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee
Trevor B. Persons and Louis R. Bevier
Edith F. Andrews: Venerable, Influential, Inspirational, and Beloved
Wayne R. Petersen
Edith F. Andrews: October 29, 1915 - October 31, 2015
Ginger Andrews
Ronnie Donovan: The Birds Were Where He Found Them
Paul F. Fitzgerald
Ronnie's Back Yard
Simon Perkins
The Lists and the Lister of Wolf Trap Hill Farm
Kathleen "Betty" S. Anderson
Photo Essay: Scenes from Wolf Trap Hill Farm
Field Notes
Rainy Day Stopover for a Migrating Northern Waterthrush   Jeffrey Boone Miller
Musings from the Blind Birder: Memorable Winter Birding Moments
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Did You Hear That?
David M. Larson
About Books: Quand le Hibou Chante
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September/October 2015
I Am a Turkey Vulture
Rosemary Mosco
About the Cover: Turkey Vulture
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: Rosemary Mosco
^ top

December 2017, Vol. 45, No. 6
Birding Marion, Mattapoisett, and Rochester, Massachusetts
Nate Marchessault
Northward Expansion of Blue Grosbeaks into Massachusetts
Christopher Neill
Mass Audubon Releases State of the Birds 2017
Margo Servison and Joan Walsh
A Simple Solution to Keep Your Birding Gear in Perfect Condition
Gail Fisher
Summer of Pied-billed Grebes
Carolyn Longworth
Photo Essay: Pied-Billed Grebe Family
Musings from the Blind Birder: Travel
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Colorful Flickers
David M. Larson
Field Notes
Massachusetts’ Oldest Bald Eagle Died Too Young   Thomas W. French
Whip-poor-will Ground Display   David M. Larson and Susan Carlson
The "Dinner’s Ready" Call of the Barred Owl   Alfred Maley
About Books: Four for Your Shelves
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July–August 2017
About the Cover: Herring Gull
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
^ top

October 2017, Vol. 45, No. 5
Birding Danehy Park, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Karsten E. Hartel
Vagrancy of Selasphorus and Other Western Hummingbirds to New England
Sean M. Williams and Andrew C. Vitz
Nonbreeding Vocal Repertoire of Northern Saw-whet Owls
Tim Spahr
Photo Essay: Least Tern and Chicks
Sandy Selesky
Musings from the Blind Birder: Songs of the Season
Martha Steele
Gleanings: What Goes Up
David M. Larson
Field Notes
Blue Grosbeak Nesting Successfully in Massachusetts   Nathaniel Marchessault
About Books: A Wing and a Prayer
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May–June 2017
About the Cover: Common Nighthawk
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2017, Vol. 45, No. 4
Summer Birding along Realty Road, Aroostook County, Maine
Nicholas Komar
Distinctions between Three-toed and Black-backed Woodpeckers
Nicholas Komar
Canvasbacks at Fresh Pond: Coming or Going?
Jeffrey Boone Miller
Bird Sermons: Thomas Green Fessenden and the New England Farmer (1822–1846)
Peter W. Oehlkers
The Increase in Wintering Hooded Mergansers in New England from 1986 to 2015 as Recorded by the Christmas Bird Counts
Steve Davis
Photo Essay: Common Yellowthroat Courtship and Mating Display
Eric Swanzey
Musings from the Blind Birder: Migration
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Confusing Fall Blackpoll Warbler   Trevor Lloyd-Evans
About Books: Where Tanagers and Butterflies Sport About
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March-April 2017
About the Cover: Black Skimmer
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: Ikki Matsumoto
^ top

June 2017, Vol. 45, No. 3
Birding Farnham-Connolly Memorial Park, Canton
Jim Sweeney
Dorothy R. Arvidson: 1920-2017
Robert H. Stymeist
The Complex Relationship Between Birds and Gypsy Moths
Jennifer Forman Orth and Matt Pelikan
The History, Birds, Research, and Conservation Efforts on Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge
Keenan Yakola
Photo Essay: Birds of Seal Island
Musings from the Blind Birder: Lists
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Lessons from the Labyrinth
David M. Larson
Field Notes
Nesting Mourning Doves Tolerate Human Presence   William E. Davis, Jr.
Great Gray Owl   Nathan Dubrow
About Books: An Exquisite Ancient Menagerie
Mark Lynch
Marj the Magnificent: A Tribute and Thank You to Marj Rines
Wayne R. Petersen
Bird Sightings: January-February 2017
About the Cover: Yellow Warbler
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
^ top
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen

April 2017, Vol. 45, No. 2
Birding Essex County, Vermont, Part 2
Thomas Berriman
The Famous Herring Gull of Brenton Reef
John J. Galluzzo
Sixth Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee
Louis R. Bevier
From Sanctuary to Sanctuary: Portraying the Diversity of Mass Audubon
Barry Van Dusen
Photo Essay: More Paintings from Barry Van Dusen’s Residency
Musings: The Far Side of Birding
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Separate Vacations
David M. Larson
Field Notes
Interspecific Aggression by a Common Loon in Winter   Jeffrey Boone Miller
Townsend's Solitaire   Jonathan Eckerson
About Books: "A Continent, a State, and a Home"
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November-December 2016
About the Cover: Rough-winged Swallow
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
^ top

February 2017, Vol. 45, No. 1
Beaver Brook North Reservation
Jason Forbes
Birding My Patch: Daniel Boone Park in Ipswich, Massachusetts
Miles Brengle
Bird Observer Online: Building an Online Magazine for a New England Birding Institution
Eric Swanzey
Twentieth Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Matthew P. Garvey, Jeremiah R. Trimble, Sean M. Williams, and Marshall J. Iliff
Photo Essay: MARC Highlights
Musings: Solitude
Martha Steele
Gleanings: False Advertising
David M. Larson
Field Note
Great Egrets Foraging on Terrestrial Invertebrates in Everglades National Park, Florida   William E. Davis, Jr.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Chase   Sandy Selesky
About Books: What’s a Wren Worth?
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September-October 2016
About the Cover: Long-eared Owl
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2018, Vol. 46, No. 6
Winter Birding on Cape Cod: Provincetown to the Orleans Rotary
Nate Marchessault
Birders and Hunters: Allies in Habitat Conservation
Peter Jacobson
Thornton Burgess, Dr. William Hornaday, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Christie Palmer Lowrance
Twenty-second Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Sean M. Williams and Jeremiah R. Trimble
Photo Essay: Birds of the 22nd MARC
Musings from the Blind Birder: Birds in Poetry
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Who Knows Where the Crows Go?
David M. Larson
About Books: Kids! Let’s Have Fun with Genes!
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July–August 2018
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Surf Scoter
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2018, Vol. 46, No. 5
Fall Birding the Keene, New Hampshire, Area
Steven Lamonde
The Secret Lives of the Gulls of Appledore
Sarah Courchesne
Kathleen S. (Betty) Anderson: June 15, 1923–August 24, 2018
Wayne R. Petersen
Photo Essay: Godwits
Richard Johnson
Musings from the Blind Birder: When Our Beloved Birds Are Not So Beloved
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Chicken Little?   Megara Bell
About Books: The Wired Gannet
Mark Lynch
Seth Kellogg: A Massachusetts Birding Icon Steps Down
Wayne R. Petersen
Bird Sightings: May–June 2018
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Common Gallinule
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: Edgar Allan Slothman
^ top

August 2018, Vol. 46, No. 4
A Guide to Birding the Manchester-Essex Woods, Massachusetts
Jim Berry
An Overview to Birding New England Islands
Keenan Yakola
Soaring with Eastern Massachusetts Hawk Watch
Steve Anderson
Photo Essay: Raptors in Flight
Shawn P. Carey
Musings from the Blind Birder: By Any Other Name
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Observations at an Unusual Urban Tree Swallow Nest: an Iron Snag in an Asphalt Meadow   Michael C. Allen
Pileated Woodpecker Surprise   Sandy Selesky
A Strange Eastern Phoebe Tale   Judy Brown
About Books: Cities Go Wild
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March–April 2018
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Tricolored Heron
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Ikki Matsumoto
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2018, Vol. 46, No. 3
Birding the Mud Flats and Tidal Marsh of Charlestown Breachway, Rhode Island
Carlos Pedro
Conservation of Forest Birds in Massachusetts
Jeff Ritterson
State Coastal Waterbird Expert Receives Mass Audubon’s Inaugural Wildlife Conservation Award at Annual Birders Meeting
Mass Audubon
Seventh Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee
Louis R. Bevier
Photo Essay: Birds of the Seventh Maine Report
Musings from the Blind Birder: Connecting, Calming, Centering
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Adapting to Climate Change
David M. Larson
About Books: Zugunruhe And TANSTAAFL.
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January–February 2018
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Black-billed Cuckoo
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2018, Vol. 46, No. 2
Birding Miantonomi Memorial Park, Newport, Rhode Island
Wayne R. Munns, Jr.
Grasshopper Sparrow Status and Conservation in Massachusetts and throughout New England
Andrew Vitz and Chris Buelow
A Thankful Salute to a Dynamic Duo: Carolyn and John Marsh
Wayne R. Petersen
Twenty-first Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Sean M. Williams and Jeremiah R. Trimble
Photo Essay: Birds of the 21st MARC Report
Gleanings: Feeders, Adaptation, and Fitness
David M. Larson
Field Notes
Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron Displaying   Marsha C. Salett and Jaden Thompson
Presumed Gadwall x Green-winged Teal Hybrid   Nate Marchessault
About Books: Two Lives with Birds
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November-December 2017
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
About the Cover: Brown Creeper
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
^ top

February 2018, Vol. 46, No. 1
Birding Minute Man National Historical Park
Kathy Dia
Red Crossbills in Massachusetts and the Northeast: A Possible Irruption in 2017-2018
Jeremy Coleman and Tim Spahr
A History of Winter Crow Roosts and a Visit to a Roost in Lawrence, Massachusetts
Dana Duxbury-Fox
Photo Essay: The American Crow
Craig Gibson
Musings from the Blind Birder: Losing One's Senses
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Getting Lost
David M. Larson
Field Notes
Northern Harrier Preying on Hooded Merganser   Peter Vale and Fay Vale
2E2: A Successful Gull   Jeffrey Boone Miller
About Books: Two Quests
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings September-October 2017
Neil Hayward & Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Tufted Titmouse
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: William E. Davis, Jr.
^ top

December 2019, Vol. 47, No. 6
Winter Birding at Elm Bank Reservation, Wellesley, Massachusetts
Marsha C. Salett
Lawrence Winter Crow Roost Becomes Catalyst for Artistic Expression, Community Outreach, and Citizen Science
Craig B. Gibson
Twenty-third Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Sean M. Williams, Marshall Iliff, and Tim Spahr
Photo Essay: Birds of the 23rd MARC
Musings from the Blind Birder: Christmas Bird Counts: Citizen Science at its Best
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Ravens versus Red-tails   Jeffrey Boone Miller
About Books: Tangled Up in Blue
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July–August 2019
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: American Goldfinch
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
^ top

October 2019, Vol. 47, No. 5
Birding Mid-Cape Cod from Barnstable to Orleans
David Clapp
William Brewster: At the Right Place at the Right Time
William E. Davis, Jr.
Evening Grosbeaks: Winter Jewels of My Childhood
Melinda S. LaBranche
Photo Essay: Birds of Mid-Cape Cod
David Clapp
Musings from the Blind Birder: The Conversation Might Go Like This
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Dovekies Hoover It Up
David M. Larson
Field Notes
Design Improvements for Barred Owl Nest Box   Alfred Maley
About Books: Birding ’Round The Swamp
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May–June 2019
Neil Hayward & Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Brant
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
^ top

August 2019, Vol. 47, No. 4
Birding the Squantum Section of Quincy, Massachusetts
Vin Zollo
Great Black-backed Gull 2AK Grows Up
Dave Adrien
A Year List? Pshaw, That’s Nothing. Try David Ludlow’s Lists!
David Clapp and Marsha C. Salett
Photo Essay: Piping Plovers of Sandy Point
Musings from the Blind Birder: A Bird of One’s Own
Martha Steele
Gleanings: A Leaf of Another Color
David M. Larson
Field Notes
Purple Gallinules Attempt to Kleptoparasitize an Anhinga   William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: A Mash Note to Migration
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March–April 2019
Neil Hayward & Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: American White Pelican
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: Edgar Allan Slothman
^ top

June 2019, Vol. 47, No. 3
A Guide to Birding Mass Audubon's Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Lisa Schibley
Feminist Bird Club
Karla Noboa
A Rare Opportunity: Documenting Red-headed Woodpeckers Nesting in Plymouth, Massachusetts
Susan Abele
David Wiley Receives Mass Audubon's 2019 Hemenway + Hall Wildlife Conservation Award
Mass Audubon
Photo Essay: Birds of Tidmarsh
Musings from the Blind Birder: A Day in the Life
Martha Steele
About Books: A Sense of Wonder Now and Then
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January–February 2019
Neil Hayward & Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Olive-sided Flycatcher
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen

April 2019, Vol. 47, No. 2
Birding Nahanton Park, Newton, Massachusetts
Haynes Miller
Embracing Bird Conservation at Home
Claudia Thompson
The Birds of Reading, Massachusetts, Project
David Williams
Eighth Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee
Douglas P. Hitchcox, Tom Aversa, Louis R. Bevier, and Trevor B. Persons
Photo Essay: Birds of the Eighth Maine Records Report
Musings from the Blind Birder: The Road Taken
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Sex Ratios and Demographics
David M. Larson
About Books: Voices from the Interior of Self and Ocean
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November–December 2018
Neil Hayward & Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Baltimore Oriole
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen

February 2019, Vol. 47, No. 1
Birding Sharon, Massachusetts
Liam Waters
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge Banding Station
Regina Harrison
Mass Audubon’s Sanctuary Inventory and Monitoring Project
Robert Buchsbaum
Photo Essay: Birds of Sharon
Gleanings: It’s Enough to Drive Them Loony
David M. Larson
Musings from the Blind Birder: Winter Birding
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Leucistic Male House Sparrow   William E. Davis, Jr.
Heart, Lefty, and Popsicle: A winter with three identifiable Dark-eyed Juncos   Jeffrey Boone Miller
Painted Redstart on Cuttyhunk Island, October 14, 2018   Mike Sylvia
About Books: "London Calling"
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September–October 2018
Neil Hayward & Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Iceland Gull
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen

December 2020, Vol. 48, No. 6
Winter Birding on Cape Cod: Upper Cape Cod and Barnstable
Peter Crosson
The Murmuration: Crowdsourcing Local Knowledge to Improve Birding Safety and Accessibility
Cory R. Elowe, Sam McGullam, Meghadeepa Maity, and Jeremy A. Spool
Twenty-fourth Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Sean M. Williams, Jessica Johnson, and Marshall J. Iliff
Photo Essay: Birds of the 24th MARC
Musings from the Blind Birder: Ebb and Flow
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Catching Up with a Spotted Sandpiper   Michael Rossacci
Leucistic Red-Tailed Hawk   Dan Furbish
About Books: Birds During the Annual Occupation
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July–August 2020
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Canvasback
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2020, Vol. 48, No. 5
Birding Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary in the Connecticut River Valley
David McLain
"Birds I Know," the Boston Globe's Bird Column, 1932–1966
Peter W. Oehlkers
Birding the Family Patch: Oak Top, Dighton, Massachusetts
Andy Eckerson
Group Bathing by Shorebirds, Gulls, and Terns
William E. Davis, Jr.
Photo Essay: Birds of Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary
Musings from the Blind Birder: Climbing Jay Peak
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Spring Blackpoll Warblers
David M. Larson
Field Notes
A Wild Goose Chase in Rochester, Massachusetts   Brian Vigorito
First Confirmed Breeding Attempt of Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis) in Worcester County, Massachusetts, May 2020   Wendy Howes and Alan F. Rawle
About Books: Channeling Your Inner Kinglet
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May–June 2020
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Red-headed Woodpecker
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Edgar Allan Slothman
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2020, Vol. 48, No. 4
Birding Safely and Sanely During the Pandemic of Spring 2020
Bird Observer Staff and Board Members
Whip-poor-will Dream
John Nelson
Revisiting Bird-Window Collisions in Boston
William Freedberg
Hearing Aids for Birders
Timothy P. Walker
Photo Essay: Birds of East Falmouth
Nate Marchessault
Musings from the Blind Birder: The Spring of Covid-19
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Group Bathing by White Ibises   William E. Davis, Jr.
Sanderlings, Ruddy Turnstones, and Least Sandpipers Forage on Ephemeral Floating Seaweed Substrate   William E. Davis, Jr.
Wilson’s Phalarope: Second Record for Ashley Falls and Fifth Record for Berkshire County, Massachusetts   Ken Schopp
About Books: Sparrows: Above and Beyond “LBJs”
Soheil Zendeh
Bird Sightings: March–April 2020
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Greater Yellowlegs
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2020, Vol. 48, No. 3
Searching for Gold: Where to Find Vermivora Warblers in Northern Vermont
Steven Lamonde
Vermont's Golden-winged Warblers: Half of the Vermivora Story
Steven Lamonde and Mark LaBarr
Frances Hamerstrom, a Flamboyant Ornithologist
William E. Davis, Jr.
Mass Audubon Presents Annual Hemenway + Hall Wildlife Conservation Award to Manomet
Mass Audubon
Return of the Great Horned Owl Nestling
Andrew Joslin
Photo Essay: The Great Horned Owl Renest Round 2
Musings from the Blind Birder: State Birds
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Listening to Yellow Warblers
David M. Larson
Field Note: How a Common Raven Caches Donuts
Brian Cassie
About Books: One Swallow Makes Not a Spring. But Two on the Other Hand…
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January–February 2020
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Yellow-throated Vireo
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
^ top

April 2020, Vol. 48, No. 2
Coastal Birding from Wareham to the Cape Cod Canal
Nate Marchessault
Mealworms—How Scrumptious
David Clapp
In Memoriam: Fay Vale
Marj Rines
Ninth Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee
Douglas P. Hitchcox, Tom Aversa, Louis R. Bevier, and Trevor B. Persons
Photo Essay: Birds of the Ninth Maine Records Report
Musings from the Blind Birder: Seeing While Blind
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Worse Living Through Chemistry
David M. Larson
About Books: Memoirs of an Ideal Companion
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November–December 2019
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Snowy Egret
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
^ top

February 2020, Vol. 48, No. 1
Winter Birding in the Plymouth-Manomet Area (1975)
Wayne R. Petersen and Bruce A. Sorrie
Birding Plymouth Beach (1985)
Duncan S. Evered
Margaret Morse Nice: The Woman who Changed American Ornithology
William E. Davis, Jr.
Mississippi Kites of Southeastern New Hampshire
Stephen Mirick
Photo Essay: Mississippi Kites of New Hampshire
Musings from the Blind Birder: Helping Birds: What Can I Do?
Martha Steele
Gleanings: Flying High
David M. Larson
Field Notes
Leucistic Wild Turkey   Nate Marchessault
Deer, Flies, and Eastern Phoebes   Pauliina Swartz
About Books: Locally Sourced
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September–October 2019
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Hooded Merganser
William E. Davis, Jr.
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
^ top

December 2021, Vol. 49, No. 6
Birding the Roy and Margot Larsen Sanctuary, Fairfield, Connecticut
Aidan Kiley
Tool Use by Atlantic Puffins?
Jeffrey Boone Miller
Twenty-fifth Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Marshall J. Iliff, Jessica Johnson, and Jeremiah Trimble
Photo Essay: Birds of the 25th MARC Report
Musings from the Blind Birder: Transitions
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Cedar Waxwings with a Taste for Salt   Marsha C. Salett
New Hampshire’s Mississippi Kites Have a Rough Year in 2021   Steve Mirick
About Books: Learning Nests and Loving Vultures
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July-August 2021
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2021, Vol. 49, No. 5
A Guide to Birding Great Swamp Management Area, South Kingstown, Rhode Island
Patrick Felker
The Importance of Counting Shorebirds: Manomet’s International Shorebird Survey (ISS)
Lisa Schibley
Bird-Friendly Maple Syrup
Jeff Ritterson and Steve Hagenbuch
Photo Essay: Birds of the International Shorebird Survey
Musings from the Blind Birder: Midsummer Thoughts
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Mill Pond, Belmont: A Southbound Stopover for Solitary Sandpipers   Michael Rossacci
About Books: The Joys of Birding with QR Codes
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May-June 2021
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Leach’s Storm-Petrel
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2021, Vol. 49, No. 4
Birding the Paper City: Holyoke, Massachusetts
David McLain
Eleven Years of Birding at Halibut Point State Park, Rockport, Massachusetts
Peter H. Van Demark
A First for Nantucket Island, Massachusetts: Breeding Common Ravens
Skyler Kardell
Photo Essay: Birds of Holyoke
Musings from the Blind Birder: The Return of Birdsong: One Birder’s Experience with Hearing Aids
Martha Steele
Field Notes
A Hybrid Mourning Warbler x Common Yellowthroat in Leicester, Massachusetts   Cole Winstanley
Group Bathing by Willets   William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: We Used to Think…
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March–April 2021
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Willet
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2021, Vol. 49, No. 3
Birding the Eastern End of Nantucket
Skyler Kardell
9 Rules for the Woke Birdwatcher
J. Drew Lanham
The Status of American Oystercatchers in Massachusetts
Katharine C. Parsons
Squam Lake and Its Loons: Holding a Mirror Up to New Hampshire’s Loon Population
Tiffany Grade and John Cooley, Jr.
Photo Essay: Common Loons
Musings from the Blind Birder: Bird-Related Idioms
Martha Steele
Field Notes
An Eastern Phoebe Dips for Minnows   Dennis Durette
The Eastern "Kingfisher" Phoebe   Shawn Carey
Bathing by Double-crested Cormorants   William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: Celebrating Spring in the Year of the Plague
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January–February 2021
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Northern Waterthrush
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2021, Vol. 49, No. 2
Birding Pembroke, Massachusetts
Brian Vigorito
Tracking Local and Long-Distance Movements of Massachusetts Barn Swallows and American Kestrels
Jonathan L. Atwood
Remembering Janet Heywood 1943–2021
Robert Stymeist
Tenth Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee
Trevor B. Persons, Louis R. Bevier, and Tom Aversa
Photo Essay: Birds of the Tenth MBRC
Musings from the Blind Birder: Birding Solace
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Interspecific Conflict Between a Vagrant Varied Thrush and an American Robin   Christine A. Goddard
House Wrens Nesting in Streetlights   Jeffrey Boone Miller
Unusual Snowy Owl Behavior   Paul M. Roberts
Northern Flicker and Pileated Woodpecker Commensalism   Marsha C. Salett
About Books: I Know What it Is….But Why is it Doing That?
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November–December 2020
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Orchard Oriole
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2021, Vol. 49, No. 1
Birding Burlington, Vermont, along the Island Line Trail
Nathaniel Sharp
Observations from Several Months Spent on the Island of Tuckernuck in 2020
Skyler Kardell
Second Report of the Rhode Island Avian Records Committee
Shaibal S. Mitra, Chair, Doug Wilson, Secretary, Robert Emerson, Rachel Farrell, Richard Ferren, Paul L’Etoile, Peter Paton, Christopher Raithel, and Scott Tsagarakis
Photo Essay: Birds of the Second RIARC
Musings from the Blind Birder: Finding One’s Place
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Use of Sapsucker Wells by Passerines   David M. Larson and Susan L. Carlson
Shallow-Water Foraging Behavior by Double-Crested Cormorants   William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: An Owl Like a Beautiful Thought
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September–October 2020
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds: Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Great Black-backed Gull 
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Avery Whitlock
At a Glance: Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2022, Vol. 50, No. 6
Birding Bolton Flats Wildlife Management Area, Worcester County, Massachusetts
Kevin Bourinot
Naming Birds: Wherefore Art Thou Vireo?
Caitlin L. Miller and Jeffrey Boone Miller
A Hybrid Barn Swallow x Cave Swallow in South Kingstown, Rhode Island
Bill Thompson
The History of Bird Observer: Chapter 5
William E. Davis, Jr.
Photo Essay: Sparrows of Bolton Flats   Kevin Bourinot
Musings from the Blind Birder: One Small Step for Birders, One Giant Leap for Birds
Martha Steele
John’s World of Birds
The Cigar that Flies   John Kricher
Tricky Birds
Winter Geese   Sebastian Jones
About Books: A Pelagic Audubon
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July-August 2022
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Purple Finch
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2022, Vol. 50, No. 5
Birding Heald Street Orchard, Pepperell, Massachusetts, and Nearby Conservation Lands
Mari F. Badger
A Cape Verde Shearwater (Calonectris edwardsii) in Massachusetts - A First for the State and Second Fully Documented Record for North America
Jeremiah Trimble, Peter Trimble Sr., Ian Davies, Julian Hough, and Nick Bonomo
Bird Observer: A Writer’s Home
John R. Nelson
The History of Bird Observer: Chapter 4
William E. Davis, Jr.
Photo Essay: Yellow-crowned Night-Herons: My Newest Life Bird   Bonnie Tate
Notes on a Wintering Fox Sparrow   Matt Pelikan
Musings from the Blind Birder: A Story of Determination and Passion
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Double-eyed Royal Tern   John J. Gill
About Books: Four Short Reviews of Four Large Books
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May-June 2022
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Pied-billed Grebe
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Avery Whitlock
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2022, Vol. 50, No. 4
Birding Great Salt Bay Farm Wildlife Preserve in Lincoln County, Maine
Ethan Whitaker
Notes from the Ground: Observations on Broad-winged Hawk Migration in Massachusetts and New England
Paul M. Roberts
Fall Hawkwatching in Massachusetts
Brian Rusnica
Third Report of the Rhode Island Avian Records Committee
Shaibal S. Mitra, Chair, Doug Wilson, Secretary, Robert Emerson, Rachel Farrell, Paul L’Etoile, Peter Paton, and Scott Tsagarakis
The History of Bird Observer Chapter 3
William E. Davis, Jr.
Nature Writing at its Best: The Journals of S. Waldo Bailey
Matt Kelly
Bird Observer’s Fiftieth Anniversary Photo, Video, and Writing Contest
Musings from the Blind Birder
: Random Thoughts from the Raspberry Patch
Martha Steele
Field Notes
Osprey Captures Vole  Susan Browne
Osprey Steals Fish from Great Black-backed Gull  Sarah Mayhew
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Impaled on Allium  Frederick Thurber
About Books: Small and Focused
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March-April 2022
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Pectoral Sandpiper
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2022, Vol. 50, No. 3
Birds of Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island, Maine - Part One: Eastern MDI
Michael J. Good
Birding with Autism
Kari Sasportas
The History of Bird Observer: Chapter 2
William E. Davis, Jr.
Bird Observer’s Fiftieth Anniversary Photo, Video, and Writing Contest
Musings from the Blind Birder: Getting Hooked on Birds
Martha Steele
John’s World of Birds: Happy Feet (Redux)
John Kricher
Field Notes
First Confirmed Breeding of Sandhill Cranes in Worcester Count   Wendy Howes and Alan Rawle
Second Record of Painted Bunting in Berkshire County   Ken Schopp
Carolina Wrens Nesting Observations   Lindi Higgins
About Books: The Wanderers
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January-February 2022
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Eastern Wood-Pewee
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2022, Vol. 50, No. 2
Birding Sandy Neck and the Barnstable Great Marsh, Cape Cod
Peter Crosson
Eleventh Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee
Trevor B. Persons, Tom Aversa, Kyle A. Lima, Magill Weber, and Louis R. Bevier
Notes on the Birds of Hull, 1896
John Galluzzo
The History of Bird Observer: Chapter 1: The First Five Years
William E. Davis, Jr.
Photo Essay: Birds of the 11th Maine Bird Records Committee Report
Bird Observer’s Fiftieth Anniversary Photo, Video, and Writing Contest
Field Notes
Turkey Vultures Nest in Tree House   Wendy Howes and Alan Rawle
Radio-tagging a Black Vulture Hatched in Massachusetts   Thomas W. French
Great Blue Walkabout   Jeffrey Boone Miller
About Books: GYR!
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November–December 2021
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Northern Parula
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Anna Stunkel
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2022, Vol. 50, No. 1
Letter from the Editor
Marsha C. Salett
Steller’s Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) Visits Massachusetts for a First State Record
Lisa Schibley and Marshall J. Iliff
Northern Owl Species That Overwinter in New England
Sean Riley
Bird Observer Turns 50: Reflections of the Editors
Musings from the Blind Birder: Getting Into a Birding Pickle
Martha Steele
About Books: Becoming Enchanted
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September-October 2021
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover Photographer: Zachary Holderby
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

December 2023, Vol. 51, No. 6
Birding Odiorne Point State Park, Rye, New Hampshire
Brett Hillman
New Hampshire’s Mississippi Kites Have Another Disappointing Nesting Year in 2023
Steve Mirick
Using iNaturalist to Understand Marine Bird Mortality
Natasha Bartolotta, Tatsiana (Tania) Barychka, Tabatha Cormier, Mark Pokras, Caleb Spiegel, and Stephanie Avery-Gomm
The History of Bird Observer: Chapters 8–10
William E. Davis, Jr.
Doug Chickering (August 14, 1941, to September 17, 2023): Plum Island Birders Lose a Dear Friend
Steve Grinley
Photo Essay: Birds of Ordione State Park
Brett Hillman
Musings from the Blind Birder: A Birding Paradox
Martha Steele
Field Notes
The History of Two Baltimore Oriole Songs   Peter W. Oehlkers
About Books: Ticks and Tipples
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: July-August 2023
Jason Forbes and Robert H. Stymeist
Jason Forbes is Bird Observer’s New Bird Sightings Editor
Marsha C. Salett
Bygone Birds
Robert H. Stymeist
About the Cover: Dovekie
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Steve Hamlin
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2023, Vol. 51, No. 5
Birding Brewster’s Woods and October Farm Riverfront, Concord, Massachusetts
Stephanie Kane and David Swain
Finding the Lesser Sand-Plover (Charadrius mongolus): the First State Record for Massachusetts
Mary Keleher
Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus) Found on Long Beach, Cape Cod, Is the Second Record for Massachusetts
Natalie Donofrio, Jory Teltser, and Marsha C. Salett
Fourth Report of the Rhode Island Avian Records Committee: Review of Recent Reports Through 2020
Shaibal S. Mitra, Chair; Doug Wilson, Secretary, Robert Emerson, Rachel Farrell, Paul L’Etoile, Peter Paton, and Scott Tsagarakis
Photo Essay: Birds of the Fourth Report of the Rhode Island Avian Records Committee
John’s World of Birds: I Saw the Bird
John Kricher
Field Notes
The Adventures of American Oystercatcher Yellow 25   Bonnie Tate
About Books: The Poet, The Joker, and “The Ex”
Mark Lynch
Peter Vale (May 31, 1946–May 13, 2023)
Bird Sightings: May-June 2023
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
Neil Hayward Retires as Bird Sightings Editor and Returns to England   Marsha C. Salett
Bird Observer Has Been Sent to You by Renée LaFontaine for almost 20 years; We Thank Her Upon Her Retirement   Marsha C. Salett
About the Cover: Broad-winged Hawk
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2023, Vol. 51, No. 4
Birding Frederick White Farm, Durham, Connecticut
Leslie Bulion
Saltmarsh Sparrows: in Limbo Between Survival and Extinction
Bri Benvenuti
Photo Essay: Saltmarsh Sparrows
Historical Saltmarsh Land Usage in New England
Geoff Wilson and Susan Adamowicz
Demographics of Saltmarsh Sparrows at Belle Isle Marsh Reservation, Boston
Elizabeth “Lis” M. Kernan and Sean Riley
Saltmarsh Restoration at Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary and Barnstable Great Marsh
Annalee Tweitmann, Gene Albanese, and John Herbert
The Great Marsh, Essex County, Massachusetts: A Collaborative Restoration
Nancy Pau, Patricia Huckery, and Russ Hopping
Musings from the Blind Birder: Stoking and Birding Blind on the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail
Martha Steele
John’s World of Birds: On Being a Feeder Watcher
John Kricher
About Books: Extinction Birding
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March-April 2023
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: American Oystercatcher
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2023, Vol. 51, No. 3
Birds of Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island, Maine Part Three: Blue Hill Bay, Western MDI
Michael J. Good
The Precipitous Decline of Black-crowned Night-Herons in Massachusetts and the Northeast
Katharine C. Parsons
The History of Bird Observer: Chapter 7
William E. Davis, Jr.
William Brewster’s Photographs
Dana Duxbury-Fox
Photo Essay: William Brewster’s Photographs
Musings from the Blind Birder: Meeting at the Intersection of Interspecies Encounters
Martha Steele
Tricky Birds: Dark Ibises
Sebastian Jones
Field Notes
Salt Pannes: A Summer Stopover for Shorebirds   Michael Rossacci
Observing a Northern Flicker in the Late Summer Sun   Bonnie Tate
About Books: In The Footsteps of Audubon and Darwin
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January-February 2023
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Black-crowned Night-Heron
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2023, Vol. 51, No. 3
Birds of Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island, Maine Part Three: Blue Hill Bay, Western MDI
Michael J. Good
The Precipitous Decline of Black-crowned Night-Herons in Massachusetts and the Northeast
Katharine C. Parsons
The History of Bird Observer: Chapter 7
William E. Davis, Jr.
William Brewster’s Photographs
Dana Duxbury-Fox
Photo Essay: William Brewster’s Photographs
Musings from the Blind Birder: Meeting at the Intersection of Interspecies Encounters
Martha Steele
Tricky Birds: Dark Ibises
Sebastian Jones
Field Notes
Salt Pannes: A Summer Stopover for Shorebirds   Michael Rossacci
Observing a Northern Flicker in the Late Summer Sun   Bonnie Tate
About Books: In The Footsteps of Audubon and Darwin
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January-February 2023
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Black-crowned Night-Heron
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

April 2023, Vol. 51, No. 2
Birds of Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island, Maine, Part Two: Somes Sound, Central MDI
Michael J. Good
Ten Million Acres of Bird Habitat in Northern Maine
John M. Hagan
The History of Bird Observer. Chapter 6
William E. Davis, Jr.
Twelfth Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee
Louis R. Bevier, Trevor B. Persons, Kyle A. Lima, Will Russell, and Douglas P. Hitchcox
Photo Essay: Birds of the Twelfth Maine Bird Records Report
James Baird: Talented Ornithologist, Visionary Conservationist, Captivating Educator, and Mentor to All
Wayne R. Petersen
Musings from the Blind Birder: Photographs, Memory, and the Moment
Martha Steele
Field Note: Owl, Squirrels, and Flickers Time-sharing a Tree Cavity (William E. Davis, Jr.)
Field Note: Great Blue Takes a Swim (Kathleen M. Buckley and Jeffrey Boone Miller)
Bird Sightings: November-December 2022
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Least Bittern
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Steve Hamlin
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2023, Vol. 51, No. 1
Birding Burrage Pond Wildlife Management Area, Hanson and Halifax, Massachusetts
Nate Marchessault
Wheelchair Birders Face Challenges in New England
Heather Finlay-Morreale
Accessible Birding in Winter
Meghadeepa Maity
Accessible Birding Sites in Massachusetts: 2023 Update
Marcy Marchello, Mary O’Neil, and Marsha C. Salett
Photo Essay: Accessible Birding Sites in Massachusetts
About Books: The Rasa of the Mango-Colored Bird
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September-October 2022
Neil Hayward and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Neil Hayward
About the Cover: Red-breasted Merganser
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

October 2024, Vol. 52, No. 5
Birding The Mount and Laurel Lake, Lenox, Massachusetts
Zach Adams
Bird Flu: An Emerging Threat From a Decades-old Virus
Wendy Puryear
Birds Are Moving Toward More Northerly Latitudes
Leora Ferrari
Photo Essay: Birds of The Mount and Laurel Lake
Tricky Birds: Ammospiza Sparrows and Friends
Sebastian Jones
Guest Commentary: Bird People
Scott McMorrow
William E. (Ted) Davis Jr. November 17, 1936–August 22, 2024
About Books: Unravelling The Ethics of Killing for Conservation
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: May–June 2024
Jason Forbes and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Robert H. Stymeist
About the Cover: Common Goldeneye
Lily Morello
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

August 2024, Vol. 52, No. 4
Birding the Merrimack River Floodplain in Concord, New Hampshire
Pamela Hunt
Shorebird Counts at Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, a Critical Migration Staging Area
Brian Harrington
Western Wood-Pewee (Contopus sordidulus) at Tuckernuck Island, Massachusetts
Richard R. Veit and Lucinda C. Zawadzki
Fifth Report of the Rhode Island Avian Records Committee
Shaibal S. Mitra, Chair, Doug Wilson, Secretary, Robert Emerson, Rachel Farrell, Paul L’Etoile, Peter Paton, and Scott Tsagarakis
Photo Essay: Birds of the Fifth Report of the Rhode Island Avian Records Committee
Musings from the Blind Birder: Hummingbirds in Human Culture
Martha Steele
John’s World of Birds: Roger Tory Peterson, Mrs. Burrell, and 10,000 Bird Species
John Kricher
About Books: Chasing Phantoms
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: March–April 2024
Jason Forbes and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Robert H. Stymeist
About the Cover: American Golden-Plover
Lily Morello
About the Cover Artist: Barry Van Dusen
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

June 2024, Vol. 52, No. 3
Birds of Acadia National Park’s Schoodic Peninsula, Maine
Michael J. Good
Least Terns in Massachusetts: A Captivating Coastal Bird
Lyra Brennan
A Preliminary Review of 36 years of Breeding Bird Surveys at Quabbin Reservation, Massachusetts
Hillary Siener
Black-capped Chickadees on Tuckernuck Island, Massachusetts, Have a Unique Song
Lily Morello
Photo Essay: Birds of Schoodic Peninsula
Field Notes
Musings from the Blind Birder: Birds: Our Natural Soundtrack
Martha Steele
About Books: Birds Around the Clock
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: January–February 2024
Jason Forbes and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Robert H. Stymeist
About the Cover: Cliff Swallow
Lily Morello
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
Introducing Lily Morello as the New Cover Art Editor
Marsha C. Salett
^ top

April 2024, Vol. 52, No. 2
Birding Boston’s Premier Spring Migrant Trap: McLaughlin Woods
Justine B. Hanson
Less Mowing, More Buzzing: ‘Lazy Lawn Mowers’ Create a Buzz for Bee Conservation
Susannah B. Lerman
Thirteenth Report of the Maine Bird Records Committee
Louis R. Bevier, Trevor B. Persons, and Kyle A. Lima
The Pine Warblers of Wellfleet Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
James Junda and Valérie Bourdeau
Thank you, William E. (Ted) Davis, Jr.—Bird Observer’s Most Prolific Author and Observer Extraordinaire
Wayne R. Petersen and John Kricher
Photo Essay: Birds of the Thirteenth Maine Bird Records Committee
Field Notes
Prime Real Estate in the Marsh    Bonnie Tate
Late Nesting Chickadee    Mary Keleher
Fishing and Bathing Behavior of a Lesser Black-backed Gull    William E. Davis, Jr.
About Books: Writers and Artists
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: November–December 2023
Jason Forbes and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Robert H. Stymeist
About the Cover: House Wren
Marsha C. Salett
About the Cover Artist: John Sill
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

February 2024, Vol. 52, No. 1
Birding the Upper Valley of Vermont and New Hampshire
Christopher C. Rimmer and L. Kyle Jones
Twenty-sixth Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee
Marshall J. Iliff, Peter Crosson, Sebastian Jones, and Jeremiah Trimble
Photo Essay: Birds of the Twenty-sixth MARC Report
Tricky Birds: Large Alcids
Sebastian Jones
Musings from the Blind Birder: Birds, Balsam, and Wreaths
Martha Steele
John’s World of Birds: Say, What’s in a Name?
John Kricher
Field Notes
An Owl Surprise at Salisbury Beach State Reservation   Sandy Selesky
About Books: The Big Slaughter
Mark Lynch
Bird Sightings: September–October 2023
Jason Forbes and Robert H. Stymeist
Bygone Birds
Robert H. Stymeist
About the Cover: Mallard
William E. Davis, Jr.
About the Cover Artist: Steve Hamlin
At a Glance
Wayne R. Petersen
^ top

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Supporting photography by Just Your Nature.
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